Line Guys


I tried to get a job at Atlantic KFTW.

I passed the piss test, passed the background check, and then a homeboy with experience walked in and stole mah job.

Oh well.

first thread woot!
It happens, I went to a larger FBO and I am now pending because I'm not 18....might do something over the summer there or another FBO.

(Thanks for thinking of the line service techs Doug!)
Phazar will probably hire you. Also, Harrison at GKY will take you with no experience.

I tried there too. They called me in to interview twice, showed me around, said we like ya, you look like what we're wanting, I'll call ya tomorrow.

No call. I call a few days later. They take message. Rinse and repeat.


I really want to work at Texas Jet but their insurance requires 6 months exp.

No matter. I make better money than what phazar wanted to start me.