What made you choose freight?

I think that was the worst part about freight. The damn out stations. I got put up in basically a pay by the hour place and wasn't there for five minutes before I got hit up by a barefoot cracked out hooker. I called dispatch and told them to find me another place or I was taking the plane and flying it home.
I got furloughed from wonderful Mesa Airlines and didn't want to starve, so freight it was! Much better QOL than the most junior Dash-8 FO in Denver.
Are there any freight gigs that would be interested in a lowly cfi too broke to afford multi time...? Got about 1100TT, but all in single engine piston cessnas.
Flight Express still starting folks in the 210? You'd still need 135 mins (1200tt and some other requirements I can't recall right now) but you're close.

FWIW, I was hired into a 310 with a whopping 10 hours of multi. Really solid instrument skills are probably more important than a ton of twin time, although like everything else in aviation that depends on where you go and who you talk to. :-)
I know where I work has hired folks into the Chieftain with very little multi. I only had 38, and rumor is some folks had less.

As for Flight Express, as I said I'm sure someone with more info than I will chime in. And yes, you'd still need 1200 hours plus all the other 135 IFR mins.
Flight Express doesn't really exist anymore. It's Airnet now. No idea how their structure works. FLX used to hire guys with less than 135 IFR mins to fly in Florida VFR only until they had the time. Don't know if Airnet does that or not.
Pretty sure the days of VFR 135 are behind us. For now. Might turn out to be the next Nirvana for puppymill grads somewhere down the line. In which case, look out below.
I did freight cause it's all I could get...don't regret 99% of it...the Van was good to me.

My 2nd lightening strike I started exploring other avenues...

My Caravan time is golden on my resume...
Are there any freight gigs that would be interested in a lowly cfi too broke to afford multi time...? Got about 1100TT, but all in single engine piston cessnas.
AirNet. They'll hire you with 1100 total and put you in a baron and possibly an old FLX 210 if they ever come online.
AirNet. They'll hire you with 1100 total and put you in a baron and possibly an old FLX 210 if they ever come online.
Yeah, I applied there a while back but never heard anything from em. I was optimistic because they specifically said no flight time mins on the hiring page, but no luck.
Yeah, I applied there a while back but never heard anything from em. I was optimistic because they specifically said no flight time mins on the hiring page, but no luck.
They're real busy. Pm me and ill send you the email address you should send your stuff to
I only did freight because mid-2008 when I had the hours, everybody (121) was furloughing. I did 3+ years at Ameriflight until the economy recovered somewhat then I went 121.
Let me speak from experience: STAY AWAY FROM 135 FREIGHT. It is the easiest way to jack up your resume. For example, my new hire class consisted of 6 pilots. Over the 3 years, all were fired except me. They want you to fly broken planes, go below minimums to get into places. They treat you like a wuss if you refuse a broken airplane. If you squak a plane with a minor issue the other pilots will talk trash behind your back in the office (heard that stuff all the time). The hours suck. Most weeks I worked 6 days.
Management sucks if your are not buddy-buddy. I was asked by the director of training about my opinion of gays in the military (he is gay, and was thinking about making me a training captain). Equal opportunity? I think not. Oh yeah, and they will try to convince you that they will have a flow-up program with Southwest hahaha.
Take my advice: ABSOLUTELY DEFINITELY GO 121!!!! Do yourself a favor. The only thing I got out of Ameriflight is 1500 turbine pic (which will get me almost nowhere). 121 (even regional) is a thousand times better. Better pay (despite what AMF'rs tell you), way better schedule, way better management (in most cases). In my second year at a regional I made 15K more than I did my third year at AMF.
So other than that, I don't think it really matters where you go :)