PUBNAT7 One week only.

Aw man!! So close yet so far!! I think I'd be more mad if I was in your situation than mine (where I didn't get picked up at all).

Believe me, I was pretty angry for a while. I had actually sort of put the whole thing behind me when I received the Geo Pref email last week. Sorry to hear you never got picked up. Did you specify the same two places this time around?
I'm confused.. for my geo. preferences I put down Alaska as my second choice. Then, I read on here that they are done hiring for FY2009 and will hire a bunch more in FY2010 for PUBNAT8.

My question is; did I waste a geo. preference? Should I go change it?
Believe me, I was pretty angry for a while. I had actually sort of put the whole thing behind me when I received the Geo Pref email last week. Sorry to hear you never got picked up. Did you specify the same two places this time around?

I did the same thing, especially after being rejected and then getting a shot at going to Lousiana and still not geting picked up. I put the whole thing behind me until PUBNAT7 came around and now it's time for Geo Prefs again!

This time I around I chose FL (I can't NOT choose my and CA...terminal only. I also applied for PUBNAT8, so if I don't get picked up, I'll be here again in 6-9 months!
Make sure you dress as though you're going to work there -- I found that out when visiting STL and only had jeans and a button-up shirt. They said for visitors, it's fine to do that, but don't even think about doing it as an employee... but hey, better to look the part now and possibly impress your potential ATM.

Jerms (and anyone who has taken facility tours), how long was the tour? I understand every facility will have their own way, but I am just trying to get a general idea, if possible, as to how long it will take? Is it 30 minutes, is it 3 hours? Any experienced input would be appreciated. I have a tour coming up and do not want to ask how long I will be there. Thanks! :D
Jerms (and anyone who has taken facility tours), how long was the tour? I understand every facility will have their own way, but I am just trying to get a general idea, if possible, as to how long it will take? Is it 30 minutes, is it 3 hours? Any experienced input would be appreciated. I have a tour coming up and do not want to ask how long I will be there. Thanks! :D
Just taking a stab at this, but I would assume En-route would be longer. If you have a TOL for the facility, it could very well take over an hour.

I toured my facility prior to getting a FOL and it lasted about an hour. 30 minutes in the TRACON, 15 in the tower, and another 15 with the training manager.

I went back again after getting my FOL and spent almost 2 hours there talking with the controllers. They were more thorough with their answers after they knew that I would "for sure" be coming to their facility.
My tour of the enroute center last between 30 and 45 minutes but probably could have been an hour (my tour guide had a meeting so he shortened it a bit). Did not see anyone with jeans there. I would suggest some long khakis and a button up collared shirt or a pullover/polo with some dress shoes. Also, they asked me to leave my cell phone in the car...and if you plan on someone accompanying you on the tour, make sure you call in advance to security and tell them that you have someone who is coming with you.
Jerms (and anyone who has taken facility tours), how long was the tour? I understand every facility will have their own way, but I am just trying to get a general idea, if possible, as to how long it will take? Is it 30 minutes, is it 3 hours? Any experienced input would be appreciated. I have a tour coming up and do not want to ask how long I will be there. Thanks! :D

STL - 2 hours. Thanks to one of the guys here on JC that was a new hire at STL last year, I got to go up and get a facility tour and hang out in the tower talking to the controllers. The question I got asked the most was the same as at the TRACON facility -- "What's your class date?" I hated only being able to tell them (at the time) that I hadn't even been through panel selection at that point.

T75 - 1.5 hours. I visited the TRACON facility after getting the ATM's name from the guys at STL. I set up an appointment with his secretary and got in at 10:00AM. He gave me a tour of the facility, introduced me to a few folks, and then handed me off to one of the guys that is on the retirement track. He took me into the radar room (their facility is only 6 years old) and sat me at one of the unused scopes and proceeded to answer every question I had about what was happening on-screen, since I had no idea what I was seeing. I got handed back to the ATM after about an hour of question/answer time, who asked me for my name and my AT-SAT score. Lucky for me, he's supposedly on the panel selection committee.

BNA - 4 hours. I had an advantage here. The whole reason I got into ATC was because of one of the controllers here that has known me for over 18 years. I was best friends with his daughter in elementary school, and he helped arrange for our class to visit the airport in the early 1990s. I was with him for a while, seeing the entire BNA facility (up/down) and hanging out in TRACON for most of that time. He talked to me about all kinds of situations, what to expect, the union, the systems in use, and answered every possible question I could think of. He's one of the lead trainers as well, so he assured me he'd take me under his wing if I was selected for Nashville.

