Thoughts and opinions on career change pilots?

I believe you over think and read into things to much. I bet if I ask 50 pilots what a 8 am show times means I would get no fewer than 5 different answers. And as far as “it bets digging a hole for a living” I say that and mean it as I am very happy now and am OK with waiting for a good deal.
A lot of second career guys/girls have now been doing it for 15+ years, and have seen more 3 hour orals for PCs than you or most people with less time will ever. When are they just pilots and not second career pilots.

You missed the important part: As a captain I'd ask the FO to show up at 7:55 if I wanted the FO to show up 5 minutes early. Or I'd mention I was neurotic about being 5 minutes early from my old career and I expected the same of him. I'd make my intentions clear. Instead of assuming someone without any military experience somehow new the culture of the Navy and how it was super important to show up 5 minutes early for something. I also wouldn't berate the FO if I didn't make my intentions clear in the first place. That is the problem. Not the definition of an 8am show time. This the main issue with aviation in general. People making things way to complicated.
This is kind of disappointing to hear. Although "only a few" contrasts a bit with your previous statement of "1/2". I'd sincerely hope it is the former (or the latter in your words). Not sure what kind of messes they are making, but hopefully not the kind that involve deep cleaning a cockpit?

OMG are you the sunflower seeds guy? :bounce:
This is kind of disappointing to hear. Although "only a few" contrasts a bit with your previous statement of "1/2". I'd sincerely hope it is the former (or the latter in your words). Not sure what kind of messes they are making, but hopefully not the kind that involve deep cleaning a cockpit?
My own personal least favorite military grab-ass: "Oh I'm just gonna toss a MIL day in the middle of a RES block."

Civilian, awarded a rotation or short call out of seniority order because of this: sighs, jumps into car.
You missed the important part: As a captain I'd ask the FO to show up at 7:55 if I wanted the FO to show up 5 minutes early. Or I'd mention I was neurotic about being 5 minutes early from my old career and I expected the same of him. I'd make my intentions clear. Instead of assuming someone without any military experience somehow knew the culture of the Navy and how it was super important to show up 5 minutes early for something. I also wouldn't berate the FO if I didn't make my intentions clear in the first place. That is the problem. Not the definition of an 8am show time. This the main issue with aviation in general. People making things way too complicated.
Lol at thinking you can dictate when anyone shows up to the van because you’re the captain. Still think everyone else is the problem?
I will say, I can’t friggin stand when people roll up at the last second to the van. Funnily enough throughout every airline I’ve worked at captains are the worst about it. Just puts you in that really awkward spot of having to be like “we’re waiting on one more” when everyone else is ready to go, wondering if you’re going to have to go have the room called, then them walking out to you walking into the lobby awkwardly to figure out where they are. If they’re not “late” late it’s kind of a weird position to try to say something, especially if they’re the CA that has been here since you were in first grade. But just annoying and kind of a dbag move for the rest of the crew.
Lol at thinking you can dictate when anyone shows up to the van because you’re the captain. Still think everyone else is the problem?

Dude, you realize the example is from the 14 years I flew 91/135? When you get your own rental car and determine show time with the other pilots based on traffic and drive time to the airport?

I can't believe how stupid you are. You really can not be this dense can you?
What is wrong with you?

Wait am I the one making the accusation that I'd dictate anyone show up anywhere? Because I'm a captain. Haha. No that would be the complete moron who is demonstrating why a college degree is an important thing to have in one's life.

91/135 is different than 121.

The van time is printed on the trip sheet. Show up early so the FAs don't get upset because they now have points or whatever oppressive system is used to keep them in line. Or don't... I don't care.
Wait am I the one making the accusation that I'd dictate anyone show up anywhere? Because I'm a captain. Haha. No that would be the complete moron who is demonstrating why a college degree is an important thing to have in one's life.

91/135 is different than 121.

The van time is printed on the trip sheet. Show up early so the FAs don't get upset because they now have points or whatever oppressive system is used to keep them in line. Or don't... I don't care.
Have you tried meditation?
Have you tried meditation?

I've learned to read good. Which apparently makes me a lot more apt that those responding to my posts. The irony being the second career changer can't understand the basic reality that my example from past flying jobs was an example of bad behavior that I'd never emulate.

He made a very clear example of why we need the degree requirement to come back and showed a lot of people slipped through the cracks who shouldn't have gotten hired during 2021-2023.
I've learned to read good. Which apparently makes me a lot more apt that those responding to my posts. The irony being the second career changer can't understand the basic reality that my example from past flying jobs was an example of bad behavior that I'd never emulate.

He made a very clear example of why we need the degree requirement to come back and showed a lot of people slipped through the cracks who shouldn't have gotten hired during 2021-2023.

Why do you care so much about what dudes on the internet think of you? It seems to be affecting your mental health.

Very few of us post on a regular basis calling other members stupid. Pretty sure it’s against the rules here, but it’s kind of been the thunderdome in here in terms of moderation.
Why do you care so much about what dudes on the internet think of you? It seems to be affecting your mental health.

Very few of us post on a regular basis calling other members stupid. Pretty sure it’s against the rules here, but it’s kind of been the thunderdome in here in terms of moderation.

When someone is pointing out that I've got some kind of god complex because I'm a captain due to the fact that they don't understand the English language very well and they have been consistently attacking me on this social media platform and others I'm going to point that out.
When someone is pointing out that I've got some kind of god complex because I'm a captain due to the fact that they don't understand the English language very well and they have been consistently attacking me on this social media platform and others I'm going to point that out.

Gents, keep it civil please.

Seems to me, if someone wants to use something like “5 minutes early is late”, then they need to state that this is their Rules of Engagement. Their expectation. Once that’s laid out and everyone who is affected knows, then be critical of someone who doesn’t follow it.
Why do you care so much about what dudes on the internet think of you? It seems to be affecting your mental health.

Very few of us post on a regular basis calling other members stupid. Pretty sure it’s against the rules here, but it’s kind of been the thunderdome in here in terms of moderation.
Yeah. If this is the kind of rampant assholery that’s going to be continuously tolerated without at least a “time out” given I see another long sabbatical from this place in my future.