The Attack on the 2nd Amendment Continues


I want all the gun talk to go away so I can buy a few boxes of 30-06 for hunting this fall. I can't even find much 45-70 right now.

No one is taking your guns stop hording ammo.

I just want to find some 9mm and 22 ammo........Whatever hits the shelf is gone within 30 mins.....and thats only if the hunyuks in receiving dont call their buddies first....
I think it does show that we need to open up debate on new laws to curb some of the problems the author identifies.
Has anyone caught the show on HBO "Vice"? In one of the last episodes they did a documentary on Chicago gun/gang violence. It was interesting to see the how the laws in the city limits forbid the sales but you can go to any fringe city and get whatever you want. Ship them to the streets and it is game on. Thought it was interesting and whether or not you are a gun lover it is educational.
I just want to find some 9mm and 22 ammo........Whatever hits the shelf is gone within 30 mins.....and thats only if the hunyuks in receiving dont call their buddies first....
30-06 has been everywhere. 22 is still rare, but 9 is available, too. Yesterday, Cabelas has dozens of AE 100 rnd "value" (over priced) packs after lunch.
Last time I checked I've have 4 million rounds of just 22 ammo on orders for the stores. It's really not much only about 250,000 rounds per pallet
The view of "private" firearms ownership from South America:

Uruguay's high rate of gun ownership causes concerns, says NGO

2013-06-05 09:46:26
MONTEVIDEO, June 4 (Xinhua) -- Uruguay has the world's highest per capita rate of gun ownership, with one out of three Uruguayans owning a firearm, according to figures released Tuesday by the Institute of Legal and Social Studies (IELSUR), a non-governmental organization (NGO).

Up to December 2012, 584,112 guns were registered in Uruguay, and the number of unregistered firearms is expected to double, in a country of just 3.4 million people, the NGO's Luis Pedernera told a local radio station.

The rate is almost as much as in "countries such as Iraq, where there is a latent armed conflict," said Pedernera, adding the prevalence of guns puts Uruguay in the same position as "Colombia and Brazil, where firearms are highly used."

Funded by the European Union, the NGO unveiled a gun-control project this week, which is called "action for a democratic security policy; towards a national plan of civilian disarmament."

The released figures will help Uruguayans "discuss an issue of concern that is barely visible. This issue should really raise our concern," said Pedernera.

The NGO representative said Uruguay's gun-ownership laws "need to be aligned with international standards" to send the message that "firearms are not a right of the people, but a tool of the state for specific actions".

"We have to include the issue in the Uruguayan agenda, because this will have a positive effect on quality of life," he said.

Uruguay's Congress is currently debating a bill that would punish illegal possession of guns and trafficking in firearms.

...they forgot to add at the end of the bolded sentence above, "specific actions like genocide, oppression of political, social, and religious adversaries of the state, and other abuses of power."
I love how well the Demo's have taken an emotionally charged subject, springboarded it off of the horrific acts of a few, used news media to drum up the fear and hatred from both sides. Quite an effective way to diver the attention of a nation while they drive through legislation that is astoundingly bad for this country and its people.

Gun control is such a small "blip" on the radar of what's wrong in this country. Fix education. Fix financial reform, fix capital hill. Then when we are no longer trailing the rest of the educated world, come fix things like gun "control".

Am I worried that some nut may come shoot up a mall where I am? Sure. I'm more worried about the education system that I'm putting my 3 kids into. I'm worried that, even when they do get an education, the economy will be so piss poor that there won't be jobs ( kind of like... Now?). I'm worried that our government has become too large, and too dependent on foreign/ outside money to be effective again.

Seriously, if you are worried about my gun collection, or, for some reason think you have any right to dictate what I may, or may not buy, then draw the blinds, and go hide in your basement.
I want all the gun talk to go away so I can buy a few boxes of 30-06 for hunting this fall. I can't even find much 45-70 right now.

No one is taking your guns stop hording ammo.
I've seen 30-06 everywhere. It's one of the few calibers that is almost always in stock. Crazy that you can't find any.
I've seen 30-06 everywhere. It's one of the few calibers that is almost always in stock. Crazy that you can't find any.
All I have been able to reliably find through all this is various 30 cal magnum rounds and some weird stuff like .243. Makes you think the sage advice of buy NATO rounds isn't all that good. .223, 9mm and .308 don't exist. Oh I've seen lots of 7.62x54R and 5.45. Maybe the advice is buy Russian.
I just want to find some 9mm and 22 ammo........Whatever hits the shelf is gone within 30 mins.....and thats only if the hunyuks in receiving dont call their buddies first....
I wonder if people like Seggy and Morris are buying it all just to screw everybody else.
I think this would be a great time to open up an munitions factory. Your product is in such demand, existing manufacturers cannot keep up and every time the president talks about guns on TV your product becomes even more in demand. (Obama for gun/ammo salesman of the decade BTW.)