PSA CRJ-700 AA midair collision

Last I checked, there aren't VFR corridors taking Cessnas 200ft past runways at major airports.

How do you think we fly near KMIA or KFLL? Take a look at the terminal area chart down there. Below 400' is pretty normal following the shoreline by FLL. And that feels to high if you are paying attention.
We have been trying to get the B lowered to 1400’ (currently 3000) west of CDW and north of TEB to protect the TEB 19 final for decades but always told no. The amount of VFR’s who cut through TEB’s final at 2,000 is ridiculous and we have very very little room to manuever around them because EWR is above at 3k and LGA/HPN traffic is just east of TEB. I’m honestly amazed nothing has happened there yet.

The Bravo around here goes down to 1200'. And, in theory, we aren't supposed to be below 1000' where those sectional charts are yellow, so... yeah.

Making the airspace more restrictive would be fine in theory, but approach doesn't have the staffing to deal with the traffic that's currently using the Bravo around here as it is. And as much as AOPA might complain, the Coast Guard and Air Force would probably be even less happy here.