WARNING to those that drink while here...


New Member
DO NOT...let me repeat...DO NOT get drunk at bars or clubs!

Social drinking = okay; dead drunk in public = not okay.

This last Saturday after a study session a bunch of people from the session headed to a local place to get some drinks. While there they ran into 2 other guys from the class that were already there and COMPLETELY drunk. I guess these 2 guys made some incredibly drunk,STUPID and "fire your butt if this had been said at work" stuff to the girl that was in the class and out with the guys. I think most of the phrase would be blocked here and be ***** **** ***** **** if I were to even put what they said.

Everyone that was present was more than a little upset with those guys. While they can't have sexual harrassment filed against them cause it wasn't said at work, they still may face some retribution because according to the FAA, anywhere you are, you are representing them...even if you aren't on the clock!

Even if they don't get FAA retribution, they are having some MAJOR class retribution. The story has spread and now everyone knows what dorks they were while drunk. Those guys have lost any and all respect from much of their fellow classmates and co-workers (not only co-workers here, but some going to same center) Those are the people you want to be your friend and have your back, not hoping you DO wash out and disappear forever!

If you drink, fine...just don't get sloshed cause you never know who might end up at the same place you are :crazy: (At your private residence...well have at it I guess :buck:)
DO NOT...let me repeat...DO NOT get drunk at bars or clubs!

Social drinking = okay; dead drunk in public = not okay.

This last Saturday after a study session a bunch of people from the session headed to a local place to get some drinks. While there they ran into 2 other guys from the class that were already there and COMPLETELY drunk. I guess these 2 guys made some incredibly drunk,STUPID and "fire your butt if this had been said at work" stuff to the girl that was in the class and out with the guys. I think most of the phrase would be blocked here and be ***** **** ***** **** if I were to even put what they said.

Everyone that was present was more than a little upset with those guys. While they can't have sexual harrassment filed against them cause it wasn't said at work, they still may face some retribution because according to the FAA, anywhere you are, you are representing them...even if you aren't on the clock!

Even if they don't get FAA retribution, they are having some MAJOR class retribution. The story has spread and now everyone knows what dorks they were while drunk. Those guys have lost any and all respect from much of their fellow classmates and co-workers (not only co-workers here, but some going to same center) Those are the people you want to be your friend and have your back, not hoping you DO wash out and disappear forever!

If you drink, fine...just don't get sloshed cause you never know who might end up at the same place you are :crazy: (At your private residence...well have at it I guess :buck:)

ummm....ok, thanks?
I don't think most on here would do it but you never know. I didn't realize that one stupid thing while OFF the clock could send you packing but you never really know. There is nothing wrong with the social drinking just remember....that's all this was a friendly reminder. Those guys didn't think the other people would show up there by chance and thought nothing of getting sloshed. I actually feel really bad for the 2 guys! When that drunk you can't control what you say and do but they are definitely feeling it now. :( Not a good start for them to say the least.
Should we not get drunk or should we not sexually harass our classmates? Those are two totally different things. Not everyone turns into a sexual predator after a couple of drinks.
As I stated...it wasn't a couple drinks. They were completely drunk (SLOSHED), not having control or recollection of said events really. That is why I posted this. There is a difference in getting sloshed and social drinking. Social Drinking you can still control what you are saying.

I know not everyone turns to a sexual predator after a couple drinks. The difference is if you get sloshed or you have a couple drinks. (even completely sloshed you might not be a sexual predator but most likely you will do something else stupid)

Or even better...maybe some of you should keep up the weekend habit and get sloshed frequently while here and help the future trainer from having to deal with you?!?!? :)

Boomer - her hotness factor is something I don't know...sorry!
I got the BEST laugh out of that! ROFL

Actually, my husband can tell me this person or that person is hot as long as it is followed by but you are my one and only...oh wait...no he can't :)
I think everyone is adult enough to know how much sause they can handle. If not, they will have to learn. Not sure what the point of this thread is.....
I think everyone is adult enough to know how much sause they can handle. If not, they will have to learn. Not sure what the point of this thread is.....

I think I know the point of this thread...

**WARNING to those bringing their spouses to the Academy**
There is not a lot to do in OK City and they could get so bored that they may quickly tire of documenting your every move and decide to post random gossip on a message board.


That is all this is, isn't it? Gossip?
I think everyone is adult enough to know how much sause they can handle. If not, they will have to learn. Not sure what the point of this thread is.....

