QX2059 Jumpseater tries to shutdown engines

Imma reiterate though, making your issue become someone else's automatically makes you a piece of crap, super extra butthole status when it involves a bunch innocent people... 😡🖕🙄

Dude, look at the times you are posting this. You are a worthless crap posting drunk. It's pretty impressive how in a thread about a guy pulling fire handles because he was on mushrooms, somehow you are more you are more concerning from a mental health standpoint.
Imma reiterate though, making your issue become someone else's automatically makes you a piece of crap, super extra butthole status
Yes and this is exactly what you're doing on this forum. Your issue is the perceived injustice that is occurring with the legal system in Oregon. You come on here and torture us with it. Call some 971 area code numbers and actually do something about it.
Yes and this is exactly what you're doing on this forum. Your issue is the perceived injustice that is occurring with the legal system in Oregon. You come on here and torture us with it. Call some 971 area code numbers and actually do something about it.

hah 971 is a new one for me. I remember when all of OR was 503. Then Eugene became 541.
When I was growing up, 305, 813 and 904 were the only area codes for Florida.

20 years later, 605 was the only area code for SoDak.

Still is.

Back in the day of the old crossbar exchanges, there was some technical reason that the middle digit of an area code had to be a 0 or 1.
Montana is 406, and Wyoming is 307. It's funny living up there when I would give my phone number area code first and the guy at the counter would be like sorry I didn't realize that's a different area code what's that number again?
When I was growing up, 305, 813 and 904 were the only area codes for Florida.

20 years later, 605 was the only area code for SoDak.

Still is.

Back in the day of the old crossbar exchanges, there was some technical reason that the middle digit of an area code had to be a 0 or 1.
Dude, look at the times you are posting this. You are a worthless crap posting drunk. It's pretty impressive how in a thread about a guy pulling fire handles because he was on mushrooms, somehow you are more you are more concerning from a mental health standpoint.
I do my trolling from home and haven't ever tried to hurt other people is the difference. Jesus Christ you pompous ass...! •! 🙄
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Dude, look at the times you are posting this. You are a worthless crap posting drunk. It's pretty impressive how in a thread about a guy pulling fire handles because he was on mushrooms, somehow you are more you are more concerning from a mental health standpoint.
I think you might be a pompous ass sometimes...
Todays postings are brought to you by the words “ pompous “ and “ ass “.

I owe you guys an apology!

My opinion of this guy is not any different, but it's not fair to lash out this way. @Inverted especially on his FB page, given the number of people that know him.

Yep, I'm a heavy drinker. Y'all recent Vegas peeps have seen it. I actually say most of the same crap, but I just write like a butthead I guess...

It's also selfish of me to hijack any useful discussion that was going on prior. Most of y'all know me outside of here. Let's do it there if you want. 👍
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