Scope Bribe

I havent followed this too closely but I remember hearing something that this contract will redefine what constitutes a "small RJ". Is this true? Id hate to see more 900/175's flying around.
Just read on apc almost all the new hires this year will go to the American side. I can't imagine that can be true, has anyone heard anything??

As someone who is junior in category this isn't good news.
Just read on apc almost all the new hires this year will go to the American side. I can't imagine that can be true, has anyone heard anything??

As someone who is junior in category this isn't good news.
What difference does it make? They are all below you except for returnees. Scareways parked all the 767s and is parking some old 320s and 757s. The fleet is shrinking by 30 this year.

We don't have all the retirements initially that united or delta have. Ours ramp up in a couple years and end up surpassing them.

I get that the extra seniority doesn't help u right away, but long term it's good for you seniority.
Just read on apc almost all the new hires this year will go to the American side. I can't imagine that can be true, has anyone heard anything??

As someone who is junior in category this isn't good news.

What are the numbers supposedly like?
What difference does it make? They are all below you except for returnees. Scareways parked all the 767s and is parking some old 320s and 757s. The fleet is shrinking by 30 this year.

We don't have all the retirements initially that united or delta have. Ours ramp up in a couple years and end up surpassing them.

I get that the extra seniority doesn't help u right away, but long term it's good for you seniority.

It makes a difference to me because on paper I'm close to holding a secondary. I don't care about long term, I want it NOW, just like everything else in life lol.
Aren't AA and US Airways supposed to combine to a single operating certificate soon? If so, wouldn't that mean there would be no more "hiring x to Airways, and y to AA"? If so, then hiring 50 to Airways (which will disappear as a separate fleet) and 600 to AA might just mean they plan to hire on both sides for now until (soon) there is only one side to hire to. In other words, in a few months, there will be no reason to make a distinction to hire to one side or another, as there will only be one side.

Or am I misunderstanding things?
Buddy of mine came off the E190 in Oct 2014 "on paper", he's still on it in April bidsheets.

They can now hold for up to 12 months as well.

That being said another buddy was awarded E190CA 9 months from DOH, to staff @ 12 months.

If you want to come on the E190 there is zero wait...
Maybe they will cut some stuff out of clt. It is way too crowded there. That ramp gets my blood pressure up.
What's shown on the bid award is not reality and that's Bern the case for over a year now. They need to stop putting out bids till they are caught up.
They can't catch up when no one is bidding positions.

Sure they can; if nobody bids it, then it goes to a junior pilot who had no interest in the position. Don't like EMB-190 in PHL? Tough, you're too junior to hold anything else.
Sure they can; if nobody bids it, then it goes to a junior pilot who had no interest in the position. Don't like EMB-190 in PHL? Tough, you're too junior to hold anything else.
They just added that language to the contract on the new JCBA that was voted in. Going to be interesting to see what happens.

Still, first year pay $75-ish second year pay $140-ish on the 190CA position, I can think of worse ways to make a go of it. #mainlineproblems

That being said with a two year seat lock on the 190, plus being held for 12 months, on year 3 pay on the Group II's you're making almost the same amount as 190CA with a much better schedule. The 190CA needs to pay about $30/hr more then you wouldn't have issues filling it.