The Attack on the 2nd Amendment Continues

@Seggy Sitting in your moms basement all alone again? Don't you have anything better to do than start these stupid threads?

Lets say you're right.....and O'bummer does issue a executive order to close the so called "Gun show loophole" (which doesn't really exist) but I'll humor you cause I feel sorry for you sitting all alone in your moms basement while the rest of the world is out partying and bring in the new year.

Not a single one of the so called mass murder shootings in the last 10 or 20 years has been with a gun that wasn't acquired legally or that a law would have prevented in any way.

San Bernardo - Legally purchased gun with a background check
Colorado Springs - Legally purchased gun with a background check
Roseburg Or - Legally purchased gun with a background check
Chattanooga Tenn - Legally purchased gun with a background check
Charleston SC - Legally purchased gun with a background check
Isla Vista CA - Legally purchased gun with a background check

So how are those background checks working for you.......

A law isn't going to stop someone who wants to harm someone else anymore than a "Gun Free Zone" stops someone from carrying. Hell I carry into those places all the time just out of spite.

You're also not going to get rid of all the guns in America any time soon. So O'bummer can piss in the wind for all I care, he isn't going to make a dent in gun ownership. Hell he's the best gun salesman of all time. I bet we see a huge spike in gun sales over the next few weeks.

Oh wait a minute........


Total private guns in the United States, 390 million

Murder rate in the U.S. 2015 4.5 per 100,000 FBI
Murder rate in the U.S. 1993 9.5 per 100,000 FBI
Murder rate in Brazil (latest) 25.2 per 100,000 Wikipedia
Murder rate in Mexico 2012 21.5 per 100,000 Wikipedia

Number of people with Concealed Carry permits in the United States: 12.8 million study

Number of States where no permit is required to carry concealed or openly: 10 study

Number of states who issue carry permits – 49

Number of states where open carry of firearms is legal: 44 in 2015, 45 with the addition of Texas on 1 January, 2016. map

Number of NICS background checks in 2015 22.6 million (pdf) FBI

Number of police killed with their own guns in 2014 – 1 FBI

Number of times guns used to stop crime or for defense: 1.5 million CDC(pdf)

Suicide rate in the United States 12.1 per 100,000
Suicide rate in France 12.3 per 100,000
Suicide rate in Japan 18.5 per 100,000
Suicide rate in South Korea 28.9 per 100,000

U.S. Fatal Firearm Accident rate in 2015 .2 per 100,000 Gun Watch
U.S. Fatal Firearm Accident rate in 1932 2.5 per 100,000

Michael Bloomberg Dollars devoted to restricting the Second Amendment, 50 million: Forbes

Percent who believe concealed carry of guns makes people safer: 53% Gallup

Percent who think concealed carry makes people less safe: 41% Gallup

Number of guns stolen or lost per year: 200,000

Murders committed with handguns: 6,115 FBI UCR

Murders committed with shotguns: 366
Murders committed with rifles : 367
Murders committed with (hands,fists,feet,etc.) 769
Murders committed with blunt objects: 549

©2015 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice is included.

Gun Sales–Especially AR-15s–Skyrocket Amid Democrat Gun Control Push

Black Friday guns sales break all previous records (Thanks, Obama!)

Legal Gun Sales Skyrocket After San Bernardino Terror Attack

Gun shop owner says sales on rise after terrorist attacks, Obama’s call for stricter firearms laws

If it is any consolation, our government does not have the ability to take our firearms from us (ala Australia). They aren't going anywhere. Stop worrying.

And just so everyone is aware, the "executive action" that Obama is taking on gun control is hardly anything at all. It closes a "loophole" that doesn't really exist and won't affect but a very small portion of sales.

So one must ask themself... Exactly what is the purpose of the executive action then? Well, it's quite simple... It's for the sole purpose of "taking action". To appear to be doing something while actually doing nothing (an Obama favorite). This is a purely political move.

So all the people worried about losing their firearms can settle down. And all of you who love to tout more gun control can settle down too. Because what this amounts to is hardly anything. It is a weak executive action if I've ever seen one. And it will actually drive the sales of more firearms in the coming weeks, months, and year. And most of the people who have been buying firearms lately are people who would have otherwise not even thought about it. But guess what? Start mentioning an assault weapon ban? People want to buy them. Gun control? People want em. It isn't about public safety, it's about control. If the government wanted to increase public safety there are a lot more effective things they could do. This has nothing to do with safety. I think it's almost funny how so many people from both sides of the aisle get worked up about gun control.
So all the people worried about losing their firearms can settle down.

