Pinnacle Status?

Kellwolf, I hope you are right. The email from HR and "hiring freeze" from the company website doesn't seem very promising. By talking to a few folks, online and offline, 9E is now normally staffed due to the displacements. Unless, there is a good number of attrition, I doubt anything good is going to happen this year.

That's probably pretty accurate. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on who you're talking to) "normally" staffed for Pinnacle would be "short staffed" for most other airlines. If they're not having to cover open time with JMs or extensions, we're overstaffed.
I guess it's official about the CA displacements. Somehow I thought it was not going to happen. I was wrong like other times.
But rest assured they are already JA'ing. Not sure if you can blame it on the once yearly "Memphis snow storm" or what, but the complaining is alive and well on the company board. I think even kell got a call but will keep it vague so folks don't figure out who he is.....
I already got called today for a JM on my VACATION. They asked if I'd be "extremely generous" and pick up a high speed for them on my vacation. I told them to pound sand.

Ken, didn't they at one point say we're NFA on vacation, hence the reason our days off are pro-rated for the month? If we're NFA....why friggin call me? Might as well be calling guys on medical leave to JM them, too.

I appreciate trying to keep it vague, but I honestly don't care if people know my real name. It's not like I'm any less sarcastic in person than I am on the internet. :)
In that situation, please tell them its time to do some hiring. I can assure you that the new blood will be "extremely generous". Geez, if they are short its time to fix it.
In that situation, please tell them its time to do some hiring. I can assure you that the new blood will be "extremely generous". Geez, if they are short its time to fix it.

Oh, we can tell them all kinds of things. The problem is, they either don't listen or give us the "you don't have the big picture" line. Newsflash: they don't have the big picture either seeing as we never really know our block hours more than 30 days in advance.

I do know from talking to crew schedulers we've been mad short on FOs for a while now. We'll see what gaining 30 new FOs does. My bet: it'll just make us okay on FOs and short on CAs.
I already got called today for a JM on my VACATION. They asked if I'd be "extremely generous" and pick up a high speed for them on my vacation. I told them to pound sand.

When is the official date the 31 capts are getting displaced? Did you mention anything about that when they called to ask you?
The day was yesterday, they are displaced. For those interested in Pinnacle, there will be nothing in 2009. 2010 will be a different story but 2009 will be status quo the who year.
The day was yesterday, they are displaced. For those interested in Pinnacle, there will be nothing in 2009. 2010 will be a different story but 2009 will be status quo the who year.

JMing captains the first day the displacement went into effect. NICE!...simply the best
I already got called today for a JM on my VACATION. They asked if I'd be "extremely generous" and pick up a high speed for them on my vacation. I told them to pound sand.

Ken, didn't they at one point say we're NFA on vacation, hence the reason our days off are pro-rated for the month? If we're NFA....why friggin call me? Might as well be calling guys on medical leave to JM them, too.

I appreciate trying to keep it vague, but I honestly don't care if people know my real name. It's not like I'm any less sarcastic in person than I am on the internet. :)

It has been a point that you are NFA for assignment on vacation. That, however, does not preclude you for picking up a trip. For that reason they could not JA you, but instead ask you to pick it up as premium pay and claim it "helps both sides".
The day was yesterday, they are displaced. For those interested in Pinnacle, there will be nothing in 2009. 2010 will be a different story but 2009 will be status quo the who year.

Me and 100 others got the email about 2009. Which means even if they start hiring/classes, no will be ready to fly the line till March 2010. Thats one year from now. Damn!!!
It has been a point that you are NFA for assignment on vacation. That, however, does not preclude you for picking up a trip. For that reason they could not JA you, but instead ask you to pick it up as premium pay and claim it "helps both sides".

"Help both sides." RIIIIIGHT. Sorry, as long as those 30 guys are still FOs, I'm not "helping" anywhere. Even if scheduling DID repay you whenever they play the "you'll really be doing us a favor" BS. What they really mean is "I'm friggin desperate to get this covered, but don't expect anything in return."

Saying anything about JMing with displaced CAs to scheduling is just preaching to the choir. They were just as taken aback by the displacements as we were.

And I'm re-evaluating things looking at my pay report for March. As of Sat night, I'll already be at 15 hours b/c of vacation. The odds of them flying me 60 hours over the course of the 8th-31st (with only 8 days off in there)? Signs point to "yes."

We already had RSV CAs in MSP last month breaking guarantee.
Kell, you are right- just stating the facts as an FO who evidently is "clueless" although people keep asking me "where is my retirement money".

As if I had the $24M in my back pocket... O living the dream...
Kell, you are right- just stating the facts as an FO who evidently is "clueless" although people keep asking me "where is my retirement money".

As if I had the $24M in my back pocket... O living the dream...

Heh. The thankless job of being an ALPA volunteer. I appreciate ya, man. I know you've been busting your butt on this 401k transfer BS.

Don't suppose you've got any trips in March missing a CA? I could call scheduling to bug them by trying to get on it.
Nope. All 3 of my trips are covered. We do need to fly together some time- start being a lineholder! :rolleyes:

HAHAHAHA! I'd punch my mom for a high speed line. I'm only about 20 people away from holding one. Short of someone going postal with an AK-47 and taking out most of the seniority list, it's gonna be a while. :)