PSA CRJ-700 AA midair collision

10 survivors is what I’m hearing so far. Who knows until it’s all officially said and done. I might shut my phone off until more official news comes out. Waking up to this didn’t help the funk I was already in.
Same goes, PMs always open. Crazy times for a lot of people for a lot of reasons but someone from JC has always lent a metaphorical ear to me whenever I needed it.
Any reason an approach to RW 1 doesn’t just land on 1, at DCA? With winds not being an issue, is there any reason for the circle?

My time flying there was on a TDY flying the routes, so I wasn’t familiar with all the various airport ops specifics there.
imagine it is due to trying to stuff 10 lbs of airplane in a 5 lb sack of airport

Agreed, not the longest of runways there. But 1 is longer than 33. I figure it would be the landing runway if the approach is to 1. Curious if if there’s some kind of noise abatement issues at night or some other airport-driven reason?
Any reason an approach to RW 1 doesn’t just land on 1, at DCA? With winds not being an issue, is there any reason for the circle?

My time flying there was on a TDY flying the routes, so I wasn’t familiar with all the various airport ops specifics there.
Yes, They can stuff more airplanes in by having RJs land on 33. They can either have one line up and wait on 1 and as soon as the RJ rolls through they launch, or they can have the planes closer on final as it will take less time to have the RJ clear the intersection vs clear the same runway as landing traffic. 33 also sets up with the Eagle Gates as well so more efficient taxi. Very Common.
Any reason an approach to RW 1 doesn’t just land on 1, at DCA? With winds not being an issue, is there any reason for the circle?

My time flying there was on a TDY flying the routes, so I wasn’t familiar with all the various airport ops specifics there.
In my days at PSA we did the circle to 33 on a regular basis. It was done so that they could get a little more spacing to depart and or land aircraft on runway 01. Typically we would have enough notice for the circle. It wasn't sprung on us last minute. At least not in my experience.
Agreed, not the longest of runways there. But 1 is longer than 33. I figure it would be the landing runway if the approach is to 1. Curious if if there’s some kind of noise abatement issues at night or some other airport-driven reason?

Yes, They can stuff more airplanes in by having RJs land on 33. They can either have one line up and wait on 1 and as soon as the RJ rolls through they launch, or they can have the planes closer on final as it will take less time to have the RJ clear the intersection vs clear the same runway as landing traffic. 33 also sets up with the Eagle Gates as well so more efficient taxi. Very Common.
This is what I was tryin to communicate.
Yes, They can stuff more airplanes in by having RJs land on 33. They can either have one line up and wait on 1 and as soon as the RJ rolls through they launch, or they can have the planes closer on final as it will take less time to have the RJ clear the intersection vs clear the same runway as landing traffic. 33 also sets up with the Eagle Gates as well so more efficient taxi. Very Common.

In my days at PSA we did the circle to 33 on a regular basis. It was done so that they could get a little more spacing to depart and or land aircraft on runway 01. Typically we would have enough notice for the circle. It wasn't sprung on us last minute. At least not in my experience.
This is what I was tryin to communicate.

Thank you gentlemen for the information. Was curious, and this makes sense.