Someone else has made it to Southern Jets

Getting hired in 2000 felt luck a POW who had been tunneling through a small hole in the bathroom for years had finally dug himself to the other side. Getting hired in the 20's feels like the war is over, the guards are gone and someone walked out the front gate.

Pretty good analogy....2000 was something else..... Even getting out of regional land in the early-teens took a bit of doing. Maybe like bribing the right guards and sneaking out in the middle of the night. Guys left here and there but you could keep track of who got out.
Getting hired in 2000 felt luck a POW who had been tunneling through a small hole in the bathroom for years had finally dug himself to the other side. Getting hired in the 20's feels like the war is over, the guards are gone and someone walked out the front gate.

More like Andy from Shawshank. Got out of the cell, but you still have 200 yards of septic pipe to crawl through.
I swear to God half of you people are autistic.

I'd love to sit some of the combatants down and give them a Rorsach Test:

"what do you see?"

"an attack on me"

"how about this one?"

"I feel threatened and attacked"

"how about this one?"

"why do you smite me?"

[shows a photo of a puppy, colorful balloons and a plate of delicious tacos]

"I can't believe you have the audacity!" :)
I'd love to sit some of the combatants down and give them a Rorsach Test:

"what do you see?"

"an attack on me"

"how about this one?"

"I feel threatened and attacked"

"how about this one?"

"why do you smite me?"

[shows a photo of a puppy, colorful balloons and a plate of delicious tacos]

"I can't believe you have the audacity!" :)

Sounds more like a Gen Z group to me.
The funny part is that @Boris Badenov is definitely one of us. :bounce:

Hate to be a wet blanket, but I am uh, whatsit, "neuro-typical" across the board, at least according to tests done in like 1995 because I was kind of a little poopy-head in high school, and Mom was worried, so off to the head-shrinker I went. I believe the verdict was that I was basically just being a teenager.

Boring as vanilla ice-cream, over here. Right-handed, white as the driven snow, couldn't successfully draw a stick-figure with a gun to my head, no fashion sense to speak of, in to cars, guns, motorcycles, loud noises, and chicks who didn't know I existed. Whatever "The Other" means, I'm the thing that isn't. Just some dude. Soooooooo lame.

So, Normies, you, too, are welcome here.
Hate to be a wet blanket, but I am uh, whatsit, "neuro-typical" across the board, at least according to tests done in like 1995 because I was kind of a little poopy-head in high school, and Mom was worried, so off to the head-shrinker I went. I believe the verdict was that I was basically just being a teenager.

Boring as vanilla ice-cream, over here. Right-handed, white as the driven snow, couldn't successfully draw a stick-figure with a gun to my head, no fashion sense to speak of, in to cars, guns, motorcycles, loud noises, and chicks who didn't know I existed. Whatever "The Other" means, I'm the thing that isn't. Just some dude. Soooooooo lame.

So, Normies, you, too, are welcome here.
Bruh, same. Same! Except being fish belly, I'm a little roasty!!
Ya’ll are so cute! Definitely hardcore on the spectrum, though. :bounce:
Well, eh, everyone is. That's why it's called a spectrum. The analogy, as I'm sure you know, is to the spectrum of light. To the extent that the conceit of comparing the wavelength of light to human neuropsychology holds true, I'm (analogously) almost certainly in the green band (or, at most, maybe at the fringes of yellow or blue), as is Doug. And probably you. And DEFINITELY ~99.5% of the people you've ever known or met.

It seems to me that modernity has fetishized "neuro-divergence" to the point of the term being essentially meaningless, at least in the current dialectic. Which is not to say (obviously, I would hope) that there's anything wrong with being on the tails of the bell curve. Recognizing that this is not to be despised is a legitimate step in the evolution of society. Like, it's good that we've learned to accept people who are legitimately different. But most of us aren't, and that's ok, too. It's hip to be square. Or circular. Or rhomboid.
I actually agree. TikTok is particularly bad about this. Every “influencer” brags about being neuro-divergent in one way or another.
That's the spirit. "Lean-in", is the term du jour, isn't it? Lean-in to your pedestrian nature. It's nothing to be ashamed of (or celebrated). It's just a thing, in a vast universe of things. Value-neutral. *shrug*
To be faaaaiiirrr there’s a case to be made that neurotypical people aren’t obsessive enough to do what it takes to be a clock app influencer
The case can be made, but I don't think it ultimately holds water. Desiring approbation/acceptance/attention from one's putative peers is *extremely* neuro-typical, at least insofar as I understand the term. There's very little new under the sun, when it comes to human behavior. The truly neuro-divergent are, I would *suspect*, more likely to *not* be on social-media at all. Probably living in a basement in Kazakhstan communing with mushrooms or something.

Not to belabor the point, but the vast majority of you clowns are like 99% Normie, as I am. There's nothing wrong with that. Go on, get those New Balance. There's nothing to be ashamed of, it's going to be ok.
To be faaaaiiirrr there’s a case to be made that neurotypical people aren’t obsessive enough to do what it takes to be a clock app influencer

Eh, I think we've just diluted the term too much. The average "influencer" is pretty much normal, just with a little extra shade of narcissism. The idea of being "neurodivergent" is just one of many social contagions currently spreading around on social media. "Trauma" is another. Everyone and their brother is claiming to be suffering from immense amounts of trauma. But when you drill down, it's really just typical life experiences. People just love to be seen as oppressed, traumatized, victimized, etc. Apparently being normal doesn't get enough "likes and subscribes."
Wait wait wait. You’re both seriously saying that weirdo influencers are the normal ones? Like for real?
Can't speak for the Toddler, but I would venture that they're probably tail-cases for normative social behavior in the modern, like, uh, gestalt.

That is, they're (mostly, probably, largely, generally) psychologically normative in the broadest sense. They may be freaking weirdoes (almost certainly are) in a narrow context (ie. being a little bit MORE in to whatever is trendy than everyone else), but I strongly suspect that the vast majority of them are not legitimately "neuro-divergent" (whatever that big sack of supposition and expectation means).

Does that make sense? Like, I don't think most Influencers (or whatever) are wired a whole lot differently than you or I, they just maybe had a slight propensity towards certain abnormal behaviors which were magnified by their experiences, and blammo, you get two billion subscribes because you're a fairly pedestrian weirdo who is charismatic and channels certain anxieties in a way which is relatable to a lot of eyeballs.

Vice people who are *really* very freaking weird. And, obviously, there's some overlap. Anyway, point being, none of it is Wrong, but I do think it's important to keep it all in perspective.
I'd love to sit some of the combatants down and give them a Rorsach Test:

"what do you see?"

"an attack on me"

"how about this one?"

"I feel threatened and attacked"

"how about this one?"

"why do you smite me?"

[shows a photo of a puppy, colorful balloons and a plate of delicious tacos]

"I can't believe you have the audacity!" :)
"You're just taking the same mimeograph of goatse and rotating it 90 degrees each time..."