Shocking news, Dan Gryder is a POS

The thing is the “Fast Dinosaur” was nothing in person like he was online, that’s what made the whole “love triangle” + “I was a passenger on a jet and he flew through a storm” thing so confusing and mind-numbing to moderate though.

Edit… oh god… what did you do?


Remember when your (potentially) pious grandmother would say “if you keep screaming “JESUS CHRIST” every five damned minutes, he’s going to show up one day and ask ‘what the hell do you want, man? I’m busy so this better be good’”?

Well, kind of like that.

Remember when your (potentially) pious grandmother would say “if you keep screaming “JESUS CHRIST” every five damned minutes, he’s going to show up one day and ask ‘what the hell do you want, man? I’m busy so this better be good’”?

Well, kind of like that.
Jackass. It was super easy to be boisterously outspoken. Totally ruined. 😜
Oh you can still do that! :)

But then people think you’re part of some vast conspiracy when you do! LOL
The thing is the “Fast Dinosaur” was nothing in person like he was online, that’s what made the whole “love triangle” + “I was a passenger on a jet and he flew through a storm” thing so confusing and mind-numbing to moderate though.


Now I dare you to attack Corbin, so theWife can bring her online wrath upon you! :)
I can’t believe that the power of the p-word would get 2 JC members to try and compete against one another, including going to another’s employer to get them in trouble. I mean, dang.
Excellent reference. But you should have just said Corbin and made us guess the relation.

OG jetcareers was the best :) We were young aviation nerds and Doug was a 30 something yr old. Now, we’re a bunch of old farts with kids and some with grandkids, still nerds I guess, but young(er) guy problems replaced with old(er) guy problems.

Still been a heck of a ride! This is an awesome career. Thanks for bringing a quick trip down memory lane. :)
Eh… 👋

Let me know when you’re ready for the secret password. (There might be a small amount of hazing involved, fyi)

He’s an adult.

Give him two full measures, I have to make some phone calls to the Haze Team.