Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Hey. Just about to head back to the US, wanted to post a few pictures from Malaysia! This was my second trip to Malaysia and I just love the people and hospitality. Kuala Lumpur is a truely fun and interesting city; so many old, run down buildings practically overlapping the new and modern... the ultimate of which are the Petronas Towers:

City just coming into view after about 40min from the airport. Taxi price? 17 usd.

Night market that got rained out. Great excuse for some (CHEAP) Tiger beer and photos!

Chinese New Year celebrations in the mall between the Petronas Towers.

Night market again. Just liked the guy trying to put up the umbrellas. The waiters were QUICK to save the table cloths when the rain started.

One of the two Petronas towers. They were the tallest buildings in the world when built, now they are the tallest twin towers in the world... after being surpassed by the Taipei 101, and soon the Burj Dubai.

One more of the night market.

I have tons of shots from the trip; will probably post some more later! Flight bennies got me to Singapore, from there Air Asia is extremely inexpensive, as is most of Malaysia.
Thanks for the pics.

After a couple of lengthy layovers at Changi airport this past summer, we have added Singapore to our "go to" list... we'll include Kuala Lumpur as well.