SUS - 20 minutes. Strange that I spent the least amount of time in the facility where I'm going to be working. Maybe the manager figured I didn't want to spend too long there since I'd be there eventually anyway :dunno:. I had a 10:30 appointment but wasn't let in the building until 10:35 (the secretary was out, and I had to wait on the manager). I had my TOL at this point, which I guess eased his mind in knowing I wasn't just some weirdo plane spotter. He showed me around, introduced me to one of the new hires, and then had to escort me out because he had an 11:00 training session with that new hire. I walked out the door confused at how short a time I was there compared to the other three places, but happy I got to tour my future home nonetheless.
I did the same thing, especially after being rejected and then getting a shot at going to Lousiana and still not geting picked up. I put the whole thing behind me until PUBNAT7 came around and now it's time for Geo Prefs again!

This time I around I chose FL (I can't NOT choose my and CA...terminal only. I also applied for PUBNAT8, so if I don't get picked up, I'll be here again in 6-9 months!

I hope you have better luck this time around. Between FL and CA, either way you're near the beach. I was pretty stoked for RSW. I thought that it would be a solid Lvl 8 to start at. I put FL and that I prefered either Central Fl (MCO obviously) or the gulf coast (TPA, SRQ, RSW, etc.) and Virginia.
Jerms, thanks for the detailed response! swinte & joshua, I appreciate your input.

Did not see anyone with jeans there. I would suggest some long khakis and a button up collared shirt or a pullover/polo with some dress shoes.

Thanks for the tip, but I'll be wearing a skirt and heels, Josh! :laff:
Jerms, thanks for the detailed response! swinte & joshua, I appreciate your input.

Thanks for the tip, but I'll be wearing a skirt and heels, Josh! :laff:

:yeahthat: And the fishnet nylons!!!!!!!!!!!!! :laff::laff::laff:

Let me know when you do it! I'll make sure I don't fly during that time!!!
I know I'm a few days late, been preping for my commercial checkride and working. Thanks to everyone tho for posting the info about all of the ATC facilities and how to contact each facility. I guess now it's time to start making some phone calls.
I know I'm a few days late, been preping for my commercial checkride and working. Thanks to everyone tho for posting the info about all of the ATC facilities and how to contact each facility. I guess now it's time to start making some phone calls.

good luck on your commercial check ride. remember, we're all counting on you!
About hiring!

Everyone knows that there is no way that anyone who get's selected on September 21 will even be interviewed before FY 2010 (which starts in October) let alone hired!

Please don't fret. I cannot imagine them hiring for FY 2009 in the very last week. Then they would have too few slots to hire for! Although I am quite jealous, I believe you guys are getting first crack at those 2010 slots.

Then is the government.:cwm27:
About hiring!

Everyone knows that there is no way that anyone who get's selected on September 21 will even be interviewed before FY 2010 (which starts in October) let alone hired!

Please don't fret. I cannot imagine them hiring for FY 2009 in the very last week. Then they would have too few slots to hire for! Although I am quite jealous, I believe you guys are getting first crack at those 2010 slots.

Then is the government.:cwm27:

I agree! I've been in this game over a year now, and I haven't seen anything happen THAT fast yet!
I have a question concerning ASAP. I have applied to PUBNATS 4/7/8. When I update the user information in ASAP, that new information is not transferred to my applications. I'm concerned because I have moved since applying to PUBNAT7 and the address on that application's questionnaire still gives my old address in Texas(I now live in Maryland). I've also edited some work history and moved some stuff around on the work related skills section in the user information tab and it also hasn't changed under the application review. Should I stress out about it or is it normal? When they go to panels, and look at my application are they going to see my old address in Texas or will they see my new address in Maryland. I know it makes some difference because I have heard of people getting passed over because they took someone who lived closer to a facility than someone else. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
I have a question concerning ASAP. I have applied to PUBNATS 4/7/8. When I update the user information in ASAP, that new information is not transferred to my applications. I'm concerned because I have moved since applying to PUBNAT7 and the address on that application's questionnaire still gives my old address in Texas(I now live in Maryland). I've also edited some work history and moved some stuff around on the work related skills section in the user information tab and it also hasn't changed under the application review. Should I stress out about it or is it normal? When they go to panels, and look at my application are they going to see my old address in Texas or will they see my new address in Maryland. I know it makes some difference because I have heard of people getting passed over because they took someone who lived closer to a facility than someone else. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

They look at your current information on ASAP, not necessarily what is on the application. I moved after filling out my app and my HR rep just told me to update my address/phone number in ASAP and that would take care of it.

Hope this helps you!
Submitted my prefs. NY, and VA. in the comments section I put:

NY: Nassau (N90), Suffolk (ZNY), Queens county (LGA, JFK), Erie County (BUF) preferred. Will accept anywhere in NY, and VA.

think this is ok, or should I just leave it blank?
Submitted my prefs. NY, and VA. in the comments section I put:

NY: Nassau (N90), Suffolk (ZNY), Queens county (LGA, JFK), Erie County (BUF) preferred. Will accept anywhere in NY, and VA.

think this is ok, or should I just leave it blank?
IMO, if you get N90, you need to start attending church regularly