Interpolating EMB-500 performance data


Well-Known Member
Now that APG has changed their ATLAS product to not include V1/Vr/V2 speeds, and I don't have access to OPERA, I'm back to POH data solely which is quite limiting especially hot and high. I'm struggling to remember if Embraer has said interpolating performance values is a no no and to round up to the highest conditions value to get numbers.

I'll be in recurrent end of the month so I'll refresh my memory then, but was wondering if anyone here knew the answer. Thanks!
There is nothing in any manual or document from Embraer that says you cannot interpolate data. There are still instructors who will claim you can't due to a recommendation from Embraer you use caution on contaminated runways and take the more conservative data. A valid point, but not binding.

IF someone says you can't, ask them to show you where it says that. I hate to put people on the spot but it's one of the most pervasive things around here and a few IPs in particular cause most of it. If you have any issues feel free to PM me and I'll take care of it. Cashing checks and snapping necks is what I do.

Edit to add: your company may have more restrictive policies or procedures, etc.
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