"US Aviation Security: Stupidity As An Art Form"

"Commute in uniform.

No problems at all!"

Can't drink free beer in first class in uniform....major, major, problem...
Wow, great article!

i havent been reading up on the new restrictions but can one still take toothpaste... etc in your checked bags??

if not this is way outta hand
So ahh....what's gonna stop these guys from putting this crap in their checked bag and then remotely triggering the crap from inside the cabin. You know, put the two substances next to each other with something between them, then when you radio down the thing it combines the two liquid explosives and BAM! Airplane goes boom. So what are we doing now? The whole see no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil BS?

I mean really if nobody else is seeing this you probably can't think yourself out of a wet paper bag (that's not aimed at anybody specifically, but this seems pretty obvious to me).
Remember, what happens in Vegas usually ends up on Myspace.
you can put all of the stuff in your checked luggage, you just can't carry it on the plane with you...i have a carmex addiction, if i'm not using it, i end up getting a cold sore... now, you don't wanna see me with a cold sore but if i did get one, then i'd have the abreva with me which unforunately is also a creme - so what are we supposed to do here? sit and wallow in pain then right? what if your back is hurting or you have arthritis.. can't bring your arthritis lotion with you, your just screwed...

sad.. very sad!! i haven't heard anything since the ban... so that makes me assume they're not looking into any other alternatives right now. sad....

it really makes me want to take a car vs plane. i'm not so restricted if i'm driving. granted, takes me longer to drive from one place to the next but i think i'd rather have a good time on vacation than having to worry about being scrutinized to the core!
Another thing we've gotta accept is that until we go after the root cause of terrorism and combat that we're fux0r. People are weapons, not the devices they carry. Imagine if they managed to get enough terrorists together that they booked all the seats on an aircraft. The FA's, air marshall's and pilots wouldn't stand a chance even if they were just chillin' out without any weapons to take the plane over with.

What are you supposed to do then? Give the airplane a full control deflection at Mmo while screaming "MORTAL COMBAT!" ???

An AA FFDO said that including him, on a flight out of washington there were 37 (Thirty Seven) federal agents carrying firearms.

.... on a 737. that's 1/4 of the people on the plane.Go for it Abdullah
Why look for an alternative? In the TSA's opinion, they've solved the crime! And they would have gotten away with it, if it weren't for those meddling Brits.....

BTW, John. It's Mortal Kombat....with a "K." :)
I've pitched advertising to companies ranging from small start ups to guys who in the Fortune 500 who make explosive detection systems. They've been waiting for the department of homeland (in)security to come up with standards since September 11 for their equipment so they can sell it to airports. No airport wants to buy things without standards set by the federales.

So, while the doofuses in the department of homeland (in)security have been sticking one thumb up their butts and one thumb in their mouths and playing switch, you've got companies just itching to sell systems that would detect explosives unable to do so.

And this is an administration that claims "if you elected the other guy, he'd make you less safe?"
......My deodorant is solid, not liquid or gell, so I'm hoping it's okay.

Man, I'm confused....

Anyone have their Chapstick or solid deodorant taken away?

Yes. Old Spice Stick, its about as "solid" as you can get. It was fine when I left SLC for an overnight trip to LAX. Couldn't bring it back the next day though. The TSA guy at LAX said he didn't believe I was allowed to bring down the day before, quit lying to him or "I'll have to call someone..." Fine, throw it away. About the only toiletry I carry now is my toothbrush.

A couple of pilot friends have told me they can take what they like with no hassle as long as they are in uniform. I guess old pilot uniforms are going to be a hot item on e-Bay.

Did I mention that I've cancelled my next two flights, one back to L.A and another to Phoenix. To hell with it, I'm driving.