I'm stunned!


New Member
I\'m stunned!

*wiping the tears from my eyes*

Did anybody happy to catch that disappointment on Fox this evening? I simply could not bear to watch any longer. I feel so sorry for those Cubs fan in Chicago, and around the world including myself, we almost had it, right in our hands on a silver platter, but two ludacris plays through it away. Prior and the Cubs played such a good game... all to loose in an aweful fashion.

Well, you guys get one more shot, you better play your hearts out. We Cubs fans will always be standing by your side. Good luck tomorrow guys!

Just wanted to post that, see how many of you watched the game, any comments?
Re: I\'m stunned!

It's the Cubs, man. What did you expect?

Seriously, that implosion was horrible.
Re: I\'m stunned!

It wasn't as much the cubs as it was that (expletive deleted) fan that grabbed the OUT.

Re: I\'m stunned!


I feel bad for that guy that Fox kept zooming in on...

Well, there's always tomorrow!

Go Cubs!

Re: I\'m stunned!

It wasn't as much the cubs as it was that (expletive deleted) fan that grabbed the OUT.


[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, that was pretty bad, but the Cubs didn't help by making errors.

I am hoping that the Cubs make it because I don't think the Sox are going to. I really want a Cubs/Sox World Series but I'll settle for one.

If the Cubs do make it to the Series, I think that they can take the Yanks. Why? Prior and Wood, my friends, Prior and Wood. Remind you of a certain pair of pitchers that hail from your neck of the woods, Doug?
Re: I\'m stunned!

Gosh, no kidding, I was so pissed, I even forgot about that idiot. AHHH! If he would have just gotten out of the way! Somebody throw him off a cliff.

But yea, they played such a sweet game, everything went perfect until Juan hit that double, and then Prior almost had Castillo, and then it was that moment... the moment that will never we forgotten! So yea, Cubs had a hell of a game until the 8th. Oh well such is life, always tomorrow eh... Go Wood!

Haha, go to Yahoo Sports, or ESPN, or any other site like that, he's all over it. I wouldn't be surprised if this guy just magically disappeared.
Re: I\'m stunned!

That fan even ruined the game of "Golden Tee 2004" that I was playing when he botched the outfielder.
Re: I\'m stunned!

...not as bad as me. Have to by a new remote now, the other one which almost WENT through the TV is in a million pieces on the ground.
Re: I\'m stunned!

Yeah, that sucks. Was watching when the score was 3-0, turned it back, and it was tied, turned it back to movie, then turned it back to see it go to 4-3. Turned it back to movie and then turned it back to game to see it 8-3. Man that sucks. I would love to see the cubs in the Series. I really don't like the Yanks. I think they will beat Boston, so lets go Cubs. Kinda reminds me of the Marlins and Indians Series. The marlins won't die for some reason. Who thought two 900 foot high bouncers off of home plate would win the world series. Geesh that sucked.
Re: I\'m stunned!

I can't believe they lost.
One of my friends sent this to me a few minutes ago:
Re: I\'m stunned!

I had to 'amend' the link.

I wholeheartedly agree, but the advertisers and I don't like the "F Bomb" dropped like that!
Re: I\'m stunned!

Tell ya what, lemme crank up photoshop and make it 'dougie friendly."
Re: I\'m stunned!

EARMUFFS!!!!! ..... (c, b, d, f, sh, .........)

dude...i'm from chicago... the cubbies have been my team since forever.... i hate seeing them lose like that, but its okay.... cause Wood is on the mound tomorrow night and thats all it's going to take....

the curse is over now....
Re: I\'m stunned!

I just want to see a 'battles of the soxes'. Primarily because the world series will have some historical significance rather than a big bore fest.

Besides, who won LAST year?
2001's easy for anyone with a pulse living in the AZ, but beyond that...
Re: I\'m stunned!

Did anyone else notice that security was immediately surrounding him keeping everyone outside a five foot radius?