The Attack on the 2nd Amendment Continues

I've always thought open carry for someone not in uniform was tactically unsound. When in uniform, it's part of the uniform since you aren't hiding who you are, and you can't avoid being a target anyway, as you could if you were plainclothes.

But that aside, what's funny/ironic is that one would've thought that open carry would've been legal in of all places, the wild west state of Texas, for a very long time now. But it hasn't been for some odd reason, when places like Vermont, it's been legal for quite a long time. Just weird that if it hasn't been so this long, what difference does it make now?

Minnesota is an open-carry state as well. While I do carry it is never 'open'. The soccer moms where I live would get their undies in a bunch.
Minnesota is an open-carry state as well. While I do carry it is never 'open'. The soccer moms where I live would get their undies in a bunch.
The only time I have seenanyone open carry around here has been MNGOCRA people at the Dakota County Fair. Like your self, if I decided to open carry the people in my town would flip.
I like open carry if only for the protection it grants if you do accidentally expose your firearm through either printing or bending and your sweater tucks up etc.

Only time Actively do it is when is when I'm doing something on my own out in nowhere land like hunting.

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Minnesota is an open-carry state as well. While I do carry it is never 'open'. The soccer moms where I live would get their undies in a bunch.

We are open carry here but I rarely see it. Few times at Meijer (one appeared to be a Cold Cup 1911 so I guess CC would've been a bit hard). And we have the occasional group that likes to roam with their AR's in the City to prove something.
You are so inconsiderate and crass. To make fun of an emotional outburst in a room full of families who lives were ruined because of the gun fettish we have in this country is deplorable.
Inconsiderate, crass, heartless is parading out these victims of violence as political fodder while stating nothing being done would change a thing.

As far as I'm concerned if the supporters of these measures really believe in them they should have passed them when they controlled both legislative houses and the White House seven years ago.

Either they know, as admitted by the president, they won't do anything, or they found it not politically expedient and lacked the backbone and will to fight for them.

Either way it is disingenuous. At its worst, if they really believe the gun control they seek would work, then the blood spilled by the victims whose families were present is on the President's hands, and other leaders who failed to act when they could out of fear for their precious political careers.

Talk about callous.
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I've always thought open carry for someone not in uniform was tactically unsound. When in uniform, it's part of the uniform since you aren't hiding who you are, and you can't avoid being a target anyway, as you could if you were plainclothes.

But that aside, what's funny/ironic is that one would've thought that open carry would've been legal in of all places, the wild west state of Texas, for a very long time now. But it hasn't been for some odd reason, when places like Vermont, it's been legal for quite a long time. Just weird that if it hasn't been so this long, what difference does it make now?
I think the difference now is our leadership and information outlets are so polarizing everything seems to require an immediate and overreacting backlash.

Democrats talk guns, well the Texans are going to expect their leadership to respond. That's why I think, most of this nonsense is going on.
Only time Actively do it is when is when I'm doing something on my own out in nowhere land like hunting.

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I do the same. Not much point in concealing a pistol if you're already carrying around a rifle. In AZ, you can draw the ire of the game wardens if you are carrying any type of weapon not specifically allowed for the particular hunt, especially the overzealous ones that don't keep current with rule changes.

I was stopped during an archery javelina hunt and was told it was illegal to be carrying a pistol. I asked to be shown exactly where that's said in the official hunting regulations I had with me and while he was looking I produced a 4" javelina tusk I had pulled from a badly mauled (likely by a bear) corpse just a few hundred yards off the road. Fact is, it's not illegal, and I explained how idiotic it would be to be trying to find aggressive animals out here by myself with a knife and a bow. I ain't no Rambo, and even my Glock 23 isn't going to do much to a 350+ lb black bear except hopefully scare it away. I'm shocked that there are still states that don't allow carrying firearms while archery hunting. If not for the 4-legged ones, for the really strange 2-legged ones I've come across in the wild.
Inconsiderate, crass, heartless is parading out these victims of violence as political fodder while stating nothing being done would change a thing.

As far as I'm concerned if the supporters of these measures really believe in them they should have passed them when they controlled both legislative houses and the White House seven years ago.

