Sell me on long call convertible reserve

No but your rant about me choosing to upgrade didn't include that I couldn't have predicted my union would have agreed to so many changes to the contract without pilot input. I took a hard look at reserve before I put in a bid for captain. At that time short call AM reserve was the most junior by far. I knew I could live with it.

I did overlook that the union gave away 5 days off in a row and a lot of other things for reserve. However I didn't imagine they would agree to changes to reserve that changed the fundamentals how other pilots would bid.

That is impossible to predict.
Every change they’ve signed has been pro pilot with the exception of reserves being able to pick up on days off when there’s reduced lines (that one could be argued either way as it’s likely helping junior captains keep their seats). Seems like they’re doing a great job.
Every change they’ve signed has been pro pilot with the exception of reserves being able to pick up on days off when there’s reduced lines (that one could be argued either way as it’s likely helping junior captains keep their seats). Seems like they’re doing a great job.

The only pilots that MOU was popular with were the pilots picking up premium in March and April...
The only pilots that MOU was popular with were the pilots picking up premium in March and April...
Of course it looks • at face value but we’ll never know the true effects. I didn’t like it but I get why it was done. Reserves were simply not working at all. I was averaging 1 or 2 days of work/month.
Yes, but him and CC are scared of it because it's not "anonymous". So they both post the eff out of here and APC.


I have nothing to be scared of. I don’t know what you’re seeing on APC, but my posts there have been sparingly few the last sevral months. I read there mostly. Alyeska, I’m 100% read only. It’s the same 10 people going on and off about anything.

Since @Cherokee_Cruiser and @word302 are our resident experts on reserve and they have been telling me how amazing long call reserve is, I thought I’d ask them for constructive feedback on how to best take advantage of our new amazing reserve system. Since I’ve been forced onto long call:

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Yes. Not only am I taking a pay cut, I’m also likely going to be forced into red eye trips.

So I was hopeful the experts on our new wonderful reserve system could pass on their knowledge.

My priorities are:

- Avoid red eyes. Most important as they are very hard on my health.

- Obviously not working. Last month I was at 86 hours and I’m tracking for 90 hrs this month. Long call means I work less right?

Looking forward to only working less than 50 hours and bragging about how great reserve is!!

I never said long call is amazing. I tried it once in April or May 2019, never again.

1, it’s a paycut. 75 vs 78 hrs, and now short call is 84 hrs, long call is a bigger paycut. Unless you get converted a lot.

2. You are bottom barrel so you get forced long call convertible.

The downside for you is, unlike before the new contract, now assignments look at seniority. That’s why you are being used more. Say we are both in the same base. I’ve done 10 hrs and you’ve done 40 hrs. Assuming we match same days available (that’s always #1), then now it looks at seniority. And you’ll be given the trip because you’re junior to me. Yeah that does suck for you. Flip side, old contract, I would get the trip at 10 hrs cause I was lowest credit guy, and see people junior to me and they’re home not used. That is the opposite downside.

So choose your poison? There’s a reason 600 people skipped upgrade - junior reserve sucks. And just for the record, when I upgraded, it was a displacement into an upgrade but I was still in the bottom 10 at one point in 2018.

For you to minimize flying, always preference no trips. Then to avoid redeyes, preference for short call RAPS from earlier to later, avoiding preferring the latest timeframe SCR RAP offered (eg, 1600L).

I’d have other tips for bases other than SEA to avoid redeyes, but you’re in mothership base and there’s always redeyes. Some bases, redeyes are reduced on a certain day of the week. Like Tuesday. So I like to start rsv day 1 on a Tuesday for example.
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Throw away your hedonic treadmill and maybe take a walk outside for a change.

Seriously, there is no magic work rule fix. No button to press. Find some joy in the current suck and figure out what you need to do to get your baseline where you need it to be.

I'm at a different shop, but I was Jr. RSV after a transcon commute for ~5ish years and the plug in my base for a year before the plague.
I have nothing to be scared of. I don’t know what you’re seeing on APC, but my posts there have been sparingly few the last sevral months. I read there mostly. Alyeska, I’m 100% read only. It’s the same 10 people going on and off about anything.

