UND Aerospace Camp

Well, after being here for a day and a half now, I have this to say about it:

Pros: Aviation program is great
Cons: everything else

I don't know how I could live here for 4 years with nothing much in Grand Forks at all and the frequent negative degree (F) wind chills in the winter (sometimes to -40 or below). I am blown away by the aviation program here, but I don't like the fact that social life would be miserable. For the heck of it, I checked out some reviews by current and former students on some sites online, and they all gave it an F for the city and a D- or an F for social life. I do want a good flight education, but I don't wanna throw away what could potentially become the best 4 years of my life. I'm probably gonna take a look at Daniel Webster College in NH next year (my junior year) and maybe some others.
Ok, I went full power at 130 kts, Pulled up into a 60 degree nose up, went idle, and then full crossed controls....

What was I doing wrong that made it not spin?

no need to cross control. in fact, that makes it harder to spin a plane.

power? wrong.

speed? wrong.

you want idle power, slowing to stall speed, after a second or two of stall horn pull full aft, and full rudder. hold controls, it will spin.

(at least in the real aircraft it will...no idea on the sim...but since you DIDNT apply correct method to induce a spin...)
Well, after being here for a day and a half now, I have this to say about it:

Pros: Aviation program is great
Cons: everything else

I don't know how I could live here for 4 years with nothing much in Grand Forks at all and the frequent negative degree (F) wind chills in the winter (sometimes to -40 or below). I am blown away by the aviation program here, but I don't like the fact that social life would be miserable. For the heck of it, I checked out some reviews by current and former students on some sites online, and they all gave it an F for the city and a D- or an F for social life. I do want a good flight education, but I don't wanna throw away what could potentially become the best 4 years of my life. I'm probably gonna take a look at Daniel Webster College in NH next year (my junior year) and maybe some others.

Exactly. Look up some of my old comments.

The program is A-

The "city" and lifestyle of ND is a total F.

I can't reccommend UND to anyone who is from a city of more than 50,000 people. You'll hate your life for the next 4 years. I can assure you. PM me for details/questions.
hey anyone know who is doing the acro flights?

just curious.... :insane:

No acro flights, both of the decathlons are down for maintenance. Instead we get a CRJ sim and just got a Heli ride this morning.

The aviation program here looks really nice. I got the C172 G1000 sim, it was amazing. The CFIs all look friendly and helpful. The aircraft look good also. There is nothing that I can find bad about it in an aviation point of view. Now the University itself I'm not sure about, but I prefer to have a good aviation experience than a good university experience.
No acro flights, both of the decathlons are down for maintenance. Instead we get a CRJ sim and just got a Heli ride this morning.

You went up this morning? It was most likely between 0800 and 1030 since it was no dispatch before and after (I got my launch in just in time). It must've been horrible in a helicopter because it was for an airplane. Let's just say that this morning's flight was definitely not one of my best. :)

The aviation program here looks really nice.

I like it.
I got the C172 G1000 sim, it was amazing.

I get jealous every time I walk by in the CBI Lab.

The CFIs all look friendly and helpful.

Wait until you have to do a stage check.... :D

The aircraft look good also.

Looks can be deceiving. :)

There is nothing that I can find bad about it in an aviation point of view. Now the University itself I'm not sure about, but I prefer to have a good aviation experience than a good university experience.

That's cool. In the end, it all comes down to what you think.
Today, the head of the ATC dept. here at UND talked to us about how there are so many openings in the ATC field right now and that you start off making $34k and can make around $80k after 5 years. Is that all true? If it is, I really would consider ATC over commercial aviation as my major wherever I may go. I would think the QOL is better and I could stay home with my family, not be gone for days on end. I would still love to be a pilot, but I want to look into the ATC field more.
Today, the head of the ATC dept. here at UND talked to us about how there are so many openings in the ATC field right now and that you start off making $34k and can make around $80k after 5 years. Is that all true? If it is, I really would consider ATC over commercial aviation as my major wherever I may go. I would think the QOL is better and I could stay home with my family, not be gone for days on end. I would still love to be a pilot, but I want to look into the ATC field more.

Everyone I know in ATC was/has been hired/placed into a job within a few months of graduating.

Everyone I know in aviation is either CFI'ing or doing something non-aviation.
Today, the head of the ATC dept. here at UND talked to us about how there are so many openings in the ATC field right now and that you start off making $34k and can make around $80k after 5 years. Is that all true? If it is, I really would consider ATC over commercial aviation as my major wherever I may go. I would think the QOL is better and I could stay home with my family, not be gone for days on end. I would still love to be a pilot, but I want to look into the ATC field more.

I started out doing commercial in 2006 and after I got my private license, I switched to ATC. After I graduate this December, I'll be looking at waiting somewhere between a few months to a year before I actually get hired. Hopefully a new contract will get worked out pretty soon and the pay will jump up a little bit, but those are pretty accurate numbers.
(at least in the real aircraft it will...no idea on the sim...but since you DIDNT apply correct method to induce a spin...)

