WARNING to those that drink while here...

I am going CRAZY without Costco! I used to go at least once a week. We had 2 within 5 miles either way from us, now the closest one is HOURS away. TOTALLY SUCKS!

MMAC is 6500 South MacArthur Blvd. OKC, OK 73169
I am going CRAZY without Costco! I used to go at least once a week. We had 2 within 5 miles either way from us, now the closest one is HOURS away. TOTALLY SUCKS!

MMAC is 6500 South MacArthur Blvd. OKC, OK 73169

I am NOT a fan of Wal Mart, but there are numerous Sam's Clubs around the OKC area.
I am not a Sam's member but I have considered it. I just know from when I shopped with my mom that the Sam's shopping wasn't as fun as Costco. I don't know why...it just isn't the same!

I am second thinking the drive though since it will be close to Boomersooner ;) Actually, when I filled up I noticed gas is getting expensive again and 3 hours in the car is a cake-walk after the drive to OKC BUT if the weather is half decent I don't want to spend that time in the car. We will see come Saturday morning I guess.
I am not a Sam's member but I have considered it. I just know from when I shopped with my mom that the Sam's shopping wasn't as fun as Costco. I don't know why...it just isn't the same!

I am second thinking the drive though since it will be close to Boomersooner ;) Actually, when I filled up I noticed gas is getting expensive again and 3 hours in the car is a cake-walk after the drive to OKC BUT if the weather is half decent I don't want to spend that time in the car. We will see come Saturday morning I guess.

Make sure you stop halfway for Fried Pies (they are actually tasty) and Robertson's Ham Sandwiches (never had them)!! You'll see the signs.
As far as not telling my husband...we keep no secrets, oh and he peruses this board frequently :)

We are up for a wii party anytime...well other than this Saturday cause we are going to go to Texas and find a Costco :) Oh and the following weekend my family is flying in town to visit for a couple days...and the next weekend...

No seriously, give us a call and we can get together. We play different games daily. We even got our wii fit in the mail this week (my mom mailed it cause we forgot it). If you wait until my family leaves we will have ALL our wii games (having my mom bring them for us).

Well my gf will be here this weekend so maybe, depending on how Miss California takes the weather. Secondly, honestly, I wouldn't post anything on here that I wouldn't expect your husband to see, I fancy myself a bit of a comedian, I have a very dry sense of humor, but hey, everyone is funny after a few martini's. As far as Costco... when you go, lemme know so I can give you 30 or 40 and you can see if you can fit a couple cases of real beer for me... or any of the guys that get onto Tinker, yo hit me up:sarcasm::sarcasm::sarcasm:, I have enough to get me through until Feburary.
Well my gf will be here this weekend so maybe, depending on how Miss California takes the weather. Secondly, honestly, I wouldn't post anything on here that I wouldn't expect your husband to see, I fancy myself a bit of a comedian, I have a very dry sense of humor, but hey, everyone is funny after a few martini's. As far as Costco... when you go, lemme know so I can give you 30 or 40 and you can see if you can fit a couple cases of real beer for me... or any of the guys that get onto Tinker, yo hit me up:sarcasm::sarcasm::sarcasm:, I have enough to get me through until Feburary.

I knew you were just joking and weren't trying to hide if from my hubby. I should have used a wink not a smile. I thought I had done the ;) but alas I didn't. I got it was a joke...trust me :p

Well Ms. CA should have a good weekend here if you venture outside. From what I have seen it is supposed to be sunny, slight southern breeze (so warm) and 60 on Saturday. I swear weather here is so up and down! I never know if it will be cold and needing all winter items or warm and maybe a slight jacket...ughh!

Costco is a FOR SURE as long as we get the per diem :panic: I really need to get out and Dallas sounds fun to wander around for a couple hours before getting Costco in and heading home with all our frozen and refrigerator needing foods.
People that have more constructive things to watch, like South Park, The Simpson's, Family Guy, American Dad and The Weather Channel:sarcasm::sarcasm:

Alright, the Weather Channel is on! That is my favorite! I really love it when they do the live reporting whenever a Hurricane rolls in.

Newsroom: "We now go live to Dave 'FNG' Roberts who is live on the beach as cat 5 Hurricane Pablo makes land fall. Dave what is it like down there?"

Dave, tied to a tree for support and weighing 20 extra lbs from the water soaked into his clothes: "Well as you can see it's a been raining most of the day and the wind has picked up a bit. I will be here for about the next 20 hrs because I can't get the knot out of my rope. Back to you."

Breaking news and brilliant insight. What more do you need?
I am going CRAZY without Costco! I used to go at least once a week. We had 2 within 5 miles either way from us, now the closest one is HOURS away. TOTALLY SUCKS!

MMAC is 6500 South MacArthur Blvd. OKC, OK 73169

Wow! I feel the same way about a Target, but I've never heard anyone talk about Costco like that! How many people are you feeding in the house? And ARMY?
There are only 4 in my family but Costco has sooo much more than food. I like to look down the isle that has scrapbook stuff and of course the books and electronics/trinkets. I love the "display items" meaning speciality items such as paintings, hot tubs, furniture, clothing or really anything that come and go sometimes weekly sometimes bi-weekly. They also have a good home appliances isle that is fun to look at new and inventive ideas for.

Costco just seems to have lots and while there is the staples (they have cheap fresh fruit and veggies, cheese, milk, eggs and bread), I also getting the stuff that is there one week and gone the next so it changes up.

I get 2% back on all my purchases so a lot of times I would go and do my shopping then a couple days later my sister would call and want to get some stuff. My mom would call a couple days later. It was a cycle so I was there a lot for other people as well as myself. Now I am here and can't go anywhere during the day other than walking distance...which means Dollar General...YAY :sarcasm:
It's funny cause I alwayssay my two favorate places in the world are 1. Disney World, and 2. Costco.

I am crazy obsessed with costco, and it's just me and my wife. Haha. No kids
Glad I am not the only one! That place is addicting I tell you!!! Costco membership NEVER goes unpaid; mainly cause I get enough $$$ back to not have to BUT...if it were between my electric bill or costco...costco would win ;)
Gross! Shouldn't that fall under the "Do Not Do This At OKC" catagory as well?

Well, as an Arizona Diamonds once said, "It takes more than nine Yanks to beat our Johnson". I have found that most of the "Inappropriateness" isn't from the action, it is from how the offended twists it. Granted there are things take are inappropriate, like I want to ______ my ______ in your _______. Granted, last time I heard something along those lines I looked at that guy and said, "You want to slam your head in her car door? Sounds painful to me buddy".

Wanted to know I totally have your back. Just because we're not actual applicants doesn't mean we can't contribute to the conversation. Most of the people on this forum are stumbling in the dark just like me, looking for information. They aren't in the club yet either.

Sure, I can't post about my personal experience taking the ATSAT, but my husband and I are in this together now. I read the green book, I played with the simulators, I helped him study, I drove him to the test and I agonized every minute that I waited to take him home.

Since he works longer hours than me, I spend the time it takes to sift through these forums to find the pearls of helpful information. My research is just as important as it would be if he had done it and I can pass it along to others even though I'm not an applicant. That's the cool thing about information; it can benefit anyone who finds it.