Either they know, as admitted by the president, they won't do anything, or they found it not politically expedient and lacked the backbone and will to fight for them.

Either way it is disingenuous. At its worst, if they really believe the gun control they seek would work, then the blood spilled by the victims whose families were present is on the President's hands, and other leaders who failed to act when they could out of fear for their precious political careers.

Talk about callous.

For you, and the rest of the folks on here that agree with you, here is an out take from the clip that I whole heartily agree with.

"Are you f***ing kidding me? Shedding tears when you think of murdered children is not really believable? You know what? There is something here that is not really believable, the fact that the rest of us have to share the title of human being with you."
There is something here that is not really believable, the fact that the rest of us have to share the title of human being with you."
And here I have been thinking how unbelievable it is that the rest of us have to share the world with complete and utter idiots. This just confirms that.
This should be a Celebrity Deathmatch episode:

Former LE now Military Officer (Pilot) takes on Former Regional now Mainline Entitlement Generation (Pilot):

And GO!!

Man, I really would suggest against that.

Granted we have our "Poindexters" but we also have our "Goliaths". The internet is a dangerous place for assumptions!
For you, and the rest of the folks on here that agree with you, here is an out take from the clip that I whole heartily agree with.

"Are you f***ing kidding me? Shedding tears when you think of murdered children is not really believable? You know what? There is something here that is not really believable, the fact that the rest of us have to share the title of human being with you."
So where did I even refer to tears, or anything you used in response to my statement which starts with "for you" at which point you call me a non human.

I like sparring with you on line from time to time. I get bored sitting in airports and hotels. In order for it to be interesting it requires you to read and respond to the content presented, not just fling insults when you have no intelligent response.

You clearly cannot answer why this administration and those in agreement with it did nothing substantial on gun control while it could. We can argue over the ACA and its successes and failures, but the fact is if the gun control crowd really believed their rhetoric about "gun violence" health insurance is meaningless and job number one when they controlled Congress and the White House should have been gun control. They are either using it as a political tool to create a wedge issue and avoid having to come up with real solutions for real problems, or they really believe tens of thousands of lives could be saved annually and put their political careers first 7 years ago.

Obama and the rest of the gun control politicians kept quiet, even after Aurora, waiting to win a second term to start beating the gun control drum with the same tired non solutions. If they truly believe in these policies and kept quiet when they had control of the federal legislative and law enforcement apparatus then they are the ones who are guilty of being sub human.

As for the tears, perhaps the President believes in these policies, and his tears are those born of guilt, looking at the families of the victims knowing he and his political allies chose their political careers over the lives of these victims.

So, you can call me names, and post some unrelated Comedy Central editorial, or you can answer the question of which path my party chose, cynical wedge issue or political expedience over innocent lives.

But, you'll probably just call me names.
@Seggy how old are you? Are you actually a pilot or just a wanna be? Your ramblings come across like arguing with a 13 year old. Your posts make no sense other than to rile up people.

Does anyone here actually know this guy in the real world? Is he who/what he claims to be?

I know him. Had a lunch with him at the Airbus facility in MIA when he was at his previous carrier in training at the same time I was. He's a great guy. Everyone who knows him knows his background, the work he's done for ALPA, and his current airline. None of this should be in question just because you disagree with him on the gun control topic.
Taking up arms against your government isn't terrorism. It's sedition.
Wanting to overthrow your government isn't terrorism. It's treason.

Maybe if you had sworn an oath to protect and defend the Consitution, against enemies, both foreign and domestic, you would better understand just exactly that means.

Meh. This day and age, the skin color and/or middle eastern-sounding name of the person committing the act will get the same condition labeled as terrorism.

One isolated attack here on US soil (9/11), and despite the statistical irrelevance of you being killed in a terrorist attack, we spent billions on wars, security, DHS, and gave up freedoms via the Patriot Act all in the name of "keeping us safe."

The chance of me being killed by a gun by someone else are far higher than me being killed here in a terrorist attack. But we spent billions to fix one and even came up with unconstitutional things in the process that, apparently, people were okay with in the name of safety. But don't "touch ma guns" mantra squashes any chance of trying to try even 1/1000th of the same kinds of efforts on gun control as they did with "fighting terror."