Sell me on long call convertible reserve

In fairness anyone who peeps my AE preferences will see a willingness to be 100% in a few categories too, so, physician, heal thyself a bit, but Bainbridge Island isn’t going to pay for itself either.
Sure, but you understand what that suck means and will readily accept it, unlike a few in here.
Good reserve systems should be the norm, but nobody cares about RES until they have to do it.

Especially when the music stops for a bit. I still would have upgraded back in the day because I was tired of being poor, but we had some captains who did 4-5 years of regional airline reserve with a lower guarantee, fewer (and movable) days off, and pretty much zero quality of life.

The suck of being junior is inevitable, but that was absurd.
Especially when the music stops for a bit. I still would have upgraded back in the day because I was tired of being poor, but we had some captains who did 4-5 years of regional airline reserve with a lower guarantee, fewer (and movable) days off, and pretty much zero quality of life.

The suck of being junior is inevitable, but that was absurd.
A need to make money plus “you know, we really want to see some captain time” = off I went to it.

Companies don’t fix it because staffing is expensive (even in those days) and that was the actual fix and purpose of reserve rules: force them to staff the damned airline.
pretty sure we don’t have any 7s on order….
We don’t but it’s the first model MAX with the non exploding engine cowls. We’ll get the 10s after the 7s start getting delivered. If you don’t see 7s at SWA next year the 10s won’t be coming in 2026.
lol, I have 12 reserve days left. I’ll be surprised if I don’t hit 95 hours.

So you preference the short call RAP you want in order to be converted?

Screenshot 2024-08-17 091011.png
So you preference the short call RAP you want in order to be converted?

View attachment 79269
Yes, your first RAP will always be the evening shift though. After 1400. Check the schedule tab on the PWP to see which RAPs are needed in your base/seat. You have to enter your preference each day before 1000 for the next day’s RAP. As junior as you are you’ll likely be stuck wherever they need you. I don’t know what the trips in Seattle look like but in PDX our red eyes are almost all 2 day trips so I preference the evening shift until I’m down to 2 or 3 days left and the preference the earlier RAPs to avoid the red eyes. Also put them in the order you prefer.
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AM short call was always the most junior on the old system. It wasn't until 5 additional hours of pay were added to short call that I could no longer hold it. I was fine with short call because I live 30 minutes away from the employee lot, at least in the early AM...

Our union keeps agreeing to changes outside of the contract (MOU) to the new system that no one could have predicted almost 2 years ago.

AM short call was always the most junior on the old system. It wasn't until 5 additional hours of pay were added to short call that I could no longer hold it. I was fine with short call because I live 30 minutes away from the employee lot, at least in the early AM...

Our union keeps agreeing to changes outside of the contract (MOU) to the new system that no one could have predicted almost 2 years ago.
I’m not sure what you’re referring to. We all know you have a problem with the union. Why don’t you volunteer? Could probably get some relief from your garbage schedule. I’m surprised people are biting on the short call pay. If you know how to work the system you’ll make more on long call and likely work less.
I’m not sure what you’re referring to. We all know you have a problem with the union. Why don’t you volunteer? Could probably get some relief from your garbage schedule. I’m surprised people are biting on the short call pay. If you know how to work the system you’ll make more on long call and likely work less.

You're not familiar with the MOU's that the union keeps agreeing to with the company? There have been a lot this year alone.
So you’re upset that they allowed short call to pay more?

No but your rant about me choosing to upgrade didn't include that I couldn't have predicted my union would have agreed to so many changes to the contract without pilot input. I took a hard look at reserve before I put in a bid for captain. At that time short call AM reserve was the most junior by far. I knew I could live with it.

I did overlook that the union gave away 5 days off in a row and a lot of other things for reserve. However I didn't imagine they would agree to changes to reserve that changed the fundamentals how other pilots would bid.

That is impossible to predict.