Skiles and Age 65+

Wait a minute... did he forget which account he was logged in with?
I've just been a casual outside observer until pretty recently, so I'm probably wrong. But 1) I think it is quite likely that the young kids who have been new hires in the last couple years will have their moment(s) of adversity. And 2) being in the bottom extra 2000+ pilots that DL/UA/AA have added to their seniority lists recently will not be fun if the day comes that they realize that isn't sustainable. I don't personally think it is. Then again, I am usually wrong.
I've just been a casual outside observer until pretty recently, so I'm probably wrong. But 1) I think it is quite likely that the young kids who have been new hires in the last couple years will have their moment(s) of adversity. And 2) being in the bottom extra 2000+ pilots that DL/UA/AA have added to their seniority lists recently will not be fun if the day comes that they realize that isn't sustainable. I don't personally think it is. Then again, I am usually wrong.

What isn’t sustainable?
I've just been a casual outside observer until pretty recently, so I'm probably wrong. But 1) I think it is quite likely that the young kids who have been new hires in the last couple years will have their moment(s) of adversity. And 2) being in the bottom extra 2000+ pilots that DL/UA/AA have added to their seniority lists recently will not be fun if the day comes that they realize that isn't sustainable. I don't personally think it is. Then again, I am usually wrong.

Most of the hiring is for upcoming retirements, Senior CA pay is being converted to junior FO pay. What’s not sustainable?
How do you know if someone flew “the Q” at Horizon?

They’ll tell you
“In the Q, we could use all our flap settings” :biggrin:

I fly with a lot of “on the Maddawg” guys, and I don’t begrudge them when they talk about how stupid/fun it was. It’s an airplane that they/we won’t fly again…it’s a moment in time they don’t want to forget, and I can appreciate that. Like the 145XR, and how it was the greatest.

Unless they’re being complete douchecanoes, then screw them…the Q should have made you cooler (it made me and @ASpilot2be cooler)
Most of the hiring is for upcoming retirements, Senior CA pay is being converted to junior FO pay. What’s not sustainable?

I'd question the sustainability of hiring to staffing levels beyond historical norms. Perhaps this hasn't yet happened, as you mention, but I believe it is the plan pretty much everywhere. While this would seem to be good business right now, with such high demand, I am not convinced the current demand will remain long term......for various reasons. Again, I could be totally off base here.
Naw they're all fine, I'm just busting chops because they love to say how long they've been at "Air Group"
Just a *little* on the boring side when the usual story is UND cfi->Horizon->Eskimo
Just call them “dirty undies”…UND to QX was big when I got hired, but tapered off mid-2010’s…soon you’ll have more interesting FO’s to fly with. (Hopefully)

One of my favs is in PDX, BE (he’s got like many kids, hates SEA, former Kenmore guy).
I’ve always thought it was odd that we all learn in the FOI about how comparing and contrasting new information to known information is a valid learning tactic but then we go around making fun of pilots who do just that.
Events like these are why I desperately want to do text similarity analysis across this whole site. I’m beginning to wonder if there are only like 8 of us here.
Bruh, forums are a treasure-trove of human eccentricities. Stimulus…response…stimulus…response.

Here, watch this: Clicky

Then I can predict with some reliability of the users it will attract and almost the number of possible responses before it becomes an actual argument. Webmaster ant farm! :)