So how does aggravating the stall not make it want to spin more. It did in the aircraft, and the aerodynamics work to make it a more aggressive entry and spin.

Now granted, the sim might not like that, but it would work in the real aircraft!
I started out doing commercial in 2006 and after I got my private license, I switched to ATC. After I graduate this December, I'll be looking at waiting somewhere between a few months to a year before I actually get hired. Hopefully a new contract will get worked out pretty soon and the pay will jump up a little bit, but those are pretty accurate numbers.
Are you glad you switched over? I want to be a commercial pilot, but I have (at least) 2 worries: 1. Furlough 2. I don't know if the being away from home part is really for me. What made you want to switch over? People think ATCing is really stressful, but I don't see how it can be really stressful unless there is a huge influx of aircraft coming in at the same time.
I've applied to PUBNAT as right now aviation prospects are I won't be making more than 35K/year for the next 5-10 years. That's just not doable with student loans. As such, I'm trying for Dulles tower as I can work and make about 100K after I get CPC (about 2 years after OKC training), and my girlfriend can go back to school and get her PhD in Child Pshycology.

Yeah, aviation really needs a boost, but deregulation made cheaper = better. What that's done is try to lower costs at all levels. Rampers making minimum wage. Pilots losing benefits and pay. It's all bad right now. If you want to make money, go overseas where it's regulated. Starting pay 80K+, even for many CFI's.
So how does aggravating the stall not make it want to spin more. It did in the aircraft, and the aerodynamics work to make it a more aggressive entry and spin.

Now granted, the sim might not like that, but it would work in the real aircraft!

Trust me. I've done many many spins. You can actually fly the deca completely cross controlled just fine.
Are you glad you switched over? I want to be a commercial pilot, but I have (at least) 2 worries: 1. Furlough 2. I don't know if the being away from home part is really for me. What made you want to switch over? People think ATCing is really stressful, but I don't see how it can be really stressful unless there is a huge influx of aircraft coming in at the same time.

Yeah, I'm pretty happy with my decision to move over to ATC. I didn't have any real plans about being a commercial pilot; When I made the decision to go to UND, I was looking at majors and noticed Commercial Aviation and thought it sounded pretty fun. I had no aviation experience at all and had only been on one commercial flight in my life. So when I was about halfway done with the private course, I decided that I was just getting tired of flying. My new plan is to be a controller and just fly for fun sometimes and maybe pick up a few ratings along the way.

It shouldn't really be too stressful of a job because as long as you have a plan with the aircraft coming in, and are able to be flexible, there shouldn't be separation issues.

I've applied to PUBNAT as right now aviation prospects are I won't be making more than 35K/year for the next 5-10 years. That's just not doable with student loans. As such, I'm trying for Dulles tower as I can work and make about 100K after I get CPC (about 2 years after OKC training), and my girlfriend can go back to school and get her PhD in Child Pshycology.

Dulles tower is a Level 11 facility. New CPCs at 11's have a minimum of $70,000 and max out at $101,000. So it definately will be longer than 2 years after OKC that you'll be making $100,000.
Dulles tower is a Level 11 facility. New CPCs at 11's have a minimum of $70,000 and max out at $101,000. So it definately will be longer than 2 years after OKC that you'll be making $100,000.

Yikes, flaming so soon?

Minimum CPC would be $87,945 with locality difference. Is it 100K, no, so my bad, but a hell of a lot better than 30K.

Man, everyone just has a bring everyone else down attitude lately.:cool:
Yikes, flaming so soon?

Minimum CPC would be $87,945 with locality difference. Is it 100K, no, so my bad, but a hell of a lot better than 30K.

Man, everyone just has a bring everyone else down attitude lately.:cool:

Not flaming, but I just wasn't adding in locality.
Either way, CPC after 2 years at a Level 11 facility is a tough task, but good luck.

Which PubNat(s) have you applied for?
Just 8 so far. I was hoping to go fly overseas. I love Japan and India. However, that looks like that won't happen for a long time, and I would really like to put my girlfriend through grad school. As such, ATC looks like to way to go.

Besides, I'm used to sitting in front of a screen for 8 hours at a time already. If it's a tower... I'll just feel more at home. Is it a tough job... yeah but so is IMC down to minimums with icing in a Cessna on a training flight. If I had to choose, I'll take the busy tower!

Still love instructing though... so those are my "weekends."

How about you, how many PUBNAT's?
I didn't submit any applications for the PUBNAT's. I filled out the first one, but I just never submitted it so I could graduate with a degree. I took the AT-SAT in May and I'll graduate this coming December and get the CTI recommendation from UND.
From what I've heard PUBNAT 8 has a pretty significant wait to getting back to the applicants.
Very, very few people get hired either OTS or CTI straight to a level 11+ facility. Not saying it doesn't happen because I know a guy off the street headed to DTW tower (12). I think that is mainly because no one wants to go to Detroit. Don't get your hopes up for a major facility right off the bat, more likely a level 5-9 for initial hires.