WARNING to those that drink while here...

How do u know what is happening in class? Your not in the class nor do u know the people or the atmosphere of the academy. Im here and I get drunk at least 2-3 times a week and I havent gotten any "retribution" from my classmates. They are the people I drink with. Instructors are not FAA employees, if I told my teacher to < redacted >, all he could do was tell the FAA and they would pass it on to my facility. Any idiot that acts stupid around co-workers drunk is gonna get black balled as a retard and probally wont have a lot of drinking buddies from work. Geez girl, you need to find something to do with your time but spread half truths you hear from your hubby.


Whoa! I just took this thread as a "the obvious isn't always so obvious" and left it at that.
I think he meant it as a joke....geez!

Probably so, but think about this. You are all, for the most part, potential new hires, applicants, or at OKC. There ARE manglement types that peruse this board and if something that is said that may either condone, accept, etc harassment of any kind, do you think they want you as an employee. This is supposed to be informational, and the thread started out as just that, a good heads up of what NOT to do at OKC or anywhere for that matter. Big Brother is watching...and I don't mean the stupid TV show.

Plus, there was no...:sarcasm:,:laff:,:banghead:,:drool:,:crazy:...attached to the comment, so I don't know.
How do u know what is happening in class? Your not in the class nor do u know the people or the atmosphere of the academy. Im here and I get drunk at least 2-3 times a week and I havent gotten any "retribution" from my classmates. They are the people I drink with. Instructors are not FAA employees, if I told my teacher to < redacted >, all he could do was tell the FAA and they would pass it on to my facility. Any idiot that acts stupid around co-workers drunk is gonna get black balled as a retard and probally wont have a lot of drinking buddies from work. Geez girl, you need to find something to do with your time but spread half truths you hear from your hubby.


This is what I was trying to get across in my ineffective ramblings earlier...
rctaber - I don't appreciate that PERSONAL attack on me. I was NOT personally attacking anyone. I was warning (yes unsolicited). So often I read on here about going out and partying on weekends. I thought maybe I would remind that OKC is not a Frat party before entering your facility. We wonder why there are so many failing and not making it once at the facility? Maybe because so many that are applying aren't treating this like a career and realizing that this takes more than the 9-5 job.

I can't post cause I am not a candidate for hire? Would this have been different if a okc trainee had posted it? I have something to say to you - GET OVER IT!

I may document what my husband is doing but he is FULLY aware of it and agrees with me posting it. We have learned so much from being on here but we also found a lot of UNKNOWN because so often the people would come here and forget how hard it was not knowing and never post again. We (yes he and I) were both in the dark of what to expect and what was best. We have tried to share what we learned so that others don't have as much stress or worry. If you don't want to read it...do just that...don't read! Add me to your ignore list for all I care...actually please do, I would rather have you ignore me than personally attack me. Thanks!

While this wasn't one of the million questions asked a million times, it was an interesting thing that happened that I was shocked at the reactions to it. My husbands former 9-5 jobs would have laughed it off more and it would have been discussed at work with jokes the next time at work. It was and is not the case here.

MaverickNY stated it...it all gets back to your center/tower.

I hadn't realized (until we got here) HOW much the FAA would affect all aspects of life. From what my husband has been informed he can't even vocally and publically support a presidential candidate. Things are handled differently from here on out...not that it is bad, just helping some to see that.
To be honest....post away. Your thoughts are welcome as far as I am concerned. I can see that you are excited about your husbands career...and thats cool. Most people on here are sarcastic...and some are asses. However, most of us realize that this is a career that carries a great weight of responsibility. We should all know by now that the man is watching. This is why I try not to give away too much info on where I'm going. Heck, i even give disinformation :). The main thing I am trying to say is...we are all adults hopefully. If some idiot wants to go out and get trashed when he should be learning his job.....fine. There is probably somebody else ready to take his job.
Sorry teetee, it wasn't meant as a personal attack, just a sarcastic joke. I even used the :) which is not on ATLTRACON's list of approved joke indicators but is close.

I thought it was funny and I am sure it made someone laugh. I am guessing you have been called out for posting all the time for your husband because you seem pretty defensive. I am sorry about that. I personally have learned a lot from your experience and posts but I just don't feel this is something that should have been put on blast.

It was clearly inappropriate behavior that may have had nothing to do with being drunk and I am sure it will be handled, whether officially through management or unofficially by their classmates.

There is a lot of sarcasm on here. It is what it is and its nothing to get upset about. Again, I am sorry if I offended you.
Sorry teetee, it wasn't meant as a personal attack, just a sarcastic joke. I even used the :) which is not on ATLTRACON's list of approved joke indicators but is close.

I thought it was funny and I am sure it made someone laugh. I am guessing you have been called out for posting all the time for your husband because you seem pretty defensive. I am sorry about that. I personally have learned a lot from your experience and posts but I just don't feel this is something that should have been put on blast.

It was clearly inappropriate behavior that may have had nothing to do with being drunk and I am sure it will be handled, whether officially through management or unofficially by their classmates.

There is a lot of sarcasm on here. It is what it is and its nothing to get upset about. Again, I am sorry if I offended you.

Yeah I have been called out for it. I honestly do NOT know everything about this but I do try to share what I learn. I am a natural worrier. I worry about things that I will have to worry about! I honestly have tried to share what I have learned from this process with my husband so that others will have less stress and understand it a bit better, just in case any others worry like I do. Less stress = :D

I was not trying to blast this. Honestly I put this post up for people to see that going to OKC isn't like leaving home for college for the first time. What you do here reflects on you when you get to your center. Do you want your training sup to know you got sloshed 3-4 times a week? I am NOT talking about social drinking. Downing a couple beers with the guys is COMPLETELY different than drunk as a skunk. I honestly didn't think people would be that stupid enough to do something like this but then I was proven wrong. I decided to share this mainly cause I thought that maybe some would learn and NOT follow. Take it as a bit of motherly advise. That happens when you become a mom, you give the apparent advise in hopes to help but it really is just the obvious :rolleyes:

Second - sorry for misreading your post. I didn't get the sarcasm in it. Usually I am able to read the sarcasm and I wasn't able to with that. Sorry!!!!! I apologize for over-reacting :crazy:
I actually feel really bad for the 2 guys! When that drunk you can't control what you say and do but they are definitely feeling it now. :( Not a good start for them to say the least.

Why feel bad for them? They made the decision to get drunk in the first place. I hope the FAA cans them and sends their asses packing.

In general, guys should not treat women like garbage when they're drunk. FAA or not. And if they're stupid enough to do it while on probation/training for a new job, I hope they get fired. I sure wouldn't want to work with them.

Guys shouldn't treat women like garbage EVER. So much of what ATC involves relies on judgement. It's even in the .65. If you encounter a situation not covered in the .65, you're instructed to proceed according to your best judgement. These guys obviously lack it and need to get sent back to whatever cave they came from.

Problem is, you are not all adults.

Here, here! :yup:
So, for a quick recap..

-Don't be an idiot.
-Take some responsibility.
-Go on with life.

Right? :)

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I actually really enjoy your posts. I appreciate how much information you have poured on this website about the process. However, the situation is absolutely none of our business just like it is none of the FAA's business. Sure it's inappropriate, but it happened in people's free time. Hopefully, this bit of gossip will help some person who might not know better.