PHX doctor arrested for pointing rifle at KPHX terminal

Again, its real easy to say childish things and paint with a broad brush. I guess I must be some evil person, having OC'd a rifle before.

I'm afraid if a person is open-carrying a rifle, in an airport, simply because he can, that person needs deep psychological therapy and probably has a number of inadequacy issues that need addressing.
I'm afraid if a person is open-carrying a rifle, in an airport, simply because he can, that person needs deep psychological therapy and probably has a number of inadequacy issues that need addressing.

Absolutely, but the anti-gun crowd won't say that, they say things like, if you OC at all, you have a small dick. They make wide, sweeping statements which make themselves look like fools.
Absolutely, but the anti-gun crowd won't say that, they say things like, if you OC at all, you have a small dick. They make wide, sweeping statements which make themselves look like fools.


But what does the above have to do with the lunacy of carrying around an AR-15 into Phoenix Sky Harbor?

You protect your constitutional rights by exercising responsible behavior and trying to see this event as anything other than idiotic is like trying to untie a Gordian Knot.
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But what doesn't the above have to do with the lunacy of carrying around an AR-15 into Phoenix Sky Harbor?

You protect your constitutional rights by exercising responsible behavior and trying to see this event as anything other than idiotic is like trying to untie a Gordian Knot.


But what doesn't the above have to do with the lunacy of carrying around an AR-15 into Phoenix Sky Harbor?

You protect your constitutional rights by exercising responsible behavior and trying to see this event as anything other than idiotic is like trying to untie a Gordian Knot.

Because legal and smart aren't the same. He has the right to carry that weapon there. Is it smart, no, but legal. Don't like it, vote. One of the many reasons I can't wait to get back to AZ is the way people don't go crazy asking to ban guns for no reason, like many other states.

Is the guy smart, no. Is what he did legal, it appears so.
Because legal and smart aren't the same. He has the right to carry that weapon there. Is it smart, no, but legal. Don't like it, vote. One of the many reasons I can't wait to get back to AZ is the way people don't go crazy asking to ban guns for no reason, like many other states.

Is the guy smart, no. Is what he did legal, it appears so.

I'm not very good with legal things, but I can think of a few basic common law principles this guy likely violated off the top of my head
So then, if what he did was, in fact, illegal, has he not been charged with a crime?

That's up to the prosecutors office and maybe a grand jury. It's not exactly uncommon for prosecutors or grand jury's alike to not bring an indictment even when a crime has been committed.

Mind blowing I know, but it's not an exact science.
You can be legal to do certain things, but be in violation of other ordinances.

I have the constitutionally protected right to demonstrate, but if I decide to throw a demonstration and it's in violation of what the judicial system seems as disorderly conduct, ehh, I might be going to jail.

Do I have that right? Absolutely. Is it absolute? Absolutely not. See what I did there? :)
You can be legal to do certain things, but be in violation of other ordinances.

I have the constitutionally protected right to demonstrate, but if I decide to throw a demonstration and it's in violation of what the judicial system seems as disorderly conduct, ehh, I might be going to jail.

Do I have that right? Absolutely. Is it absolute? Absolutely not. See what I did there? :)
Quit using logic. It makes it tougher to argue against your point!
Quit using logic. It makes it tougher to argue against your point!

Well, if you love your rights, respect them. And denigrate those that abuse them instead of indifferently shrugging and saying "oh well…"

But then, the people that don't respect the relationship between rights AND responsibilities will always reach a critical mass and wreck it for everyone else. Or naturally select themselves out like the people don't understand that they're acting like twelve year olds.