PHX doctor arrested for pointing rifle at KPHX terminal

Well, if you love your rights, respect them. And denigrate those that abuse them instead of indifferently shrugging and saying "oh well…"

But then, the people that don't respect the relationship between rights AND responsibilities will always reach a critical mass and wreck it for everyone else. Or naturally select themselves out like the people don't understand that they're acting like twelve year olds.

Precisely. No different than Amendment 1. Are media outlets protected? Absolutely. Should a major news outlet have the right to misreport and, in some cases, outright lie to their audience? Absolutely not!
And that time is of you're a police officer.

I don't understand the appeal of open carry unless you have a really small penis. All it will do is make sure you get shot first. I'd rather nobody know im carrying. It would allow me to choose when it is time to intervene in a conflict vs becoming the target.

Glad other people feel the same. I do not understand the fascination with strapping a weapon to your exterior. When I carry, I make sure that the only person who knows I have a gun on me, is me. It's nobody's business to know that I'm carrying. I don't want the negative attention, and I don't want to be a target.

I like guns, but man do I hate (extremist) gun people.

I'm afraid if a person is open-carrying a rifle, in an airport, simply because he can, that person needs deep psychological therapy and probably has a number of inadequacy issues that need addressing.

Agree. I just don't understand the mindset of these people. I've seen guys open carry with gun on one hip, and mags on the other. There's just something not right there. Like one poster said, we don't live in a 3rd world country here. If you want a gun to carry for protection (which I do, concealed), go for it! But when you put it on display there has to be something else going on in your mind, other than 'I need it for protection.'
Again, its real easy to say childish things and paint with a broad brush. I guess I must be some evil person, having OC'd a rifle before.

Not evil, just scared.

Carrying a rifle into an airport, as it was done in this context, is not done out of necessity but rather as an effort to make a symbolic gesture. "I have a gun - not only do I have a gun, but a gun I'm going to make sure you see so you know I'm powerful. Look at me - I have power over you!" That's what these OC demonstrations are.

Carrying a rifle while telling your crackhead tenants they've being evicted? Yeah, there's a reason for that. Carrying a rifle into a place that already has men paid to walk around with rifles? Now you're just being an asshat.
Because legal and smart aren't the same. He has the right to carry that weapon there. Is it smart, no, but legal. Don't like it, vote. One of the many reasons I can't wait to get back to AZ is the way people don't go crazy asking to ban guns for no reason, like many other states.

Is the guy smart, no. Is what he did legal, it appears so.

Guy standing next to a pool filming people's kids is legal too. Doesn't mean he doesn't deserve to have his ass beat. Same goes with the Westboro protests.
No constitutional rights are absolute, despite what second'ers and tenth'ers think.

And first'ers. Indeed, this is the Second Amendment version of "shouting 'FIRE' in a crowded theater".

I know the headline says "Doctor", and the text says neuroscientist. Is he actually an MD or PhD? The employer's statement just calls him a researcher.

EDIT: read the updated article. He's a "doctor"- I'd assume PhD. :eek:
How come most weird stuff happens in Arizona and Florida?

Oh Ya and nothing goofy EVER comes out of California ........................... now where did I leave my assault GHOST GUN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:))))
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Oh Ya and nothing goofy EVER comes out of California ........................... now where do I leave my assault GHOST GUN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:))))

Nothing that looks goofy to me?

Gotta run, I've got a roller disco lesson scheduled!

How come most weird stuff happens in Arizona and Florida?

I know, I know. There's a certain element of strange people that are attracted to warm and sunshine. California gets the wealthy nut bags that can afford the $900,000 starter home while Florida and Arizona just get the "value-seeking" nut bags escaping the northeast.
I should have said old ass white people with money. Old ass white people without money are too busy trying to feed and medicate themselves to care about carrying a rifle into a Chipotle.

Instead they spend their time calling customer service nitpicking a $0.04 increase in taxes.

Geez....easy on the stereotyping. Sure the target is "acceptable" when the word white is used, but substitute any other color-of-skin description other than white, and the R-card will instantly get played.
Shawarma is something that should be more popular in the US than it is. But because it's made by scary brown people I doubt it will ever see widespread availability. :-(

Its popular in a number of places, but just has kind of a niche following. I don't know if its so much scary brown people, as it is just not marketed well. Since shawarma is made at any number of Medeterranean as well as middle eastern restaurants/markets.