The fight for a natural liberty right


your social justice comic center
I assume most of us here are males but the point I will make is children need both parents in their lives as much as possible. I strongly believe children are being hurt a great amount by a scam known today which is a shade of gray or make up the law as we go along called family court.

I fought for my children for four years furiously in this country just to have shared 50/50 custody. I have been repeatly jailed for not having the funds to "pay" to "visit" my children. I have been deprived of a very fundimental liberty greater than owning property in this country for no reason other than being a father. I am not wealthy as some fathers are able to hire a top notch lawyer in order to gain shared custody.

I am ashamed of the country I was born in for this reason alone. It is disrespectful to children and a greedy money making machine which I hope to gain awareness by posting. I dont mind helping the poor through my tax dollars ...however, i have a big problem when someone takes my children away and demands I must
pay to see them. I stronly believe in 50/50 custody and I did not have children in order to pay someone else to raise them. It is the biggest piece of trash in this country IMO. This needs to change just as the right for a woman to work in any field has changed. I will not stand for anything less than my natural liberty rights such as this. I am not a bread winner. I am not a deadbeat. I am not a sperm donor. I am a father worthy of raising my childre and I will never "visit" them until they are old enough to visit me.

Im sorry if you believe this is not a serious problem in the US and nothing more than a rant.
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You should print that out and mail it to your family court judge, your ex's attorneys, the district attorney, the News, the President, etc. Better, actually, if you don't print it but instead write it in rabbit blood.
If rabbit blood is hard to cone by in your parts, then one of those notes where each letter is a different magazine clipping will also suffice.
Thank you for the wonderful sincere advice. I knew I could find support here. Oh, the warm anti_social justice comics are just what I need to hear.

Talk about oppression in the country and get the "a possible terrorist" comments. bahhh bahhhh bahhh, where do we go herd? I don't know but I'm just following him.
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You should print that out and mail it to your family court judge, your ex's attorneys, the district attorney, the Newspositivesident, etc. Better, actually, if you don't print it but instead write it in rabbit blood.

Boris, Boris, Boris...Still the same old duck lick from what I remember. I'd say you are one of those old farts stuck in his own generation of nostalgia he can't escape from. You know, one of those guys that can't change for his own damn good anymore. One of those guys that possibly lived too long to see where change is needed like an old confused fart that would say the word • in a public speech and not think anything of it because he grew up in a time where the word was programmed in his mind socially and excepted.

Love to read your opinions Boris, any time in your life. smiley? OK :)

EDIT: See, they even made that word a curse word today! The "N" word. What did the word father mean in your lifetime?

The whole purpose of this thread was to point out the meaning of the word father and bring it into possitive
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