I wasn't asking about the Citation, I was asking in genral. I heard the ATP could only instruct in aircraft he/she holds a type rating in, so they couldn't sign off or teach a pilot in a 172, is that true? I guess you mean 12,500
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According to Part 61.167 (b) (1), an ATP may instruct other pilots . . .in air transportation service in aircraft of the category, class, and type, as applicable, for which the airline transport pilot is rater . . .".
So, apparently, (s)he can train you in any plane for which he or she is rated (notice it says "type, if applicable". So, theoretically, an ATP could train you in a Skyhawk.
Here's the catch....has to be in "air transportation services". So, not any old ATP (without a CFI ticket) can show up at an FBO and conduct flight training, BUT he can train you to fly a jet (if (s)he is appropriately rated).
You'll next notice 61.167 (b) (3), which states that an ATP may only instruct ". . .as provided in this section, unless the airline transport pilot also holds a flight instructor certificate, in which case the holder may exercise the privileges of subpart H of part 61 [Flight Instructor Privileges] for which he or she is rated . . .".
Soooo, in conclusion, no lazy 8's in a Skyhawk!!!