WARNING to those that drink while here...

I wonder how such a degenerated person ever reached a position in air traffic control.

Hot Lips: [About Hawkeye] I wonder how such a degenerated person ever reached a position of authority in the Army Medical Corps.
Father Mulcahy: He was drafted.

MASH (1970)


just like it is none of the FAA's business.

Absolutely incorrect. What you do on your free time, if it reflects badly on your employer, is the FFAA's business. Seen it time and time again, in over 23 years as a controller, where someone does something that reflects poorly on themselves outside of work and punishement is handed down up to and including termination. Not just probies, but folks with 15+ years of experience. That's why you read, and sign, the code of conduct EVERY year.
Why feel bad for them? They made the decision to get drunk in the first place. I hope the FAA cans them and sends their asses packing.

Guys shouldn't treat women like garbage EVER. So much of what ATC involves relies on judgement. It's even in the .65. If you encounter a situation not covered in the .65, you're instructed to proceed according to your best judgement. These guys obviously lack it and need to get sent back to whatever cave they came from.

Here, here! :yup:
WFT..... ok I don't think this thread was necessary, but why is everybody freaking out? She has some information that she thought might be useful and decided to share it. Whether its gossip or an outside perspective, appreciate it as someone trying to help you by offering advice.
So... you arent a controller, or in training to be a controller, but you post on here all the things your husband comes home and complains about?

[sarcasm]Wow, I cant wait to keep reading[/sarcasm]
So, for a quick recap..

-Don't be an idiot.
-Take some responsibility.
-Go on with life.

Right? :)

ATLTRACON Anti-post removal smiley™ does not guarantee, insure, or make any assumption that said post will not be removed, expunged, or obliterated. ATLTRACON Anti-post removal smiley™ is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. In the event of an ATLTRACON Anti-post removal smiley™ failure, the safest position is in the interior room of a sturdy structure, preferably in a doorway or bathtub.

OMG! This disclaimer is even funnier! :laff:
As someone that is currently at the FAA Academy and is a new hire. I agree with Teetee, mostly because my instructor, WHO IS AN FAA employee (Green Badge) has repeated reminded us that if we go out, yes what happens among friends stays among friends, it will create a negative working environment for everyone that work with that group. Secondly, when you are part of any big organization, to the media and thusly the general population, you becose a fully active member in that organization. I.e. FAA Air Traffic Controller has a nervous break down, murders wife and kids. This would be on the front page of every paper and the top of the hour story of every news telecast out there. Sorry for being melodramic with my example, and if there is anyone in the field that knows of this actually happening, my apologizes are one their way. I know, it would probably be more like, FAA Air Traffic Controller arrested for drunk driving; Runway Incursions at an all time high. Painting the picture that all Controllers are lushes and that is why safety is being compromised.

Back to the original post, I understand why Teetee was giving everyone a heads up, she is a nice person, I think. But if you want to insult her, belittle her, or down right think you are better than her, shove off! We are suppose to be professional adults here. ATLtracon pointed it out, we aren't all adults, regardless of age. I count myself as a responsible, I do have my moments, what 22 year old doesn't. But my opinion, you want to come to OKC, and "Learn" to control traffic, great. You want to drink on your off time, great. You want to get so drunk you can't stand up straight, great! But let me tell you this, if you can't be grown-up enough to understand that everytime you sign something it is a legally binding document or that the Code-of-Conduct extends into your personal life as well because you are now a sworn in member of the United States Government, if you are really that irreponsible/immature, I don't want you anywhere near air traffic, shoot to be honest, someone that irreponsible I don't even want flipping my burgers at Burger King because I wouldn't trust them with a potato gun.... I guess that is why I cook so much.

Anyways, it is time for me to get off my soap box, and do my "morning ritual" before I go to work/class/fishbowl what ever you want to call it. By the way this is not a directed personal attack, if you (the reader) takes it personal, maybe you should look at yourself and see why you took it personal.

Disclaimer-The opinions expressed here are those of Sunburn and do not reflect an anyway to those written or understood of the FAA or any of its affiliates. However, should you not like Sunburn's opinions or find them insulting you call 1-800-25S-OCKIT. Thank you and have a nice day.
As far as not telling my husband...we keep no secrets, oh and he peruses this board frequently :)

We are up for a wii party anytime...well other than this Saturday cause we are going to go to Texas and find a Costco :) Oh and the following weekend my family is flying in town to visit for a couple days...and the next weekend...

No seriously, give us a call and we can get together. We play different games daily. We even got our wii fit in the mail this week (my mom mailed it cause we forgot it). If you wait until my family leaves we will have ALL our wii games (having my mom bring them for us).
Kinda waiting to see what develops on this thread, but I 100% agree with Sunburn and ATLTRACON. Act your age, be responsible, and represent your company/agency positively when you are out in public.
Man, you guys give pilots a run for their money, sheesh!

I thought we were the last swashbucklers.
There'll be no closet! This is a highly entertaining thread, post away! :)
...well other than this Saturday cause we are going to go to Texas and find a Costco :) .

You'll be down close to me!
