What is it like in Florida?

JA Yawd Bwoy

Well-Known Member
As in the flying, living there, the different cultures, is it nice living down there? Anyone who lives there or lived there, could you give me a JC tour so to speak?:) I have a friend who owns (well his mom) a place in palm beach and I would not mind living with him for a while as I also have a lot of family in the Ft. Lauderdale/Lauderhill area. Not to mention its 1 hour away from JA...:nana2:
Florida is the shizzzz digity bomb.

As in the flying
You will never get bored. You are not only always talking to someone but you are dodging foreign students who are trying to take you out.

living there
Florida, especially South Florida has a very high cost of living. It's a great place though. There is always something going on.

the different cultures
All I have to say is bring your passport.

is it nice living down there?

It's awesome. WX is always warm enough for the chickies to be in little to no clothes. Stays warm enough that I only have to wear my long sleeve uniform a few times a year but at the same time hot enough that I have thought I was going to die on several occasions.

Anyone who lives there or lived there, could you give me a JC tour so to speak?:) I have a friend who owns (well his mom) a place in palm beach and I would not mind living with him for a while as I also have a lot of family in the Ft. Lauderdale/Lauderhill area.

Remember I told you the cost of living is high down here? As long as you are in an area where the are code starts with 561 you can take everything I have said about being expensive and times it by 4 or 5.

Not to mention its 1 hour away from JA...
Ya mon. ;)

Sorry for the sarcasm. If you have any other questions you would like me to answer without sarcasm feel free to ask them or send me a PM.
Florida is redic. hot in the summer, even at night. Expect daily Tstorms from noon till about 7 or 8 at night. The flying is pretty nice though as you can dodge the rainstorms and most days are predictable as far as weather conditions go.

I lived there on the Treasure Coast for 2 years and enjoyed it. I couldnt live inland in FL though, wayyyy tooo hottt.
As in the flying, living there, the different cultures, is it nice living down there? Anyone who lives there or lived there, could you give me a JC tour so to speak?:) I have a friend who owns (well his mom) a place in palm beach and I would not mind living with him for a while as I also have a lot of family in the Ft. Lauderdale/Lauderhill area. Not to mention its 1 hour away from JA...:nana2:

Flying is easy, nice n flat till you get to tennessee or n.c..

Cultures, yeah a bit of a melting pot down in south florida.

Living? Not bad at all. Don't know what the prices are down in south florida but up in Jacksonville they're relatively cheap comparative to other cities I've lived in. Plenty of golf courses...

Over all it's pretty sweet, except June through mid-september it's 90% humidity and temps in the high 90's everyday. Pretty miserable but the daily 3pm rain helps. Beach's are nice too, plenty of hotties.

Lived here my whole life and I like it. Teaching now on the east coast in MLB. Like everyone else said, it gets hot, there are t-storms and again, it gets hot. Not bad though. Hope that helps
YMMV but probably about the same as Woodbridge. **Note, I said Woodbridge, not Wood - RIDGE, which would be quite a bit more expensive. I have family in Palm Beach Gardens that pay $1300 for a reasonable two bedroom apartment. I rented a room in a house off of Craigs list in Plantation/Fort Lauderdale border (south of Lauderhill) in a reasonably safe neighborhood for $400. There are obviously much more reasonable places in the country to live too but there are some deals to be had right now in the S FL housing/renting markets.
YMMV but probably about the same as Woodbridge. **Note, I said Woodbridge, not Wood - RIDGE, which would be quite a bit more expensive. I have family in Palm Beach Gardens that pay $1300 for a reasonable two bedroom apartment. I rented a room in a house off of Craigs list in Plantation/Fort Lauderdale border (south of Lauderhill) in a reasonably safe neighborhood for $400. There are obviously much more reasonable places in the country to live too but there are some deals to be had right now in the S FL housing/renting markets.

