Plane Down in Buffalo - Colgan Continental Flight 3407

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There are rumors floating around about a jumpseater. Any info as to the accuracy of this, and if so, their company is much appreciated.
ABC reported that there was a additional Pilot on board flying home.

That's terrible news. Thee's nothing quite like that helpless feeling you get sometimes on your deadhead/commute. Now I guess we wait to see what pilot group has lost an additional comrade.
Oh my friends.... what a thing to wake up to. Bill was up in the night reading JC and watching the news, he told me what happened when he came to bed.

That "sinking, sick" feeling, that was what I felt on 9/11 with those two AA flights. I'd hoped never to feel that again, and yet here it is....

No words can make it better for you Colganites this morning. Big hugs to all of you.
I guess it's fairly normal to feel the loss even if you didn't know the crew or work for the company. They're aircrew- they're family.


arrggggg. Listening to these people on the news is so irritating. I don't expect them to know technical aviation jargon and what not, but it is still very frustrating.:banghead:

CNN got Jim Tillman on the phone for some info. He's great. He was (I think) a UAL pilot and was a tv weatherman on his days off in Chicago.

A sad day for all...
RIP crew. Don't know many that fly for Colgan...just 1 or 2 from here.

When I first heard of the accident, for some reason in the instant that I heard it, thoughts of American Eagle 4184 came to mind. Probably due to a similar style of aircraft and similar WX conditions, although the phase of flight was different. Many here are probably too young to remember the 1994 accident of the ATR in Roselawn, IN, but thats what came to mind. Not saying there's any bearing one way or the other, just sharing the thought.

Too young to remember EGF4184?! I started at Eagle/Simmons not too long after that.... And yes, there are some eerie initial resemblances. We'll see what the investigation brings up. (RIP Orlando, Jeff, Sandy & the new girl.... I never knew them but heard much about them in my years at Eagle.)
Oh my friends.... what a thing to wake up to. Bill was up in the night reading JC and watching the news, he told me what happened when he came to bed.

That "sinking, sick" feeling, that was what I felt on 9/11 with those two AA flights. I'd hoped never to feel that again, and yet here it is....

No words can make it better for you Colganites this morning. Big hugs to all of you.

No kidding! As soon as I heard the news on the TV I ran towards the computer to fire the damn thing!

So relieved that our Colgan roomies are safe & sound:rawk:
Updated toll on CNN International says 50 confirmed dead. One commuting pilot was not on the mainfest. I'm not sure if it's been posted, apologies if it has.

From all of our pilots here in Moscow, our thoughts and prayers are with those on board and those families involved in this accident.

They released the name of the crew on ABC news about an hour ago. All I can remember is that the pilot had about 3,400TT, the co-pilot about 2,200TT (they mentioned these figures like 50 times in 3 minutes) and there was a senior flight attendant working the flight and another one was just onboard catching a lift home.

There were 49 people on board that died and 1 person on the ground that died.


I'll google around on ABC's site and see if I can find the list of names they showed on the screen.

Get ready, right or wrong, this crew is going to be compared to the 35 and 20 year careers of Sully and Skiles.
CNN just announced all 5 names, including the JSing pilot on his way home. He had been a js'er of mine a few weeks ago when I worked a BUF-EWR flight. I'd never met him before, but was a very nice young man. :(
As I said, I knew the 2 fas and the FO, as well.
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