Job Fairs?

That group exists already. It's called the "Aviation Industry." Scroll up to where several people have said they've flown with people who make unsolicited racially charged comments.
HaHaHa.....did you write this one? Sooo funny. So you're stating that these people should have waited to be asked before making "racially charged comments?" You had a very snappy response but it is hardly an inteligent or applicable response to my post. You received some "likes" from your buddies but they, along with you, miss the point.

I'm pretty sure you do NOT see the "Aviation Industry" (as you put it) wearing badge necklaces that tout "White Straight Male Pilot Association". Nor do you see this group having dedicated conferences. Nor do you see the Aviation Community dealing out isolated recongnition. Etc.........
That group exists already. It's called the "Aviation Industry." Scroll up to where several people have said they've flown with people who make unsolicited racially charged comments.

I'm guessing this is the only industry you've ever worked in?
HaHaHa.....did you write this one? Sooo funny. So you're stating that these people should have waited to be asked before making "racially charged comments?" You had a very snappy response but it is hardly an inteligent or applicable response to my post. You received some "likes" from your buddies but they, along with you, miss the point.

I'm pretty sure you do NOT see the "Aviation Industry" (as you put it) wearing badge necklaces that tout "White Straight Male Pilot Association". Nor do you see this group having dedicated conferences. Nor do you see the Aviation Community dealing out isolated recongnition. Etc.........

Why so sensitive? Read a dictionary.

I would also encourage you to make an argument for your case, rather than attempt to argue mine.
What else? Because it isn't exclusive to aviation. I've been in a few, and one was for almost ten years. Aviation is very mild.
My comment was more towards the overwhelming percentage of straight white males.

I was an IT professional before aviation. Pretty similar demographics (at least back then).
What else? Because it isn't exclusive to aviation. I've been in a few, and one was for almost ten years. Aviation is very mild.

It certainly isn’t like that in my industry. That’s the difference when an industry is diverse and not dominated by old, white, conservative, men.
My comment was more towards the overwhelming percentage of straight white males.

I was an IT professional before aviation. Pretty similar demographics (at least back then).

When you get any gender/race together in large numbers, that problem exists.
Even after me ranting when I had darker, less grey hair and a lot more of it back in the 1990's, people haven't cracked the code on "networking".

Want to be a pilot? Go where the pilots are, shake hands, make new friends. Magic.

Or the bar after the event is finished... lots of recruiters hang out there!
Can only imagine how quickly THIS group would be labeled as haters, racist, white supremacists, or Nazis......

HaHaHa.....did you write this one? Sooo funny. So you're stating that these people should have waited to be asked before making "racially charged comments?" You had a very snappy response but it is hardly an inteligent or applicable response to my post. You received some "likes" from your buddies but they, along with you, miss the point.

I'm pretty sure you do NOT see the "Aviation Industry" (as you put it) wearing badge necklaces that tout "White Straight Male Pilot Association". Nor do you see this group having dedicated conferences. Nor do you see the Aviation Community dealing out isolated recongnition. Etc.........

Some quick things of note. At our core, humans are social creatures. More especially when disenfranchised. This social behavior is hardwired into our brains, because it is a necessary survival mechanism of our early ancestors.

This process might also account for prejudice and racism also being hardwired into our brains as well. Example: A group of Gray Gorillas aren't going to trust a group of similar Brown gorillas. Because they're Brown, and belong to a different societal grouping. It's a fear and territorial response by the Gorillas, that is necessary for both the fight for resources and survival. Making it necessary to fear anything not understood and different than your own. As in the case of the two groups Gorillas, they're rivals for both territory and food. Again, scientist have concluded that these same leanings are the possible origin of racism and segregation attitudes in humans.

Example: At work we recently had a pt a young black girl, that was admitted for suicide. She was from Mississippi. There were no job opportunities for the family in MS. So, the family moved here to AZ. The middle school aged girl didn't acclimate well to her new surroundings because she didn't see more people that looked like her. Which cause depression and an intense fear response within her, being the only black person in a pretty much all-white upper-middle-class suburb. Unable to adapt and cope, with the new socio-economic and cultural change, not seeing or being surrounded by black faces all the time, as she had been back home in MS. She tried to kill herself, unfortunately.

Second things second, as Imagine Dragons, is so annoyingly fond of saying. As a social species, we tend to band together, especially disenfranchised groups that legitimately or irrationally feel marginalized by a larger more powerful majority or supergroup. In the example above the middle school aged black girl sought shelter in the familiar. Unable to either join or form a social group made of similar looking and cultural peers, providing her the perceived feeling of familiarity, safety, and security she, unfortunately, chose to end her life. Racism like segregation falls back to our more primal instincts, and the belief that there is power, and safety and security together, with those that look like us, think like us, act like us than remain all alone. Hense why minority and sexual and gender-based organizations like the NAACP, WAI, NPGA, OBAP et al. were created in the first place.

