what are line service jobs?


Mama Bear....
Staff member
is it anything non-pilot but airport related or what?

does it encompass ramping, fueling, CSA, reservations, gate agents and so forth or is it only for the smaller FBO type airports vs major airports?
I view line service as those who work on the ramp around aircraft. For instance, as a member of the line staff, I am responsible for fueling, tugging, and deicing planes. I have many different responsibilites but I'd say that those are my primary ones.
Operations mgr,Fueling,Deicing,Parking, Go on charters when I can. I love my job. Make fun of BeechPilot as much as possible.:nana2:
why is it not considered an airline thing? aren't all line service jobs similar?

i mean, if we get people inquiring about being a baggage handler and/or ramper (airline or not), can i put those threads in this forum?
<P>Yes, any sort of ramp work, whether it be for GA or airline, is considered line service.&nbsp; Just some positions are more inclusive than others.&nbsp; For example, a luggage&nbsp;handler for an airline may not be responsible for fueling the aircraft while in other arenas, a line service technician may have to do it all.</P>
<P>It would be safe for you to put any sort of thread or inquiries about ground service for an aircraft that does not have to deal with A&amp;P work under Line Service.</P>
It's just that all the things a "line service technician" does tend to be separate, dedicated jobs on the airline side. At Southernjets, you don't see (many) people who pump fuel AND chuck bags AND drive the crew shuttle AND wash airplanes AND dump the lavs AND ride the deicing bucket, etc. As a line guy at an FBO, I did all of the above.
Line service is generally on the GA side, but extends into the airline side at some airports. I work for an FBO in New Orleans and handle all corporate aircraft and fuel SWA because we have a contract with them.
I think Rod Machado put it best: We are not "Gas Guys (or Gals)", We are "Internal Combustion Liquid Petroleum Allocation Managers!" :rawk:
I think Rod Machado put it best: We are not "Gas Guys (or Gals)", We are "Internal Combustion Liquid Petroleum Allocation Managers!" :rawk:

I always called myself a Petroleum Distribution Engineer. I guess it's about the same. They even made business cards for us with that on it.
Line service jobs are some of the most under appreciated and under rated fields of endeavor in the airline industry.

Hats off to the ramp agents everywhere that help make my end of the job that much easier. Your hard efforts are much appreciated by those of us on the flight crews.
Does anyone know how old you have to be to snag a line service job?

Seems like 18 is the standard age at larger FBOs. N57 was persistent at his place and in the end got a job. I think some places don't let you do certain tasks if you are under age though like fueling. So there is little incentive for them to hire someone who is limited.
Seems like 18 is the standard age at larger FBOs. N57 was persistent at his place and in the end got a job. I think some places don't let you do certain tasks if you are under age though like fueling. So there is little incentive for them to hire someone who is limited.

Yup, some places only require you to have a current drivers license, and in some states that is 16 and 6 months old. Alot of places do require you to be 18, but you never know untill you ask. My age is restricting me from moving on currently, I guess I am stuck, but I am definitely not in the worst position. My resume is out there though.