Stay at NK or go to AA

Pretty much the same (and about same relative seniority), it's a hard call to stay or leave. I've been furloughed before so I'm a little concerned about being at the bottom of a huge seniority list as I don't exactly have the time left in my career to outrun it, same with pay because best case scenario it takes me about 4 years to make up the pay difference. Good luck with whatever you decide it's not an easy decision at our age and seniority.

You guys are brave souls if you can see yourself hitting seniority reset at 50 :eek:
“Still to be determined is the name of the combined carrier, who will be CEO, and the location of the airline's headquarters. The chair of the new airline will be Bill Franke who is the current chair of Frontier and managing partner of its parent company Indigo Partners.”

The only constant in aviation is change.

F9 closed ORD, NK has ORD. Who knows if that was planned?

Best of luck. Having gone through the “5th largest airline merger!” I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. I saw a base closure and a move across the country as a result.
Do you really want to be on the bottom the seniority list at American, should the US ultimately enter into an armed conflict against Russia? I’m not saying there are going to be nukes raining down on us but the economic ramifications to our country and the airlines won’t be pretty.
I am more worried about our economy stabilization when interest rates start going up than I am about economic ramifications over this.

Plan for the worst always, but there are a lot of people who have been justifying their decisions for the next big earthquake they foresee coming. Certainly when you get the Golden hand-cuffs I'd start thinking long and hard but 2 years (one of with was probably covid so no movement) is suddenly I need to plant myself down and not move because of our next worldwide event? I dunno about that. Heard that a lot from my lifer regional CA'S. The great reset is coming, right?
Just hit 5 years at AA and have been DCA based the entire time with the exception of 1 month in LGA. It's what you make of it like anywhere, and there's no telling what this airline will be like in 10 years. Sure you will find toxicity here, and quite frankly you will EVERYWHERE. You really just have to make the decision that YOU want to make based on what you and your family want, and let no one else's opinions deter you from that.

To be honest if I listened to half the advice I've gotten in my career, I'd probably be nowhere just going in circles. At the end of the day, minus some pros and cons, the legacies are all the same for the most part. Anyone of us could lose our jobs at any given moment for any medical reason, or financial trouble within the company. I just wake up everyday and I'm thankful this airline allows me to live the lifestyle I have always wanted and I'm grateful for that. I work with great people. Our maintenance has been super awesome. I do like the atmosphere. Sure it's way too easy to try and compare your airline to another airline. We don't have this or that, but they do. You'll never be happy honestly finding every little detail of what makes someone else's grass greener than yours.

The bad and ugly part: I have been on mil leave for almost two years now so I have never felt the scheduling problems many have faced while working here.
Here’s today’s carnage for Chicago


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Closing and shrinking domiciles when not one but two legacies have domicile in the same city, during the midst of the most furious legacy hiring spree seen in decades, if not ever, when attrition is already an issue.


meanwhile, frontier pilots be


“This company” is doing something; they always are. Just don’t bother trying to figure out what it is.
Wanted to ask this group here since the crowd here is much more level headed then the other one on the inter webs. i live in Dfw 30 min from the airport. Also I’m 32 years old.

I’m currently a FO at NK. Been here about 2 and a half years. About 48% in DFW. I’m probably about a year from the most junior upgrade but still probably 2+ years from holding DFW CA and even longer to hold a line there. I really have enjoyed it here. The schedule flexibility is awesome now as a solid line holder. My concerns are with the amount of attrition we have. Upgrades have slowed to a crawl because of it. Worried it may affect our growth plans which is the only way seniority will move up here.

With everything going on I’m considering putting my stuff in at AA (I know I don’t have a decision to make until/if I get a CJO but..)
wondering if it makes sense to start all over again and switch to AA. Not all that concerned about the money. Mostly looking for good QOL long term. I’d be happy as a clam to be a long term NB captain in Dfw.

what say all the wise minds of JC?

If you have the opportunity to work at American Airlines and are actually having to think it over, then you might need to see a psychiatrist. Seriously? You are at NK and are grasping at straws as to why you should go? If you were at Mesa, would you say the same thing? NK is exactly the same situation. A Mesa but bigger. Why would you even have to think about it?
If you have the opportunity to work at American Airlines and are actually having to think it over, then you might need to see a psychiatrist. Seriously? You are at NK and are grasping at straws as to why you should go? If you were at Mesa, would you say the same thing? NK is exactly the same situation. A Mesa but bigger. Why would you even have to think about it?

I’m so happy you’re back.
If you have the opportunity to work at American Airlines and are actually having to think it over, then you might need to see a psychiatrist. Seriously? You are at NK and are grasping at straws as to why you should go? If you were at Mesa, would you say the same thing? NK is exactly the same situation. A Mesa but bigger. Why would you even have to think about it?
Your breath smells like butt.
If you have the opportunity to work at American Airlines and are actually having to think it over, then you might need to see a psychiatrist. Seriously? You are at NK and are grasping at straws as to why you should go? If you were at Mesa, would you say the same thing? NK is exactly the same situation. A Mesa but bigger. Why would you even have to think about it?
Well, if he needs a psychiatrist, then you definitely don’t want him at AA. Only the best and brightest, correct?
If you have the opportunity to work at American Airlines and are actually having to think it over, then you might need to see a psychiatrist. Seriously? You are at NK and are grasping at straws as to why you should go? If you were at Mesa, would you say the same thing? NK is exactly the same situation. A Mesa but bigger. Why would you even have to think about it?
If you have the opportunity to work at American Airlines and are actually having to think it over, then you might need to see a psychiatrist. Seriously? You are at NK and are grasping at straws as to why you should go? If you were at Mesa, would you say the same thing? NK is exactly the same situation. A Mesa but bigger. Why would you even have to think about it?
If you fall in a shallow pool, take a short nap. I’d take NK over AA any day