So, the question then anthropologically and psychologically becomes, if you're a member of the majority, and hold all the cards and power in the ecosystem. Why would you need to herd off into your own safety/security/protectionist/shelter group similar to a minority safety/shelter/protectionist/security group? When you're not being disenfranchised, but members (but not all) of your race are the ones, in fact, disenfranchising racial, sexual, gender and disabled groups. Keep in mind, that if the majority, hadn't disenfranchised, then none of these groups would have ever needed to have been formed. Put another way. Small birds when flying are always looking up, for fear that predators large raptors such as Falcons and Eagles, will swoop down upon them from a greater altitude and using the sun as cover. But large raptors, when flying in lower altitudes, never look up. Why, because they're the apex predators and have nothing to fear, having no natural airborne predators. Some would also equate that example to privilege. So as a White, heterosexual, Christian male, if you never have to "look up" into the skies above you, for fear of aerial predators, swooping down upon you and using the sun as a cover? Would there ever really be a need to form a protectionist group of your own? Or even a White Entertainment channel?

Unless... and we go back to the Gorilla analogy. And there is now an irrational or maybe even a legitimate fear amongst the Brown Gorillas, that now the Gray apes, are getting too powerful in their own right, and have become a serious threat to the Brown's survival and ability to hunt, reproduce and maintain control over their lands. Which then endangers their current and future populations ability to maintain their current levels of dominance. Because the Brown Gorilla really fears what all those in power fear. Losing power, which in this case translate to losing territory and resources necessary for the survival and continuation of the Brown Gorillas way of life. As well as making the Brown's more susceptible now to forced migration to seek out new lands, predation and or extinction at the hands of the now larger and more powerful Gray apes, who were once the smaller, weaker species. But now are the ruling class.

As a side note, anthropology and psychology are both very fascinating subjects.
Seems reasonable to me. White, heterosexual, Christian males have been targeted and are targeted regularly. Gay activists have sought out florists and bakers in the appropriate judicial district in order to destroy their businesses and lives if at all possible. If you recall, in our most recent presidential election, the Democrat party candidate promoted the idea that men be considered guilty whenever accused of rape regardless of a fair trail. If a white male happens to be conservative then they may belong to a group that was targeted by the IRS.

I would even go a step further and say a lot of white, Christian, straight males who felt increasingly threatened by this type of thing gravitated toward the persona of Trump. I don't think that was a smart solution, but from the outside looking in I somewhat understand.

I'm thankful that I have mostly flown with smart and level-headed CAs at my company. Sure, some are opinionated, but there is room for opinions to be held and expressed in a reasonable way. Flying with someone who constantly throws the "n-word" around sounds terrible. :oops: I would at very least ask that CA to clean up the language or ask to not be paired together any more.
Seems reasonable to me. White, heterosexual, Christian males have been targeted and are targeted regularly. Gay activists have sought out florists and bakers in the appropriate judicial district in order to destroy their businesses and lives if at all possible. If you recall, in our most recent presidential election, the Democrat party candidate promoted the idea that men be considered guilty whenever accused of rape regardless of a fair trail. If a white male happens to be conservative then they may belong to a group that was targeted by the IRS.

I would even go a step further and say a lot of white, Christian, straight males who felt increasingly threatened by this type of thing gravitated toward the persona of Trump. I don't think that was a smart solution, but from the outside looking in I somewhat understand.

I'm thankful that I have mostly flown with smart and level-headed CAs at my company. Sure, some are opinionated, but there is room for opinions to be held and expressed in a reasonable way. Flying with someone who constantly throws the "n-word" around sounds terrible. :oops: I would at very least ask that CA to clean up the language or ask to not be paired together any more.

Hey @Derg, like you were saying.
Seems reasonable to me. White, heterosexual, Christian males have been targeted and are targeted regularly. Gay activists have sought out florists and bakers in the appropriate judicial district in order to destroy their businesses and lives if at all possible. If you recall, in our most recent presidential election, the Democrat party candidate promoted the idea that men be considered guilty whenever accused of rape regardless of a fair trail. If a white male happens to be conservative then they may belong to a group that was targeted by the IRS.

I would even go a step further and say a lot of white, Christian, straight males who felt increasingly threatened by this type of thing gravitated toward the persona of Trump. I don't think that was a smart solution, but from the outside looking in I somewhat understand.

I'm thankful that I have mostly flown with smart and level-headed CAs at my company. Sure, some are opinionated, but there is room for opinions to be held and expressed in a reasonable way. Flying with someone who constantly throws the "n-word" around sounds terrible. :oops: I would at very least ask that CA to clean up the language or ask to not be paired together any more.

I really hope you're kidding.
Seems reasonable to me. White, heterosexual, Christian males have been targeted and are targeted regularly. Gay activists have sought out florists and bakers in the appropriate judicial district in order to destroy their businesses and lives if at all possible. If you recall, in our most recent presidential election, the Democrat party candidate promoted the idea that men be considered guilty whenever accused of rape regardless of a fair trail. If a white male happens to be conservative then they may belong to a group that was targeted by the IRS.

I would even go a step further and say a lot of white, Christian, straight males who felt increasingly threatened by this type of thing gravitated toward the persona of Trump. I don't think that was a smart solution, but from the outside looking in I somewhat understand.

I'm thankful that I have mostly flown with smart and level-headed CAs at my company. Sure, some are opinionated, but there is room for opinions to be held and expressed in a reasonable way. Flying with someone who constantly throws the "n-word" around sounds terrible. :oops: I would at very least ask that CA to clean up the language or ask to not be paired together any more.

If you fly with someone casually using the "N" word/misogyny/homophobic language shoot me a text or PM, it'd be great to save HR the bother up the food chain because I'll pursue the crap out of it.
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