Southwest Suspending hiring through 2024....

SEA. Bigger base, more junior, more SE flying easier to get commutable trips and overnights at home.

Freighter is a good back pocket option but I’m noticing they tend to cancel last minute at random. At least the late night one that I want to take to catch the 6 am SFO flights

Definitely don’t count on the freighter for getting around. Allegedly I’ve had the opportunity to commute on the freighter about half a dozen times and it actually worked exactly once. Little bit different since JNU is a bit of a hub in comparison, but there’s definitely some more elasticity in that schedule.
SEA. Bigger base, more junior, more SE flying easier to get commutable trips and overnights at home.

Freighter is a good back pocket option but I’m noticing they tend to cancel last minute at random. At least the late night one that I want to take to catch the 6 am SFO flights
Probably smart. The world for AS runs through SEA, there’s so many more options for commuting, schedules, room for activities, etc. Plus ANC will take some time to hold going forward, and seniority progression there is glacial 😵‍💫.

I just turned 36 today, guess that makes me officially middle aged and not a young man anymore.. I better Amazon that walking stick soon
Happy Birthday!
I just turned 36 today, guess that makes me officially middle aged and not a young man anymore.. I better Amazon that walking stick soon

I'd say that when I turned 40, my thoughts of my imminent death exponentially increased. There is really no reason for this, it just happened. I fully understand the term "midlife crisis" now, though I don't think I'm having it outwardly :)
I'd say that when I turned 40, my thoughts of my imminent death exponentially increased. There is really no reason for this, it just happened. I fully understand the term "midlife crisis" now, though I don't think I'm having it outwardly :)
... where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. ...

Me? I don't even know what that stuff means anymore. ...Not that I ever really did. Five or six linguistic translations through God-knows-how-many politically powerful, er, "influencers", many of whom actually possessed the title of King and/or Emperor even if they lacked Tic-Toob and Insta-face. With all that going for it, is it any wonder it's a bit dementedly confused?
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Check your email, it's only gonna get worse.
That Lum letter was one of the most frustrating/demeaning messages I have read in a while. Talk about being out of touch with the line guys.
I thought I understood what midlife crisis was until I started staring 50 in the face. It....changes your thinking in a lot of ways....
Yeah, it’s natural for most to think this way. From time to time I look in the mirror and question who is this aging man staring back at me.
P.S. how are you liking the line?
That Lum letter was one of the most frustrating/demeaning messages I have read in a while. Talk about being out of touch with the line guys.

Yeah, it’s natural for most to think this way. From time to time I look in the mirror and question who is this aging man staring back at me.
P.S. how are you liking the line?

I read that letter as a super-junior guy who is trying to be as wide-eyed and open minded as possible and even I was like, ..."Really? We're going to create that kind of atmosphere now? Shut up and color isn't really a good policy basis in any company...."

As for the's great....when I fly....which isn't often at all. It's a dice roll right now but probably will have to go back to the school house because I doubt very seriously I'll be able to consolidate in time....
What happened?
Company started capping flights a few months back. No reason given. Pilots were confused and wanted to get non-revs and jumpseaters on. We would call dispatch/load planning and asked to remove it. Sometimes yes it would be removed. Now just a few days ago System CP said the numbers are final and don’t call to get it changed. Also we are putting it in the FOM. So don’t bother us with this matter anymore. We all know it’s about $$$$$.
I read that letter as a super-junior guy who is trying to be as wide-eyed and open minded as possible and even I was like, ..."Really? We're going to create that kind of atmosphere now? Shut up and color isn't really a good policy basis in any company...."

As for the's great....when I fly....which isn't often at all. It's a dice roll right now but probably will have to go back to the school house because I doubt very seriously I'll be able to consolidate in time....
Cliff notes for the commoners?
Company started capping flights a few months back. No reason given. Pilots were confused and wanted to get non-revs and jumpseaters on. We would call dispatch/load planning and asked to remove it. Sometimes yes it would be removed. Now just a few days ago System CP said the numbers are final and don’t call to get it changed. Also we are putting it in the FOM. So don’t bother us with this matter anymore. We all know it’s about $$$$$.

Yikes, that sucks. I know guys who list on JetBlue and then click exactly 24 hrs prior for checkin online to reserve their spot in line. It was as close to a “guarantee” as could be for an OAL jumpseater.

Is it for long haul? Short haul? Or everything?