The Attack on the 2nd Amendment Continues

Bottom line:

Those that want to "ban guns" don't know about guns, are afraid of them, and really consider the root cause of all problems to be guns...wrong.

As others have stated, I am for legislation that would actually help this situation but nothing anyone has put forward will do anything. So I'm sorry, you can call me a right wing nut, but I refuse to give up my rights and freedoms just because someone wants to SEEM like they are "doing something". It is unrealistic to say "ban guns". Nice thought but reality is quite different. Criminals will always find a way. How about we find out why these people do what they do. Look at this...none of the mass shootings were committed by your everyday common criminal. These were people who were usually bullied or that had a rare form of mental disease that had them act out in violence. Most Drs will tell you people with mental illness are not violent. To date, no one can tell me or show me where anyone in Washington has looked at any other avenue besides banning guns. So until you do, you get a big fat hell no on all gun legislation.
Bottom line:

Those that want to "ban guns" don't know about guns, are afraid of them, and really consider the root cause of all problems to be guns...wrong.

No, the bottom line is that if you are so afraid of gun control you have blinders on to common sense and have an irrational fear of nothing.

Criminals will always find a way.

Of course they will! But you STILL have laws in place!
People steal for different root causes, yet we have laws that throw people in jail for it.

The difference, of course, is that law-abiding American citizens don't have a right to steal. They do have a right to keep and bear arms. Jon Stewart is making a fool of himself trying to make this comparison. Like you, his irrational fear of guns is interfering with his usually logical mind.
The difference, of course, is that law-abiding American citizens don't have a right to steal. They do have a right to keep and bear arms. Jon Stewart is making a fool of himself trying to make this comparison. Like you, his irrational fear of guns is interfering with his usually logical mind.

I'm not afraid of guns, you and the gun folks are afraid of the invisible gun taking ghosts taking your grenade launcher while you sleep.
Yep, and there are already current laws prohibiting all of the bad things that people do with firearms.

They aren't working so we need to have stricter laws to restrict guns, go after the manufactures, you know, attack the root in the supply chain.
All I know is I bought a few 30 round mags for my AR15 yesterday, $20 bucks baby :) Bought an HK P30 too.

Nice choice with the P30. I have a P30L in .40, and while I don't like it as much as my M&P's, it is more accurate and it might actually be more ergonomic, which is saying a lot compared to the M&P, which has great ergos itself. If H&K could get the trigger a little better it would be perfect (I have the light LEM trigger which is still pretty good).

Also, I'm glad we (the NRA) won this fight. I donated more to the NRA, SAF, and GOA this year than I paid in union dues last year. There were millions of others like me doing the same thing, and it's probably a big reason why we won. The NRA doesn't just represent industry, they represent millions of citizens such as myself.
They aren't working so we need to have stricter laws to restrict guns, go after the manufactures, you know, attack the root in the supply chain.

Seggy, you seem to be forgetting that the 2nd amendment says that doing this would be unconstitutional. Even most of the gun control laws recently enacted by NY and other states will be likely struck down as unconstitutional.

If you want to overturn the 2nd amendment, then go ahead and do so. Till then, American citizens have a constitutional right to own semi-automatic rifles.

End of debate.
They aren't working so we need to have stricter laws to restrict guns, go after the manufactures, you know, attack the root in the supply chain.

"Oh, the guy who bombed Boston is on the loose in my neighborhood? Really glad I don't have an AR-15 with a 30 round magazine" ...Said nobody, ever.
ryan1234 said:
"Oh, the guy who bombed Boston is on the loose in my neighborhood? Really glad I don't have an AR-15 with a 30 round magazine" ...Said nobody, ever.

That's incredibly irresponsible to try some vigilante justice or take action and possibly cause more harm than good.
scooter2525 said:
Ar would be a good choice if the one of the suspects decides to break into someone's house. It's not vigilante justice, it's self defense against dangerous people.

Riiiiight, enjoy pulling that trigger as the terrorist blows up his suicide vest in your face.
That's incredibly irresponsible to try some vigilante justice or take action and possibly cause more harm than good.

I'm not sure what world you live in... or how much experience you have in it....but I'll take my chances.

From a tactical stand point... are you familiar with suicide bombers?