I never said long call is amazing. I tried it once in April or May 2019, never again.

1, it’s a paycut. 75 vs 78 hrs, and now short call is 84 hrs, long call is a bigger paycut. Unless you get converted a lot.

2. You are bottom barrel so you get forced long call convertible.

The downside for you is, unlike before the new contract, now assignments look at seniority. That’s why you are being used more. Say we are both in the same base. I’ve done 10 hrs and you’ve done 40 hrs. Assuming we match same days available (that’s always #1), then now it looks at seniority. And you’ll be given the trip because you’re junior to me. Yeah that does suck for you. Flip side, old contract, I would get the trip at 10 hrs cause I was lowest credit guy, and see people junior to me and they’re home not used. That is the opposite downside.

So choose your poison? There’s a reason 600 people skipped upgrade - junior reserve sucks. And just fit the record, when I upgraded, it was a displacement into an upgrade but I was still in the bottom 10 at one point in 2018.

For you to minimize flying, always preference no trips. Then to avoid redeyes, preference for short call RAPS from earlier to later, avoiding preferring the latest timeframe SCR RAP offered (eg, 1600L).

I’d have other tips for bases other than SEA to avoid redeyes, but you’re in mothership base and there’s always redeyes. Some bases, redeyes are reduced on a certain day of the week. Like Tuesday. So I like to start rsv day 1 on a Tuesday for example.
Looks at last several months pay. Tries to find my “pay cut” from long call.
I have nothing to be scared of. I don’t know what you’re seeing on APC, but my posts there have been sparingly few the last sevral months. I read there mostly. Alyeska, I’m 100% read only. It’s the same 10 people going on and off about anything.

I never said long call is amazing. I tried it once in April or May 2019, never again.

1, it’s a paycut. 75 vs 78 hrs, and now short call is 84 hrs, long call is a bigger paycut. Unless you get converted a lot.

2. You are bottom barrel so you get forced long call convertible.

The downside for you is, unlike before the new contract, now assignments look at seniority. That’s why you are being used more. Say we are both in the same base. I’ve done 10 hrs and you’ve done 40 hrs. Assuming we match same days available (that’s always #1), then now it looks at seniority. And you’ll be given the trip because you’re junior to me. Yeah that does suck for you. Flip side, old contract, I would get the trip at 10 hrs cause I was lowest credit guy, and see people junior to me and they’re home not used. That is the opposite downside.

So choose your poison? There’s a reason 600 people skipped upgrade - junior reserve sucks. And just for the record, when I upgraded, it was a displacement into an upgrade but I was still in the bottom 10 at one point in 2018.

For you to minimize flying, always preference no trips. Then to avoid redeyes, preference for short call RAPS from earlier to later, avoiding preferring the latest timeframe SCR RAP offered (eg, 1600L).

I’d have other tips for bases other than SEA to avoid redeyes, but you’re in mothership base and there’s always redeyes. Some bases, redeyes are reduced on a certain day of the week. Like Tuesday. So I like to start rsv day 1 on a Tuesday for example.
Also you’re completely wrong about order of assignment. Trip still goes to the low time pilot in category. I’m making more money and flying less than short calls in my base. 90-95 hours after conversion pay every month.
Looks at last several months pay. Tries to find my “pay cut” from long call.

I flew with a guy who said you only get paid on a conversion if you are not used. I have to look this up, not sure.

Old contract was 2 hrs for first one, then 1 after for each subsequent stretch. That one month I was short call, I got 80 hrs pay due to conversions (in 2018).

Can you pick a random month, show the conversions you had, and the total pay?
Also you’re completely wrong about order of assignment. Trip still goes to the low time pilot in category. I’m making more money and flying less than short calls in my base. 90-95 hours after conversion pay every month.

But day before assignments from 10am-1pm in the assignment window it’s day matching and seniority order? After that 1pm up to and including same day, it’s day matching and low credit. Correct?
I flew with a guy who said you only get paid on a conversion if you are not used. I have to look this up, not sure.

Old contract was 2 hrs for first one, then 1 after for each subsequent stretch. That one month I was short call, I got 80 hrs pay due to conversions (in 2018).

Can you pick a random month, show the conversions you had, and the total pay?