I'm not worried because I live in a redneck state. But people in California might want to be worried:

TLDR: if somebody tells a judge you're a danger they can order you to give up your guns. You have 24 hours to surrender them or have a search warrant. The guns are taken for 3 weeks before you even have a chance to appeal.
I'm not worried because I live in a redneck state. But people in California might want to be worried:

TLDR: if somebody tells a judge you're a danger they can order you to give up your guns. You have 24 hours to surrender them or have a search warrant. The guns are taken for 3 weeks before you even have a chance to appeal.
What complete and utter bs. This is why I'd never live in California.
A lot of the constitutional scholars on here said that this would never happen. Looks like they are wrong and I was right!

Now sure what it is you believe you were "right" about, here.

I don't ever remember discussing weather or not Mr Obama would ever change the definition of what it means to be "in the business" of selling firearms.

Can you link to that discussion where you were "right"?
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One of the news sources indicated that this EO would also include a reduction in the fee to become an FFL. The ATF, in the last 20 years, has made it harder to become an FFL, and the source also said that the EO might include direction to the ATF to increase FFL application approvals.

Depending on how much the pot is made sweeter, I'd think about becoming my own FFL, even if it is only to eliminate transfer fees and allow out-of-state purchases to be shipped directly to my house.
One of the news sources indicated that this EO would also include a reduction in the fee to become an FFL. The ATF, in the last 20 years, has made it harder to become an FFL, and the source also said that the EO might include direction to the ATF to increase FFL application approvals.

Depending on how much the pot is made sweeter, I'd think about becoming my own FFL, even if it is only to eliminate transfer fees and allow out-of-state purchases to be shipped directly to my house.
I think there are certain caveats to becoming an FFL nowadays. Depending on the type of FFL you wish to hold, you may or may not need a store front.
I think there are certain caveats to becoming an FFL nowadays. Depending on the type of FFL you wish to hold, you may or may not need a store front.

No store front needed. You can still do it right out of your home. 2 friends have been approved in the last 3 months for home base FFL. O'bummers new edict might change that though.
You know Seggy is gonna look like a MORON when we find out that the BIG O secretly has stock in Remington, Winchester, Ruger ,Smith and Wesson, Colt ,Federal, ETC and uses every gun tragedy to scare the people into buying guns that most would not even buy just to feather his nest, Was He not named gun salesman of the decade ,Think about it.......................AMIRIGHT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. Stop feeding the Seggy Troll
You know Seggy is gonna look like a MORON when we find out that the BIG O secretly has stock in Remington, Winchester, Ruger ,Smith and Wesson, Colt ,Federal, ETC and uses every gun tragedy to scare the people into buying guns that most would not even buy just to feather his nest, Was He not named gun salesman of the decade ,Think about it.......................AMIRIGHT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. Stop feeding the Seggy Troll

"Going" to look like a Moron???
No store front needed. You can still do it right out of your home. 2 friends have been approved in the last 3 months for home base FFL. O'bummers new edict might change that though.
Except in NJ... The law requires a storefront...

It is a great idea though... I would be obliged to use the NICS system if I had access for wvery private sale I have done. I have only sold one firearm to someone I did not know, and really did not feel comfortable with the set up.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
Except in NJ... The law requires a storefront...

It is a great idea though... I would be obliged to use the NICS system if I had access for wvery private sale I have done. I have only sold one firearm to someone I did not know, and really did not feel comfortable with the set up.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

Yeah that's exactly the double speak from progressive gun control advocates that pisses me and others like me off.

Even the NRA supports back ground checks, but what they don't support is the restrictions pushed on people to use them or more specifically limit the use of them.
NICS is a tool, but gun control advocates have no problem with that poll tax.

It's like saying hey you can have a cookie and then locking the cookie in a cabinet 10 feet up. Yeah sure I can have it... Just as soon as I go through all the ass pain of getting a stool, and a key, and climbing up there.
If you really want the cookie, the ass pain, stool and key are but a small sacrifice

I'm sure you'd feel the same about free speech, hiring a lawyer, or voting. If this was a republican president signing an executive order instructing two forms of ID (one photo) have to be presented to vote at any poling station in any federal election it would be all over the media and the left would be losing their minds.

If you can't see how the gun control lobby continuously moves the goal posts to eventually outlawing guns by effectively making the barriers to challenging for a person without political connection or financial means to meet then you are either blind to it or deliberately ignoring it.

Just like the Fudds that think assault weapons should be banned as long as I can keep my scoped hunting rifle for deer.... Which will be next but they will call it a sniper rifle first and show the "epidemic" of roadside snipers putting all us people at risk on our morning commutes.
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