I have heard this is good, however, I've yet to tryThe burrito from the food truck in 4 at LAX is the only burrito we should all be concerned about.
The burrito from the food truck in 4 at LAX is the only burrito we should all be concerned about.
pretty clear from what he said bro....food truck....terminal 4.....Where?
pretty clear from what he said bro....food truck....terminal 4.....![]()
you obviously haven't seen it. it's built to look like a truck. It has wheels and everythingYou can't have a truck inside the terminal, that's just called a shack.
you obviously haven't seen it. it's built to look like a truck. It has wheels and everything
Wheely, we are resorting to face jokes? Wheely?Your face has wheels and everything.
The burrito from the food truck in 4 at LAX is the only burrito we should all be concerned about.
I have heard this is good, however, I've yet to try
You mean in AUS... But those gas station tacos BRAH.
El burrito Jr. is a good burrito. If you're a fan of breakfast burritos go try Brothers in Hermosa.Overrated. Best burrito is 15 minutes south of LAX, El Burrito Jr.
Best Mexican food is the Honduran trailer lady next to the hotel in AUS; but don't call it Mexican food in front of your Spanish FA's.
The FAI stuff looks painful.
avoiding like the plague
will that FAI stuff pay 4 hours extra?
We're starting daily service LAX-FAI. It's a red-eye turn with the same crew and a DH at the end. Worst of all, no crew meals (as it's during the night) and we have to wear the hat the entire flight.Explain.
Did you have an un-shaven guy dressed like a bum from SafetyTM talk to you?I just realized I should have used the pick up line, "hello, I'm from the Internet." today.
We're starting daily service LAX-FAI. It's a red-eye turn with the same crew and a DH at the end. Worst of all, no crew meals (as it's during the night) and we have to wear the hat the entire flight.