Man Dragged off United Flight

The part that gets me is on the video, everyone is aghast about the scenario, but none of the "OMG crowd" with their camera phones said, "This is gone too far, here, take my seat instead".

It could have been handled a lot differently, but it's kind of like someone filming a car accident and instead of affecting change, they're basically electronically rubbernecking.

Bet there was a mad rush to get the newly vacated overhead bin space........ "I saw it first!"
Well I just saw the pic. Didn't watch the vid. Hard to tell. So, scratch that.

I've had experience with denying people on airplanes. Sometimes they take personal offense. I can't say I blame them even though I know it's not true. It looks pretty bad from a public perspective.
The part that gets me is on the video, everyone is aghast about the scenario, but none of the "OMG crowd" with their camera phones said, "This is gone too far, here, take my seat instead".

It could have been handled a lot differently, but it's kind of like someone filming a car accident and instead of affecting change, they're basically electronically rubbernecking.
But if they get enough YouTube hits it might launch their new career as a social media content creator!
First of all, yes it was a pretty crappy situation. But a few things...he refused to give up his seat, but if it was that urgent that he fly, another passenger witnessing this could have offered to give up their seat just to be a decent human being. Not following police orders seems really foolish and he is lucky he wasn't driving a car because that doesn't always end so well. The pure stupidity by that passenger is crazy, but yeah, lets post it all over social media because the peanut gallery that never reads the terms of their ticket feels that if they throw a temper tantrum, suddenly they will get their way. In order to be profitable, overselling is done all the time in the travel industry. The person that seemed to profit the most at least to travel just about anywhere DL flies is that travel writer. $11,000 in travel vouchers? Yes, please! I thought I did well giving up my paid seat once for a $700 voucher to get moved to the next flight that arrived 25 minutes after my original flight once. Guess not!
First of all, yes it was a pretty crappy situation. But a few things...he refused to give up his seat, but if it was that urgent that he fly, another passenger witnessing this could have offered to give up their seat just to be a decent human being. Not following police orders seems really foolish and he is lucky he wasn't driving a car because that doesn't always end so well. The pure stupidity by that passenger is crazy, but yeah, lets post it all over social media because the peanut gallery that never reads the terms of their ticket feels that if they throw a temper tantrum, suddenly they will get their way. In order to be profitable, overselling is done all the time in the travel industry. The person that seemed to profit the most at least to travel just about anywhere DL flies is that travel writer. $11,000 in travel vouchers? Yes, please! I thought I did well giving up my paid seat once for a $700 voucher to get moved to the next flight that arrived 25 minutes after my original flight once. Guess not!

To me, this entire incident is on the airline, contract of carriage be damned. Sure the airline has it in their language that they can do things like this, but just because you can, does by no means mean you should.

That man paid for a ticket and was seated on the airplane. Forcibly removing a paying customer from the airplane after boarding because "oopsie, we forgot about these four employees" is both bad planning and bad customer service. If he didn't want the voucher, either up the ante or move on. Eventually someone will take it, but paying passengers shouldn't be the ones to suffer because of your company's screw ups.