I make mistakes, and am corrected (more often then I'd like to admit) and I correct the same mistakes the dude(tte) sitting 3' to my left makes . This is the cornerstone of CRM.
You are correct, taking the controls is not an absolute answer. There is a time, and a place to to allow mistakes to manifest and learn from them.
However, should those "mistakes" lead to an unstable approach and a go-around is called/
commanded (where it could have been prevented like Jtrain alluded too), you have failed as a Captain, and as a mentor.
In a 121 environment, and further in LAX where a lot of this discussion is taking place, is not the place to let this sort of "teaching" to take place. Like I said, if you are worth your 4th gold or silver bar, discuss the issue at the gate, where the moving parts aren't moving.