Southwest Pilots have a TA

People are scoffing at a 10% match? Most places outside of aviation and you are lucky to get a 6% match, unless I am completely missing something here or they are comparing it to old pension plans.
A certain large retailer is 2% with a nasty vesting schedule.

But we aren't talking about retail, we're talking about air transportation.
"Why are there pieces of 727 in here?!"

Yeah nooo.jpg
One man's trash. I know it sounds crazy but I enjoy the Texas Two Step... At least during the cool weather months. Take offs and landings are fun. I don't care for them in the winter because the 300/500 is getting long in the tooth and the air conditioning just can't keep up against the Texas heat and humidity, but in the winter? Sign me up! I'd much rather do 4-5 legs in Texas than deicing in LaGarbage.
One man's trash. I know it sounds crazy but I enjoy the Texas Two Step... At least during the cool weather months. Take offs and landings are fun. I don't care for them in the winter because the 300/500 is getting long in the tooth and the air conditioning just can't keep up against the Texas heat and humidity, but in the winter? Sign me up! I'd much rather do 4-5 legs in Texas than deicing in LaGarbage.

Truth be told, I was the same way. I preferred the short legs. But when we did them at AirTran, it was three short legs and a long layover, not five short legs and a twelve hour layover. Not very efficient, but great for someone lazy like me. :)
People are scoffing at a 10% match? Most places outside of aviation and you are lucky to get a 6% match, unless I am completely missing something here or they are comparing it to old pension plans.

People outside of aviation don't fly $100,000,000 jets, have age 65 retirement, take a potentially career-ending medical twice per year and make decisions multiple times per day that can bring a multi-billion dollar company to extinction.

Never feel bad about the money you worked your ass of for.
People outside of aviation don't fly $100,000,000 jets, have age 65 retirement, take a potentially career-ending medical twice per year and make decisions multiple times per day that can bring a multi-billion dollar company to extinction.

Never feel bad about the money you worked your ass of for.

We got that line from the mediator when we were negotiating over benefits.

Mediator: "You know, out in most of corporate America, the company only pays 60% of premium costs, and you guys are demanding 85%."

Me: "That's great, Mike. Remind me again, how much was USAirways paying on your premiums when you were there? Ninety percent, I think?"

That ended that rhetoric. We settled on 80%. :)
It's kinda like an aging prostitute. After a while all of the sexy clothes and makeup you put on the old girl just doesn't do the trick anymore. You still don't wanna mess around with her.

Technically, I still haven't seen the overhead, but I gather it's that same tired looking overhead from the -200.