Skywest parking 66 CRJ-200's, obtaining 34 CRJ-700/900's

If JFK/EWR/LGA hasnt burned you, you just havent been flying long enough.

Got a CrewTrac message yesterday saying that SOC declared an IROP for JFK. I've never seen that. It's the first time I've seen it since it became an option for them with our new contract. Basically, if you're flight gets canceled during an IROP, you become defacto airport reserve.....even if you're a line holder. However, there are certain criteria to be filled before they can officially declare it an IROP. Apparently, those criteria were filled. I bid #40 or so in base, and I've been getting JM calls on my days off for the past couple of weeks. We're falling apart up there. Yet, I try to swap two highspeeds for a three day (thus working MORE days and 5 MORE hours) and it gets denied. Fine, I'll just stick with my 8:30 am commute home on that last day and they can burn.
All PCL Pilots should be fired and here is why.

If I was a 121 driver we'd never go into IROP because I'd scud run and go VFR places in the Barbie Jet, signed - jhugz
All PCL Pilots should be fired and here is why.

If I was a 121 driver we'd never go into IROP because I'd scud run and go VFR places in the Barbie Jet, signed - jhugz
In fairness we used to be able to go vfr enroute, then NY approach got angry. I miss those days of going alb-lga enroute until we were about 20 from the bravo.
If the result is a net loss of airframes for the company, wouldn't they stop hiring or reduce their lines?

It really depends on what happens upstream. If anyone could accurately say what's going to happen with hiring 6 months from now, much less a year, they should be playing the stock market. A month ago jetBlue was saying no more classes until next summer. Classes resume 8/29 now. So, who knows?

I'd wager at best, they'd just stop hiring. Skywest in the past has just stayed fat rather than furlough. With a potential for mass exoduses from the regionals on the horizon, I'd bet that's their plan for this, too. On the ASA/ExpressJet side, who knows? If history is any kind of indication, management will play the two off of each other and threaten furloughs to both....
If the result is a net loss of airframes for the company, wouldn't they stop hiring or reduce their lines?

For the moment hiring continues at a steady pace, not entirely sure why but it is continuing. Perhaps they are anticipating attrition to start next year, but that would actually give them a lot credit ;)
Does anyone think the AMR TA not passing effects the statement of "not parking any aircraft" or does anyone think they have other baskets they can put these eggs in? Just curious what other opinions are out there.
Well, it'll just be 'opinions' indeed so you'll have to take each with a grain of salt. So if I may opine...

While I don't always agree with labor-related decisions made by our management team, they've always ran a pretty good ship & business plan. Chances are they'll figure something out for these birds to do. If not, it'll be a first so we'll deal with that when it comes. For the moment I wouldn't let it deter anyone from applying if that's the case.
Not much, I imagine, as it's a net loss of airframes.

For the moment hiring continues at a steady pace, not entirely sure why but it is continuing. Perhaps they are anticipating attrition to start next year, but that would actually give them a lot credit ;)

Although Skywest didn't say who it was for but didn't their last press release say:

" Kraupp told Aviation Week at the time that such an offer would not be acceptable unless an alternative were provided for the CRJ200s. He now says SkyWest is receptive to the deal because 41 of the 50-seaters belong to Delta and he is confident that SkyWest can place its 25 50-seaters “based on opportunities that we are working.” He says SkyWest will not have to park any of the aircraft"

So thats only a net loss of 7 aircraft. If the above statement is true I would think it would have little to no impact on hiring. But I'm on the outside looking in.
" Kraupp told Aviation Week at the time that such an offer would not be acceptable unless an alternative were provided for the CRJ200s. He now says SkyWest is receptive to the deal because 41 of the 50-seaters belong to Delta and he is confident that SkyWest can place its 25 50-seaters “based on opportunities that we are working.” He says SkyWest will not have to park any of the aircraft"

The problem of course is that there is no guarantee that those 25 aircraft will be making a profit. It's probably better to have them flying around at a loss (like the 200s in the USAirways system) then have then sitting on a ramp, but the long term economics aren't very good.
Does anyone think the AMR TA not passing effects the statement of "not parking any aircraft" or does anyone think they have other baskets they can put these eggs in? Just curious what other opinions are out there.

Thats the current rumor. 20 airplanes for AMR in LAX. That would put me in the top half of the LAX base instead of 7-8 from the bottom if I transfered there. Wouldn't it be funny if I finally transfer to LAX and drive to work again only to get hired at mainline and have to commute to JFK.
The problem of course is that there is no guarantee that those 25 aircraft will be making a profit. It's probably better to have them flying around at a loss (like the 200s in the USAirways system) then have then sitting on a ramp, but the long term economics aren't very good.

Like I said to a Mesa jumpseater: Unless you or any other pilot has access to confidential SkyWest Inc documents(which they don't), how can you prove or even know they are operating it at a loss? Because to me, that statement reeks of jealousy. I've met you before and I know you're not that guy. Unless you're Chip Childs, or Jerry Atkin, how would you know it's operating at a loss? A hunch? Because a sim instructor said so? Do you really think this southern Utah based company goes into business to operate at a loss? Have they ever done this to date? I know other airlines have, but that doesn't mean SKyWest does. In fact, the fact that we are one of the last regionals still standing, with $600+ Million plus in the bank should tell you who has underbid contracts. We continue to be profitable and make money, while others are closing shop and losing contracts because they underbid for them.
At the end of the day, I don't care who gets what flying. Neither should any of you. In less than 5 years we're all going to be flying for the majors in some form or another. Too many retirements are coming due. There will be no fairly tail this time. No age 70, no nothing. Take your pick of majors. I'm sure you'll all start the bitching again over your buddies airline getting XYZ and yours isn't when you're sitting in the right seat of a B75/76 flying 1 leg transcons with crew meals and proper rest.
At the end of the day, I don't care who gets what flying. Neither should any of you. In less than 5 years we're all going to be flying for the majors in some form or another. Too many retirements are coming due. There will be no fairly tail this time. No age 70, no nothing. Take your pick of majors. I'm sure you'll all start the bitching again over your buddies airline getting XYZ and yours isn't when you're sitting in the right seat of a B75/76 flying 1 leg transcons with crew meals and proper rest.

If you aren't right, can I come work in your donut shop? :-p
At the end of the day, I don't care who gets what flying. Neither should any of you. In less than 5 years we're all going to be flying for the majors in some form or another. Too many retirements are coming due. There will be no fairly tail this time. No age 70, no nothing. Take your pick of majors. I'm sure you'll all start the bitching again over your buddies airline getting XYZ and yours isn't when you're sitting in the right seat of a B75/76 flying 1 leg transcons with crew meals and proper rest.

Yeah, thhat's what everyone was saying prior to 9/11 as well. 13 years later, many are still trapped in the regionals.