I think everyone is adult enough to know how much sause they can handle. If not, they will have to learn. Not sure what the point of this thread is.....

Thanks for the advice, but I think most adults know how much they can handle. If not, they will soon learn...

Speaking of being sauced! LOL :buck:
DO NOT...let me repeat...DO NOT get drunk at bars or clubs!

Social drinking = okay; dead drunk in public = not okay.

This last Saturday after a study session a bunch of people from the session headed to a local place to get some drinks. While there they ran into 2 other guys from the class that were already there and COMPLETELY drunk. I guess these 2 guys made some incredibly drunk,STUPID and "fire your butt if this had been said at work" stuff to the girl that was in the class and out with the guys. I think most of the phrase would be blocked here and be ***** **** ***** **** if I were to even put what they said.

Everyone that was present was more than a little upset with those guys. While they can't have sexual harrassment filed against them cause it wasn't said at work, they still may face some retribution because according to the FAA, anywhere you are, you are representing them...even if you aren't on the clock!

Even if they don't get FAA retribution, they are having some MAJOR class retribution. The story has spread and now everyone knows what dorks they were while drunk. Those guys have lost any and all respect from much of their fellow classmates and co-workers (not only co-workers here, but some going to same center) Those are the people you want to be your friend and have your back, not hoping you DO wash out and disappear forever!

If you drink, fine...just don't get sloshed cause you never know who might end up at the same place you are :crazy: (At your private residence...well have at it I guess :buck:)

That's not just an FAA thing, it's an everybody thing. There are people that conduct their lives like that in every industry and there will always be. Some of them will do something stupid and be punished for it and some will do many stupid things and never be punished for it.
Just to add to this since i am at OKC, if you get drunk and attract any attention to yourself, it can and most likely will get back to the trainers, who are required to inform your facility of any behavior that is not up to the FAA's standards for a federal employee. They said it to us like this, if for some stupid reason you get into trouble, it will not come out as so n so did ****** it will most likely say something like ATC trainee so n so ********* while in OKC. Remember you are under probation so they do not have to tell you why they are firing you and the union cannot protect you until you are at your facility. I also found out that in OK if you are walking to a car with car keys in your hand, you are considered to be a DUI because of your intent ( that includes going to your car for cigarette's, cell phone, etc...) , and you will be arrested, most likely it will be thrown out but is it worth the hassle. I know in other states you have to have the key in the ignition but they take it to a whole new level, lol
In general, guys should not treat women like garbage when they're drunk. FAA or not. And if they're stupid enough to do it while on probation/training for a new job, I hope they get fired. I sure wouldn't want to work with them.
DO NOT...let me repeat...DO NOT get drunk at bars or clubs!

Social drinking = okay; dead drunk in public = not okay.

This last Saturday after a study session a bunch of people from the session headed to a local place to get some drinks. While there they ran into 2 other guys from the class that were already there and COMPLETELY drunk. I guess these 2 guys made some incredibly drunk,STUPID and "fire your butt if this had been said at work" stuff to the girl that was in the class and out with the guys. I think most of the phrase would be blocked here and be ***** **** ***** **** if I were to even put what they said.

Everyone that was present was more than a little upset with those guys. While they can't have sexual harrassment filed against them cause it wasn't said at work, they still may face some retribution because according to the FAA, anywhere you are, you are representing them...even if you aren't on the clock!

Even if they don't get FAA retribution, they are having some MAJOR class retribution. The story has spread and now everyone knows what dorks they were while drunk. Those guys have lost any and all respect from much of their fellow classmates and co-workers (not only co-workers here, but some going to same center) Those are the people you want to be your friend and have your back, not hoping you DO wash out and disappear forever!

If you drink, fine...just don't get sloshed cause you never know who might end up at the same place you are :crazy: (At your private residence...well have at it I guess :buck:)

How do u know what is happening in class? Your not in the class nor do u know the people or the atmosphere of the academy. Im here and I get drunk at least 2-3 times a week and I havent gotten any "retribution" from my classmates. They are the people I drink with. Instructors are not FAA employees, if I told my teacher to < redacted >, all he could do was tell the FAA and they would pass it on to my facility. Any idiot that acts stupid around co-workers drunk is gonna get black balled as a retard and probally wont have a lot of drinking buddies from work. Geez girl, you need to find something to do with your time but spread half truths you hear from your hubby.