What is Craigs list? That sounds vey interesting, the 400 a month part...
Florida is ok, the flying is great and the beaches are sweet, but its not Texas so I had to leave.
FiveO covered it pretty well. Also being a New Jerseyite, I need to add (disagree...heh) that Florida, even Southern Florida, is significantly cheaper than most anywhere in New Jersey. It was one hell of a financial relief coming down here, everything is so much cheaper.
FiveO covered it pretty well. Also being a New Jerseyite, I need to add (disagree...heh) that Florida, even Southern Florida, is significantly cheaper than most anywhere in New Jersey. It was one hell of a financial relief coming down here, everything is so much cheaper.

Really? How is your living down there compared to up here if you don't mind:)
I'm trying to get back to jersey. The flying is boring since everything is so freakishly flat and the landscape is all the same. Up north you have more going on. As for the cost of living you can find some cheap places here but you can also find cheap places in nj. It all depends on where you choose to live. As for craigs list, yeah you'll find some posting on there for 400 bucks but you really need to look at the place and the area before you commit to something like that.
Florida transplant here.

The flying: ehhh, glad I didn't do much in bug-smashers VFR. Lots of people going in lots of directions at low altitudes. There's a reason you see one or more mid-airs in FL on the news every year. However, I found the flying I did boring. The T-storms pop up, grow like crazy, but they don't move.

The price: I live on the Space Coast. Pretty comparable where I came from in the midwest. That brings me to:

The weather: Summertime heat and humidity? Nothing worse than I've seen in the midwest or NYC. Just make the "dog days of summer" from June till Oct.

Culture: My general rule of thumb is cosmopolitan between the interstates and the beaches, quite rural in between the interstates (sans Orlando)

South florida is insane, and I'm glad I don't live there.
Really? How is your living down there compared to up here if you don't mind:)

After dealing with cold, snowy winters for 18 years, I sure have been enjoying the past two versions of "winter" that Florida offers. I'm down here for college, and while although it may be different than owning a house, I guess most of the same rules apply. Cost of living, as I mentioned before, seems to stand out the most. Everything from the price of food, to gas, to houses (I did not know that houses under 500k existed, seriously. Now I see sub 200k daily.), entertainment, is significantly cheaper. It is nice to take my girlfriend out to the movies and dinner for about half the price than it would cost back home.

Traffic on major roads seems less, unless its rush hour, but that may just be because they are pathetic drivers...onto that! Florida drivers are the worst I have ever seen in my life. I've only been driving for about five years, but in the two I've spent in Florida, I have been in so many near-accidents. People here just do not pay attention and do not follow the law-- be it from right of way laws to running red lights. In Jersey, this was seldom. The police are very strict where I am. I have had friends pulled over for doing 48 in a 45 and ticketed.

People here are incredibly disrespectful towards property. My car was brand new and flawless until I came down here. I took the same care of it here as I did 1000 miles north. It now has dings, scratches, and I even was backed into and the driver just left. I go out of my way to keep my car in good condition, such as parking in the back of a lot. I come out to find a 1980 barely-running Civic (or other POS) parked 6 inches from my door. Is that supposed to be funny? I am from Middletown, NJ-- a much safer place than any part of Florida could hope to be. So the lifestyle change in regards to personal security was new to me.

The weather is phenomenal though, especially in the winter. I'd say it's usually 70s in the day, and 50s at night. Some odd days are in the 50s and low 30s at night, but not too many of those. Summer was way too hot until I got used to it. The daily thunderstorms can be a hassle sometimes, but not that big of a deal...

Flying is nice, but even more terrainless than NJ. The controllers are a lot more accommodating down here than the EWR, JFK, LGA, PHL group. No problems with them. Watch out for the foreign student pilots though, as said before, they are here to get you killed.

I do enjoy living here, especially for the weather. Otherwise, if you have any specific questions, let me know.
I lived NSB for about 2 years and then a little TPA with a little SGJ and JAX, and loved it all. Great weather, great flying, very little real IFR. Winters got down to low 40's a couple of times with summers around mid 90's with a breeze.
As far as cost of living goes, the further from the beach the better the price. Deals are to be had regardless of buying or renting. It just takes a little research.