Southwest Pilots have a TA

If they were so superior, why were they bought by Boeing?

If you can find it, there's an excellent article from the mid-late 1990s in one of the business journals called "How TQM killed McDonnell Douglas" that does an excellent job spelling it out.
If you can find it, there's an excellent article from the mid-late 1990s in one of the business journals called "How TQM killed McDonnell Douglas" that does an excellent job spelling it out.
When that merger went down there were 5 or 6 kids who went in class the following year. That was a beat down on the aerospace industry in the mid 90's in Southern California.
If someone wanted to pay me more to fly a Boeing product, I would say Airbus kiss my ass.

But as far as I can tell:

Thanks Obama.

I'm buying Indonesian Silver Ingot for "The Quickening".
Yeah, coworker of mine (now at a better place) was big into precious metals. I worry that he may be right.

My use of "you damn kids" is largely ironical, since (1) I'm one of them damn kids according to many, and (2) a lot of our new hires are older than I am, but still. Damn kids.
Not exactly impressive. The pay raises are okay. Signing bonus is about what you'd expect. Some new overrides that aren't bad. But retirement is a slap in the face. And I have a feeling that the members aren't going to be thrilled with those scope concessions. Here's the union update:

It's all about choices. It would seem the other things were more important to them.