It never seems like a "clique" to the ones that are known. I can see an outsiders point of view of that it SEEMS like their is that cliquish feeling going on. I have been around awhile and know some people on this board, so I know there aren't any clique's, just people that know each other and josh around with each other. Now I see us regular members maybe extending the olive branch a little more when the newbies post (ie. include them on the general conversations). If someone lurks and doesn't try to get involved, then they turn around and yell "JC is full of cliques" then shame on them.
I can attest that from a new member standpoint the forum might seem a bit "clique."
I only joined recently and I feel right at home. I participate actively and have had good post-reply interaction, not to mention I have already had nice PM contact with plenty of fine folk so far.
However, I can recall ,while I was still lurking, that I thought the site looked to be a bit of a members only club, with the same members posting all the time, and other members seemingly only really taking interest in the old timers that they knew.
I think most people on board here extend a pretty warm welcome to newcomers, I know I got a nice welcome when I joined, and a lot of help (local information) within the first few weeks I was a member. I guess one thing you have to keep in mind when you are new to a forum, or anything else for that matter, is that you are NEW.
You wouldn't walk into a new job and expect everyone to be your buddy on the first day, would you. There are already going to be people there that know each other, and interact better with each other then they will with you, at least for a while. I think a forum is not so different. If anything it is better in many ways, as I feel that people here are more inclined to help others much quicker then you might in a different environment, such as school or work.
I personally plan to meet as many JCer's as possible once I get back to American soil (Which should be soon!), and then I will take it as it comes. If it is a bit of a closed shop, then so be it, you can't be everyone's best friend. However, if it was truly a member's only mentality, which I am pretty certain it isn't, then there wouldn't be any meet and greats or conventions. What would be the point? The "cliques" would simply meet on their own, without any public announcements on the forum, and enjoy themselves
I feel that if you have posted endless and get little attention or reaction, have attended NJCs or meet and greats and felt shut out, well then you might have something to complain about, but (As Sprint stated above) if you don't make any attempts to get involved, then you only have yourself to blame.
I kind of figure that you will get out of the forum what you put into it.