USAirways East Vs West AKA "Why you should never write a judge"

I don't take sides on east west, but they way the easts see it is a Major airline merging with a regional airline not a major.
I really don't know any.

I know they're probably out there.

Even when a relatively small southeastern domestic airline bought some of the assets and routes of a crumbling giant, Pan Am, it seems like the attitudes were mostly "Whew! That was close! Lets go fly jets"

With our last merger, as far as I've seen, it's just "we did things a little better at (whatever) when it comes to (whatever)" but there's no declarations that one side should have hegemonic rule over the other.

We largely got the "Nicolau Award" when Delta and NWA merged and the rational people found it fair and equitable. There are a small handful of people on the fringes that shook their fists about "their number" but eventually did the math and mellowed out.

I guess that is a long way of saying "Not very pervasive".

That's what I've hated most about our merger. We're both crappy regional airlines. Thinking that one is better than the other, or that one side deserves more than the other is ridiculous. In most cases, people went to the first place that hired them.
That's what I've hated most about our merger. We're both crappy regional airlines. Thinking that one is better than the other, or that one side deserves more than the other is ridiculous. In most cases, people went to the first place that hired them.

Yup! Back in the day, the "airline to work for" was United. But through a connection, Southernjets called and hired me and I thought "Yeah, this'll work".

The whole "brand new airplanes to Europe" is facepalm worthy. It's like applying for SouthernJets because you want to fly 747's. Most won't because there aren't that many.
I don't take sides on east west, but they way the easts see it is a Major airline merging with a regional airline not a major.

I don't really see how that matters. If a major buys a regional and decides to merge the lists, they should be merged just like any other 121 carrier. The jobs just aren't that different. Fences and the like are appropriate, but the seniority itself should be no different.
How pervasive would you 121 guys say that the attitude and worldview of Capt Anderson is amongst the seniority lists of the majors?

Most of the J4J guys could have written that letter.

I'd say it's organization dependent. Guys here still bitch even though their % seniority was the same, although it didn't gel with longevity.

In Anderson's case, he had mega longevity, but was bottom reserve IIRC, which is very low seniority.
I don't really see how that matters. If a major buys a regional and decides to merge the lists, they should be merged just like any other 121 carrier. The jobs just aren't that different. Fences and the like are appropriate, but the seniority itself should be no different.
How far would you be willing to take that? If Delta purchased Mesa, would it be fair to ratio in Senior mesa captains in with Delta 777 Captains?
How far would you be willing to take that? If Delta purchased Mesa, would it be fair to ratio in Senior mesa captains in with Delta 777 Captains?

I'm not sure there's one merger that has used a ratio basis as the sole basis for merging two lists, at least of the ones that have gone to arbitration.
So I posted this on my regional forum. Someone said they were in a USair jumpseat today and asked the Captain of he knew of the letter. The Captain laughed and said everyone knew already and also that this guy is on a leave because he is the lead suspect in a murder case in Seattle.

Rumors and myths. Would love to get it substantiated though.
this guy is on a leave because he is the lead suspect in a murder case in Seattle.

Investigators had identified James Anderson, a Washington pilot that Wales had investigated, as a possible suspect.

Lots more on Google that is very interesting...

James Anderson, at the time that the case was dismissed, was a forty-year-old pilot for U.S. Airways, who lived alone in Beaux Arts, a Seattle suburb.
How far would you be willing to take that? If Delta purchased Mesa, would it be fair to ratio in Senior mesa captains in with Delta 777 Captains?

That's what fences are for, but yes, I stand by my statement. If two 121 carriers merge, they should merge the lists, not staple.
... since we're dredging it up, does anybody have the Nicolau award and how it integrated the two lists? I'd be interested to see exactly what so many people are up in arms over.

Remember- this is what spawned Springer-esque chair throwing at USAPA meetings a few years back.
I don't take sides on east west, but they way the easts see it is a Major airline merging with a regional airline not a major.

Riiiiiightttttt........Airways had what.......20 or so 'wide bodies' at the time of the merger?

That's not to many...

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IIRC, he told me he was in the bottom 100 or so until their hiring burst from 99-01.

He didn't seem bothered coming to a company he didn't work for and hop into the left seat ahead of all the FOs on the list.

Yeah (as a current RAH pilot) it was always my impression those guys got a sweetheart deal. Furlough from Airways? That's okay right into the left seat of a 70-75 seat jet and IIRC they still kept the same pay from Airways right?

He's had an easier ride than a lot of guys I know. Awhile back I had a mainline CA in my j/s that was close to retirement. As it turned it he was from my hometown, but I actually felt bad for him when he said Southernjets was his 13th airline with numerous furloughs in between. I immediately called shenanigans... But he rattled them off.

Our letter writer has definitely had far from a rough ride in his career.