Puzzling as I asked a friend who has been on long call in SEA for May, June, July and August and he said they get him to 5 and then stop converting him. If you get converted 7 times you get paid for all your conversions.
Puzzling as I asked a friend who has been on long call in SEA for May, June, July and August and he said they get him to 5 and then stop converting him. If you get converted 7 times you get paid for all your conversions.
Also no. First 6 conversions pay an hour if they don’t use you. Every conversion after that pays 2 hours whether they use you or not. I typically get converted 10-15 times.
Then when is the seniority applied for reserve assignment? I gotta read that union update again. Apologies for any misinfo/understanding.
Step 1. Preferences in seniority order. Step 2. Low time reserve in reverse seniority order. Step 3. “No trip” or “no rap” preference in reverse seniority order. Day off assignments are slightly different but similar. It’s all spelled out pretty clear in section 25. The biggest change is that long call and short call pilots are all grouped together for day prior assignments.
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Throw away your hedonic treadmill and maybe take a walk outside for a change.

Seriously, there is no magic work rule fix. No button to press. Find some joy in the current suck and figure out what you need to do to get your baseline where you need it to be.

I'm at a different shop, but I was Jr. RSV after a transcon commute for ~5ish years and the plug in my base for a year before the plague.

Hadn’t heard that term before…cool.

The hedonic treadmill viewpoint suggests that wealth does not increase the level of happiness.”
Every change they’ve signed has been pro pilot with the exception of reserves being able to pick up on days off when there’s reduced lines (that one could be argued either way as it’s likely helping junior captains keep their seats). Seems like they’re doing a great job.
My experience has largely been that the people MF’ing those doing the work the loudest have no idea 1) what is actually going on, 2) what it actually takes to move the rocks and 3) would rather complain loudly from behind their keyboards and make sick memes than figure out 1-2.
My experience has largely been that the people MF’ing those doing the work the loudest have no idea 1) what is actually going on, 2) what it actually takes to move the rocks and 3) would rather complain loudly from behind their keyboards and make sick memes than figure out 1-2.

Some of the smartest contract people (in specific areas anyways) are the most selfish people out there. They spend hours learning specific clauses and grievance settlements so that they can eek out a few more dollars from the company. But they won't do the work for anybody but themselves and they will be the first to line up to complain about reps or committee members doing things that only benefit themselves.
Some of the smartest contract people (in specific areas anyways) are the most selfish people out there. They spend hours learning specific clauses and grievance settlements so that they can eek out a few more dollars from the company. But they won't do the work for anybody but themselves and they will be the first to line up to complain about reps or committee members doing things that only benefit themselves.

I just hoped that things would remain the same in terms of what was junior and I knew I'd get when I knowingly chose to be in the bottom 1 percent of the captains on property. Suddenly I found myself in basically the opposite situation because of agreements that happened outside of the contract.

I realize my situation is both perilous in that it could be gone tomorrow and also terrible in the sense of poop goes downhill. However, I did do my due diligence and while I knew I'd be busy, I didn't realize that I could get rug pulled into an ANC red eye turn every night.

If I had known that as part of the 2022 contract I never would have opted in.
I just hoped that things would remain the same in terms of what was junior and I knew I'd get when I knowingly chose to be in the bottom 1 percent of the captains on property. Suddenly I found myself in basically the opposite situation because of agreements that happened outside of the contract.

I realize my situation is both perilous in that it could be gone tomorrow and also terrible in the sense of poop goes downhill. However, I did do my due diligence and while I knew I'd be busy, I didn't realize that I could get rug pulled into an ANC red eye turn every night.

If I had known that as part of the 2022 contract I never would have opted in.

Long call reserve, you’re basically on the clock always with a 14 hr callout. I don’t get why that doesn’t make it clear you can get redeyes or ANC redeye turns.
Some of the smartest contract people (in specific areas anyways) are the most selfish people out there. They spend hours learning specific clauses and grievance settlements so that they can eek out a few more dollars from the company. But they won't do the work for anybody but themselves and they will be the first to line up to complain about reps or committee members doing things that only benefit themselves.
Every accusation is a confession, and I can guess their political persuasions too.