How is a Pilot "Professional"?

Only pilots would spare 3 seconds to care whether other pilots are using a backpack or not. I mean short of it being pink and having hello kitty on it I can guarantee not one single passenger gives a flying flip.
Rollaboard, flight case, lunch case, gun case, camera case, shave kit, nasal cpap bag, chipotle bag, and the hat. Yeah I've flown with that guy.

Omg you work for a certain Dayton based airline and flew with a certain CA. That totally outed it, lol

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Omg you work for a certain Dayton based airline and flew with a certain CA. That totally outed it, lol

Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
I know nothing. :D

As for your signature.
Only pilots would spare 3 seconds to care whether other pilots are using a backpack or not. I mean short of it being pink and having hello kitty on it I can guarantee not one single passenger gives a flying flip.

Ever see the movie mean girls? Well uniform on those girls and you'd think you were in a crew room.
Now we are defending the backpack. That's it. I'm officially old.

When the roll-aboard bags first came around apparently the same arguments were made. Meh, a bag is a bag. If your uniform is pressed, and you act professionally, who cares? A backpack on one shoulder with an iPod headphone coming out one side is not professional.
Well, that's a case where a dumb rule is a rule nonetheless and ought to be followed. C'est la vie.
Fine, but that seems to be the exception rather than the rule. There's a big difference in a backpack attached to a bag and one draped over one shoulder with your blazer on.
Rules is rules...more or less, anyway. (I'm not sure anyone has read them in as much detail as much as I have, but that's another issue.)
A professional pilot should always look presentable:Perhaps it’s a generational thing, but too many times I have seen pilots looking like slobs with messy wrinkled shirts, 5 o’clock shadows and iPods permanently attached to their ears in the FBO and in some cases, terminals. What kind of image does this send?/

Come talk to me at the end of a 24 hour duty day that required a crew load.
Les Abend. Seriously. I remember reading an article about him commuting into JFK and then shaving again because he had an hour before his flight.

Have you seen the dude's 'stache? If he didn't manicure it when he had the chance he would likely get intercepted on his way to the gate and asked about diabeetus and how good Liberty Medical can really be.

This guy was a sticker for appearance standards too, and he steamed across his own towline and cut it—amongst other things—while obsessing about minutia. (His predecessor was a red-hot ship handler that let the place be run like it was the hooligan Navy, for those who are unfamiliar with this movie/the book.)

Somewhere between Captain Queeg and Captain de Vriess is a happy medium, is my thinking.
My company tells me not to in uniform, so I don't.

Why? Never crossed my mind.

If I ever get fired, it's going to be for a far better reason than not following some simple policy. Doesn't matter if it's fair or not.

"Fair is Fair!"

"Shut up and drink your Nehi and EAT YOUR CONEY ISLAND"
Backpack for the ladder to the 747 upper deck on my deadheads, 5 o'clock shadow because mine grows out relatively quickly and I'll have it after a 12 hour day.

Oh, and between 5 pilots on my last company deadhead, 4 of us had backpacks. ;)