The Truth about Blood Pressure at PEPC


New Member
I have a nightmare story that has happened to me. I've seen a few conversations about high blood pressure on here and some people are a bit worried. Well... here is the truth, and it may ease your concerns, or make them greater....

So I was at the LA PEPC January 28th. I was nervous that day as my future career was riding on the passing of my physicals and doing a decent interview.

Everything went well for me at the PEPC until I saw the doctor. My Urine test showed that I had +1 protein in my urine. The doctor at PEPC told me that the kidney can leak some protein if you have worked out the day before. However, I was told that I needed to see a doctor back home about Renal Desease because of the +1 protein.

Also, My blood pressure was very high. I felt relaxed when the lady took my pressure, but i guess i was pretty nervous on the inside because it showed 144/100 which is pre hypertension to hypertension.

They let me try it a few times to see if it would improve and it didn't.
I already knew it wouldn't barr me from the job but I was still pretty pissed about it.

So after the physical I had to speak with the PEPC Head Doctor Guy and he talked to me about the High blood pressure and possible Renal disease.
His exact words to me were "this is just a minor speed bump" Also, the guy who reviews the medical evaluations if there is a problem and we must see a 2nd doctor told me that many many people in the FAA have high blood pressure.

So after that they told me I had to see a physician at home and take 3 blood pressure tests, one standing, one sitting, and one lying down. Also, for the +1 protein in my urine (which can be caused from lifting weights the day before) I had to take a Urin test.

So I went to the Doctor right when I got home from Los Angeles. My blood pressure was Really high again 140/96 (I think some what due to nerves) and I took my pee test and a blood test to check for Renal Disease.

They put me on a perscription called liprinosil which is just a generic high blood pressure medication.

They set me up with a 2nd appointment a month later. Keep in mind, this is all paid for out of your own pocket. If you don't have insurance, which I don't, it's gonna cost you a couple hundred dollars to do all of this.

For a month I was on the pills and my blood pressure dropped dramatically into the very normal range, at times it seemed almost too low. The results of my first physical were sent off to the FAA and they quickly responded that since it was the Physicians Assistant who did all my tests, they needed the Doctor to co-sign everything.

So the next time I came in, I was nervous and my blood pressure was high again. The doctor gave me a blood pressure form to fill out every day because she thought I was probably just nervous, and that my blood pressure had actually gone down, since i'd been on the meds for a month already, which was completely true. The Faa asked me to do a 24 hour urnine analysis for my Renal Disease to "double check" to see if I had it or not. A 24 hour urnine analysys consists of peeing in a Gallon Jug for 24 hours and returning it to the doctor the next day. (during this process I couldn't help but feel extremely frustrated at how picky I felt the FAA was being, but... If you want the job you gotta do the work right?)

So my 24 hour urine analysis was perfect, I don't have kidney disease.... DUH!!! and I have to return to the Doctor for a 3rd visit on Thursday to turn in my 2 weeks of blood pressure readings, and take 3 more blood pressure readings, and make sure the Real Doctor Co-signs the readings, not just the physicians assistant.

This whole process has set me back a while because my medical clearances haven't passed through yet. I've seen a bunch of people from my pepc getting class dates for 3/31 and some other dates. I can't help but think that had I checked out normal at the PEPC on my medical exams that I'd be booking an apartment in OKC right now instead of writing this stupid thread.

SO the moral of the story is this.... Get your blood pressure down, dont work out the day before. peeing in a gallon jug for 24 hours is not fun. Taking your blood pressure every day for a month is not fun. Buying perscription drugs with no entertaining "side effects" is not fun. Not getting a Real Doctor to give you your tests and sign off on your paperwork is not fun. PA's don't cut it with the FAA. Getting set back at least a month or two is definitely not fun. And dropping over 300$ on medical bills is totally not fun!!!!!

High blood pressure will not lose you your job. It will however make you lose your mind. :) There is the truth about High Blood Pressure and +1 protein in your Urine.

Good luck.

This is my brothers jet careers account, not mine.

For some reason it wont let me post under my name. it says that I am

not authorized. does anyone know about this?

I was a pubnat 2'er by the way.
I have a nightmare story that has happened to me. I've seen a few conversations about high blood pressure on here and some people are a bit worried. Well... here is the truth, and it may ease your concerns, or make them greater....

So I was at the LA PEPC January 28th. I was nervous that day as my future career was riding on the passing of my physicals and doing a decent interview.

Everything went well for me at the PEPC until I saw the doctor. My Urine test showed that I had +1 protein in my urine. The doctor at PEPC told me that the kidney can leak some protein if you have worked out the day before. However, I was told that I needed to see a doctor back home about Renal Desease because of the +1 protein.

Also, My blood pressure was very high. I felt relaxed when the lady took my pressure, but i guess i was pretty nervous on the inside because it showed 144/100 which is pre hypertension to hypertension.

They let me try it a few times to see if it would improve and it didn't.
I already knew it wouldn't barr me from the job but I was still pretty pissed about it.

So after the physical I had to speak with the PEPC Head Doctor Guy and he talked to me about the High blood pressure and possible Renal disease.
His exact words to me were "this is just a minor speed bump" Also, the guy who reviews the medical evaluations if there is a problem and we must see a 2nd doctor told me that many many people in the FAA have high blood pressure.

So after that they told me I had to see a physician at home and take 3 blood pressure tests, one standing, one sitting, and one lying down. Also, for the +1 protein in my urine (which can be caused from lifting weights the day before) I had to take a Urin test.

So I went to the Doctor right when I got home from Los Angeles. My blood pressure was Really high again 140/96 (I think some what due to nerves) and I took my pee test and a blood test to check for Renal Disease.

