The Attack on the 2nd Amendment Continues

Bull honkey. A laser on a carry weapon is an absolute must in my opinion. I can put a dot on a target a LOT faster than I can put a post in between two other posts and make sure all that is lined up with a target.

You don't need a perfect sight picture for an under 7 yard shot. When I compete I don't even look at the sights out to about 7 yards. Just point and shoot. KISS. In a self defense situation I would slow it down a bit, and get a better sight picture to be sure, but I guarantee you, if you train to be proficient with your firearm, you will be faster, and more accurate on sights then on a laser.
I have a stainless Colt Combat Commander. I absolutely love it. You are going to enjoy the commander.

IMHO the 4.25" 1911 is perfection.

This is one of my carry pieces. 1977 Combat Commander in nickel.

I guess you've never watched those drug commercials that warn takers of anti-depression drugs that the very drugs they're taking to help their depression could actually make them more depressed and even suicidal. If an anti-depressant has been proven to cause depression and suicide, then I don't see why "we're boned" simply because someone asks a question about whether some mental illness drugs might lead to violence.

I guess you've never looked into how those disclaimers make it on the commercials.

Where were you on the natural law discussion in the other thread?
I guess you've never looked into how those disclaimers make it on the commercials.

Where were you on the natural law discussion in the other thread?
The FDA issues a black label warning after conducting a meta-analysis of a bunch of studies related to SSRIs and suicide, and it therefore goes onto the commercials. I don't think you need to be an almost-lawyer to grasp this.
I wasn't insinuating such, only that the reason that Todd was alluding to wasn't dispositive.
I don't think his supposition that drugs that may cause or increase the likelihood that someone will self-harm might branch out into harming others (and then oneself) is that radical. There has been noone studying this type of behavior because it is so uncommon (as far as I am aware) but at least to me it seems plausible, and not the indication that we (as a society?) are 'boned.'
I don't think his supposition that drugs that may cause or increase the likelihood that someone will self-harm might branch out into harming others (and then oneself) is that radical. There has been noone studying this type of behavior because it is so uncommon (as far as I am aware) but at least to me it seems plausible, and not the indication that we (as a society?) are 'boned.'

My post about being boned has to do with what constitutes rational analysis these days, and I think this relates to it. Instead of looking at the simple solution (crazy people do crazy things), we look to the drugs they're taking to fix the crazy as the cause of the problem? Really? When did science denial really take hold in this country? Oh and with that...

My post about being boned has to do with what constitutes rational analysis these days, and I think this relates to it. Instead of looking at the simple solution (crazy people do crazy things), we look to the drugs they're taking to fix the crazy as the cause of the problem? Really?

I wouldn't say we look to them to "fix" the problem, but look to them? Yes, of course. These are powerful drugs that change the brain chemistry in ways that are not fully understood. Perhaps handing them out like pez is not the best long-term solution.
I wouldn't say we look to them to "fix" the problem, but look to them? Yes, of course. These are powerful drugs that change the brain chemistry in ways that are not fully understood. Perhaps handing them out like pez is not the best long-term solution.

Let me break this down for you in how I see this discussion:

Dude 1: "He totally just killed all those people because of the psychotropic medications he was on."

Dude 2: "You don't think that he killed those people because he's schizophrenic and thus, bat crap crazy and heard the voice of God tell him to do so?"

Dude 1: "No way, schizophrenia doesn't cause you to do crazy things! Drugs make you do crazy things!"

You WANT the brain chemistry changed in these people because they're off their rocker. To be real honest man, this starts to become the same discussion as any other science denier (read as: climate change deniers).
If I object to a coal powered automobile am I denying science? Believe it or not there is a science to psychotherapy and psychology. Why is the chemical solution the superior one? I think it is certainly the easier one to accomplish but there are few things in life I have found where easier equates to better.
Let me break this down for you in how I see this discussion:

Dude 1: "He totally just killed all those people because of the psychotropic medications he was on."

Dude 2: "You don't think that he killed those people because he's schizophrenic and thus, bat crap crazy and heard the voice of God tell him to do so?"

Dude 1: "No way, schizophrenia doesn't cause you to do crazy things! Drugs make you do crazy things!"

You WANT the brain chemistry changed in these people because they're off their rocker. To be real honest man, this starts to become the same discussion as any other science denier (read as: climate change deniers).
The Newton shooter wasn't schizophrenic as far as I am aware. I believe he was in the Autism spectrum somewhere (Aspergers?) Also, I believe you are mischaracterizing what is being said, I think it is more like this:

Dude 1: "He totally just killed all those people!! Why did he do it? Could the medication he was taking which can cause or intensify suicidal ideation have contributed to his decision to end it all with a bang? Is it appropriate for a large fraction of our children to be medicated with psychotropic drugs?"
Unions are a group bound by solidarity, anyone not walking lockstep with their ideology are not "one of us."
It would be nice if that were true, but as far as my experience has shown at least in pilot unions pilots are obsessed with the idea that they are not labor. What else they would be is a question that isn't really dwelled on too much but we're as a divided a trade as any I have ever encountered.
Where were you on the natural law discussion in the other thread?

I said all that I felt needed to be said. Apparently you feel that it's important to second-guess the SCOTUS (but only on the ruling you disagree with, of course). As for me, I just quoted what the majority opinion said. If you want to debate beyond that whether the members of the SCOTUS know what natural law is, then that's your business. I have better things to do with my time than pretend I know better than the SCOTUS.