Job Fairs?

That's pretty much how the world works.

You see a couple at the movies, they're probably both there to watch a movie, or one is just going along in order to get laid later or they both are, I don't know, technically hiding out from pursuing police, but they're all welcome to buy a bucket of popcorn and enjoy the film.

I don't think "bitter" is a winning career strategy.

Who said I'm bitter? I look at it like if you aren't a member, you're just using them. You either support their cause, or you don't.

"Hey Derg, I listed you as a reference on my application, without asking first. That's okay, right?" You don't have to see it that way, but that's how I do.

I haven't seen execution like this in years.

A great strategy for any of these events would be to volunteer in the morning (or afternoon) at the event, using the other half of the day do visit recruiters.

"Wait weren't you dressed in a volunteer shirt a few hours ago?" (Impressed) "let's get you in the yes-stack."

Paying it forward, networking, supporting the cause, helping your own career- all in one day.
A great strategy for any of these events would be to volunteer in the morning (or afternoon) at the event, using the other half of the day do visit recruiters.

"Wait weren't you dressed in a volunteer shirt a few hours ago?" (Impressed) "let's get you in the yes-stack."

Paying it forward, networking, supporting the cause, helping your own career- all in one day.

Even after me ranting when I had darker, less grey hair and a lot more of it back in the 1990's, people haven't cracked the code on "networking".

Want to be a pilot? Go where the pilots are, shake hands, make new friends. Magic.
A great strategy for any of these events would be to volunteer in the morning (or afternoon) at the event, using the other half of the day do visit recruiters.

"Wait weren't you dressed in a volunteer shirt a few hours ago?" (Impressed) "let's get you in the yes-stack."

Paying it forward, networking, supporting the cause, helping your own career- all in one day.

See, now that's something I could get behind.
For those actively looking for jobs, those recommending job fairs = those who got an interview as a result of one. What a surprise.

I know many a pilots who have great resumes, good volunteer experience, flight ops volunteer group work (LOSA, etc), clean backgrounds, and they can't get an interview even after doing the job fair thing. They've wasted thousands over the course of several years now between membership/job fair costs, hotels, taxis, and meals. About the only job fair I'd recommend is one that's free - like how Delta is doing it now. If other legacies follow suit then it is worth it, otherwise save your money.
I would like to see stats that show recurring sign ups after someone gets hired at their mainline job. How many guys will continue to "support" Women aviation, Gay pilots, etc. afterward? Yeah I'm being rhetorical I doubt very many will.

I think it's great those places exist as, at least at my carrier, most of the old white conservative pilots (95% of the group in my master base) have zero qualms about preaching about the Lord and how being gay is a sin (I must look gay and atheist). Literally since coming to this base every single CA I've flown with has actually used the phrase "the problem with the blacks" in some way or another randomly in the middle of conversation. No, I'm not joking I'm being 100% serious.

I shudder to think the "homogenous" group that would exist at this place in ten years if senior pilots controlled who was hired.

It's uncomfortable for me because I'm pretty new on this side of the house and don't want to make waves but some of my friends are gay and black, so it kind of pisses me off. I know one day I'm just gonna explode and go postal on them, I feel it coming on. It's funny because as they are ranting I would much rather hang out with the gay black FAs than them on overnights, they are a lot of fun to be around.
Dude I had a CA straight up tell me he was moved to a certain city in eastern PA because it had less black people.

Some people are just racist, or no filter, or [i have no clue]. I'm not black but I'm not white either so I'm not sure why anyone would share a statement like that with me. Can't people just keep their racism to themselves? And yes, I'm also had a guy start with "the problem with....." and it ended up being a pretty racist statement. Seriously, WTF
I saw the direction this thread was headed, which is why I deleted my posts....let's just pretend I never got involved.
I saw the direction this thread was headed, which is why I deleted my posts....let's just pretend I never got involved.
My only intention was to give some ideas that worked for myself and others in terms of resume/self marketing. I hope my comments didn't turn you away. Glad to have you back now, though.
I would like to see stats that show recurring sign ups after someone gets hired at their mainline job. How many guys will continue to "support" Women aviation, Gay pilots, etc. afterward? Yeah I'm being rhetorical I doubt very many will.

I think it's great those places exist as, at least at my carrier, most of the old white conservative pilots (95% of the group in my master base) have zero qualms about preaching about the Lord and how being gay is a sin (I must look gay and atheist). Literally since coming to this base every single CA I've flown with has actually used the phrase "the problem with the blacks" in some way or another randomly in the middle of conversation. No, I'm not joking I'm being 100% serious.

I shudder to think the "homogenous" group that would exist at this place in ten years if senior pilots controlled who was hired.

It's uncomfortable for me because I'm pretty new on this side of the house and don't want to make waves but some of my friends are gay and black, so it kind of pisses me off. I know one day I'm just gonna explode and go postal on them, I feel it coming on. It's funny because as they are ranting I would much rather hang out with the gay black FAs than them on overnights, they are a lot of fun to be around.

One of my first trips back on the line after three years of full time union leave, I was flying with this crazy old tea party guy. We got pushed back by a black tug driver who did something the captain didn’t like, so out came the first n-word. I ignored that one. Then he decided to spend cruise giving a long dissertation on how the 3/5 compromise was the most wonderful thing ever. At the end of this, I started arguing with him after basically saying nothing for his tirade. That’s when he got mad and the n-words started flying like crazy. One after another. But he thought it was okay because he was doing the old “there are black people, and then there are n——s” schtick. After the twentieth or so n-word, I had enough and said “look, you can either stop using that word, or we’re going to go have a talk with Floy (the CP) when we land in Atlanta; what’s it gonna be?” He decided he’d rather go on a tirade about socialized medicine at that point. :rolleyes:

I wish it was an isolated event.