I'm looking for feedback here. Poke holes in my plan.
I'm banking on a Seattle base. Assuming things continue the way they are and I can hold SEA out of initial training, I'm going to need to move cross country Atlanta GA to WA. My options are to:
(A) Take advantage now of the time before CTP and initial training to rent a truck and trailer, tow my car and haul my motorcycle and belongings to a storage unit in Seattle. $800 for the truck and $500 for gas. 38 hours of driving over 3 days. Then leave them there and fly home. I wouldn't have a car during training - given they have company paid hotel I'm thinking it's that MSP Marriott and there would be a daily shuttle.
Advantage is that I wouldn't have to squeeze in that long drive after training. Get it over with now. Disadvantage is that if something went terribly wrong in training or whatever and I didn't get the job then I wasted time and money. Don't want to count chickens before the hatch type deal. NO reason to think I would wash out but don't want to get cocky.
(B) Wait to move, put all my stuff in a storage unit here in ATL, then find a week down the road after I have successfully completed training but before I'm out on the line, throw belongings in a truck and move once I have the Seattle base for sure.