They put me on a perscription called liprinosil which is just a generic high blood pressure medication.

They set me up with a 2nd appointment a month later. Keep in mind, this is all paid for out of your own pocket. If you don't have insurance, which I don't, it's gonna cost you a couple hundred dollars to do all of this.

For a month I was on the pills and my blood pressure dropped dramatically into the very normal range, at times it seemed almost too low. The results of my first physical were sent off to the FAA and they quickly responded that since it was the Physicians Assistant who did all my tests, they needed the Doctor to co-sign everything.

So the next time I came in, I was nervous and my blood pressure was high again. The doctor gave me a blood pressure form to fill out every day because she thought I was probably just nervous, and that my blood pressure had actually gone down, since i'd been on the meds for a month already, which was completely true. The Faa asked me to do a 24 hour urnine analysis for my Renal Disease to "double check" to see if I had it or not. A 24 hour urnine analysys consists of peeing in a Gallon Jug for 24 hours and returning it to the doctor the next day. (during this process I couldn't help but feel extremely frustrated at how picky I felt the FAA was being, but... If you want the job you gotta do the work right?)

So my 24 hour urine analysis was perfect, I don't have kidney disease.... DUH!!! and I have to return to the Doctor for a 3rd visit on Thursday to turn in my 2 weeks of blood pressure readings, and take 3 more blood pressure readings, and make sure the Real Doctor Co-signs the readings, not just the physicians assistant.

This whole process has set me back a while because my medical clearances haven't passed through yet. I've seen a bunch of people from my pepc getting class dates for 3/31 and some other dates. I can't help but think that had I checked out normal at the PEPC on my medical exams that I'd be booking an apartment in OKC right now instead of writing this stupid thread.

SO the moral of the story is this.... Get your blood pressure down, dont work out the day before. peeing in a gallon jug for 24 hours is not fun. Taking your blood pressure every day for a month is not fun. Buying perscription drugs with no entertaining "side effects" is not fun. Not getting a Real Doctor to give you your tests and sign off on your paperwork is not fun. PA's don't cut it with the FAA. Getting set back at least a month or two is definitely not fun. And dropping over 300$ on medical bills is totally not fun!!!!!

High blood pressure will not lose you your job. It will however make you lose your mind. :) There is the truth about High Blood Pressure and +1 protein in your Urine.

Good luck.
< merged threads. Please don't multi-post. >

i dont think merging was to smart. now we just have 2 really long identical posts. maybe a deletion would be better.

but this process seems like it would cause your blood pressure to go up not down :laff:
Plenty of people get "white coat syndrome". Personally I HATE being anywhere near a hospital, needle, blood, etc.

I sympathize with the OP's situation. I am PUBNAT 2 and being delayed on 2 similar counts. Best wishes to all, lets hope the waiting game is finally coming to a close soon... Hang in there!
My apologies for the double post. I'm not too familiar with the etiquette for posting threads.

Anyway, the "white coat syndrome" is totally legit. I'm not sure why it happens but it does. I'm great in pressure situations, I'm not worried at all about my blood pressure affecting my job.
I too suffer from the white coat syndrome. I always have to have my pulse taken twice because it races whenever someone takes it the first time. I haven't had too much trouble with BP but strangely enough my family has a history of good blood pressure.
Also a white-coater... I had to have the multiple readings, all of which were normal (the first one afterwards was 116/68 on a BP MACHINE.)

I, however, wear a darth-vader mask when I sleep for sleep apnea. The FAA decided to let me drop $1100 on a daytime wakefulness test. You stay in a comfy hospital room for eight hours with dim lights and soft blankets, wires all over your head, and "stay awake."

Yeah, your 24hr UA gets zero sympathy. :D
I have had high blood pressure for years and years and was terribly nervous about the medical evaluation at my PEPC in Chicago last August. I tested myself around a month before the PEPC and I was too at the hypertension border (148/98). I didn't have insurance through my current job and didn't have the $ to spend on doctors/medicine, so I started jogging. I was not a runner/jogger, not at all. So I started going a couple hundred yards then walking, then couple hundred yards and walking, so on and so forth. I was doing this 5-6 days a week and gradually I could run longer than a couple hundred yards at a time. By the time the PEPC came around I was running 3 miles at a time 3-4 times per week. Along with minor diet changes I had lost about 20 pounds and my BP was completely normal!! Amazing!! No drugs or doctors!! Just good old exercise. When the doctor was checking me out at the PEPC she checked my BP and heart rate and seriously asked, "Ah, you're a runner? Your resting heart rate is great!" If only she knew me the month before.

Now I'm back to being overweight and my BP is through the roof. Kidding, still running, still normal BP, and have found it is a FANTASTIC stress reliever!!
I honest to God can't wait till Oklahoma, just because I feel that I'll have places to take a walk in the evening.

I live in Sticks, Missouri, where taking a brisk walk after dark turns into either:

A.) A sprint for your life from Kujo the rabies spokes-dog, or,
B.) A long-jump for the ditch to dodge the drunken redneck driving his ten-cylinder Ford Earth-F#@*er on the shoulder.
Well, My BP was high, Im on the medication for it, and the FAA approved my medical clearance yesterday with "special consideration". So I just have to see a doctor in January as a precaution.. It was music to my ears. I did not want to get set back any longer. Hopefully soon I will get my FOL!

And the thing about me is that When I was getting my blood pressure taken at the doctor, I was already on medication for 6 weeks, so my pressure was below normal... it was just a freak thing that it jumped up during the exam.

Anyway ya, Running and being in good health is definitely the best way to keep it in check.